Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

The earth is a swirl


The earth is a swirl. 

Cinderella.  What a curious name Cinderella, a form of cinder isn't it? It's like that old kid's poem, ashes... ashes... we all fall down.  It seems like if you are tortured enough, like Cinderella, then she can make wishes to make up for it.  Question is, what to wish for?

I have been watching old youtubes of Into the Woods and in the movie she asks the tree to go to the ball and meet her prince and she can talk to birds which means she is someone special but she doesn't know it.  In the end, she realizes she didn't have it so bad in the first place.  Her wishes came at a cost... a huge cost... and isn't that always the way with wishes?  She even says later that there are times when she actually ENJOYS cleaning/torture.  Well then WHY did we have to go through this whole movie?!!! 


I have the same problem.  Do I wish for my old job doing Customer Service?  I was kinda tired of doing customer service and I wanted a leadership role and I was seeing a lot of problems at the bar.  Do I want to become a policeman?  I have actually not been very good at keeping my word and I fear despite my good intentions, I might not be able to pay the bills on time, if you get my meaning.  Do I want my father back?  I can see that's impossible.  Do I want to BE a father or do I want a "replacement father"?  Well, I can see also that I will never love someone like I loved him and to BE a father... well, that seems like a LOT of work.  Do I want my DUI removed which was "planted" on me despite measures I took to prevent it?  I am not sure, again, a LOT of work. 

All of these "wishes" and still I can see by the movie like I can in my head when I think about it, that it would come at a cost.  Wishes are not free.  Still, I know that I am simply low energy and by that measure I know that my energy is being siphoned and by that measure I know that it must stop and that I can stop it at any time by simply fighting back. 

It reminds me of the hurricanes we just had.  For posterity I will name them.  The first was Matthew which hit Houston.  The next was Irma which made its way here and pushed over the tree that in an odd way, represented my father on the tree line(5 trees missing the huge one right in the middle).  Then we have Jose which was going towards New York and then we have or had Maria which hit Puerto Rico.  ALL THE WHILE the hurricanes are coming and hitting places, I thought to myself of Sucker Punch and the lessons of it but the most hilarious quote of the movie that I thought of was the final line of the movie "you have all the weapons you need, now fight", lol.  Yes, FIGHT the hurricanes, you bawdy people!!!

And then the actual moral of the movie became clear, you can't fight and win, you can only fight and... entertain.  The world is a swirl.  Size matters and usually size wins.  Once it's done it's done.  Can't go back in time unless you are reading a picture book of future events and you change them. 

Many people think the earth is flat, they doubt our scientists that think the earth is round... as well they should.  Scientists are first and foremost human and the first duty is to the truth so scientists as humans know that their first duty is also... no wait, it's to their belly.   Yeah, the old "kids gotta eat" line will probably be etched somewhere as a quote of the ages.  Kids gotta eat... I kinda wanna change the title now.  Kids don't know what they are doing.   They are not "human" yet. 

To be human, is to be. To be or not be, which means for those that don't know... to be sane or not to be sane. Cogito ergo sum, I think, ergo I am.  See?  So to be sane, you must be able to choose, and that's where we are with the mess about the national anthem. 

The nation is going through a tough time now deciding whether or not to stand for the national anthem.  I don't have to tell you that music is foremost the BEST way to calm the beast.  People do it in many ways, you see.  Some of them use religion to "explain" things, others use laws to "define" things, and still others use family and bloodlines to "impose" order and your "place" among others.  But always when we go crazy we can count on music to calm us down.  You understand what music IS don't you?  It is ying-yang.  It is confusion.  It takes what you were thinking and through musical notes it makes it seem like a NEW understanding is being made and this HOPE continues and you add more and more music and soon you have... a national anthem.  It's all about the country folks, one law one land one people one language, it's not hard. 

I suppose this is a good time to tell you all that I am a Nazi, I mean Yahtzee! Something we can all agree on is that our constitution is paramount.  Without it, we have THIS GUY(two thumbs) telling you how to act and by the way I am right about this and you ARE better off doing as I say because ~you'll neva find... another love LIKE mine... someone to HOLD YOU... the way I do...~ Of course, first you have to like me and I'm pretty sure that's not happenin. 

Nazi's were all about the law first.  That's what I am about.  Germany first... I mean, America first... I mean Petrie dish(thanks Sarah).  But once we take the boring news and the boring movement to unite the WORLD that really doesn't need uniting,  we are gonna need something SPECIAL right?  Let's call it "righteousness"  boy does that feel good... let's imagine for a moment we are watching the news and Sarah and her buxom breasts show up to give an interview and she totally can't tell what we are looking at, even though she DRESSED that way; I mean just cuz her dark hair and eyes and pretty smile sort of OUTLINE her whiteness and accent her upper breast regions, and this coupled with fine clothing and stringy arms and fingers that could perhaps crook their fingers "this way"... don't make the news any more worth watching... AT ALL. 

That's ying-yang, boring laws and news (white ying) buxom breasts and righteousness (black yang)  and that's what the world is, it's ying yang, it's music, it's a swirl.  The more you want order and follow it the more we become weak to infection and become overall weak; the more we enjoy what we do, the more we lose control of what we do... and pretty soon we have people skipping having children to DO MORE WOMEN... MORE OFTEN... I am totally against this by the way... this is a TERRIBLE idea...

Ok, there go my ideas for the month.  Remember discretely that a CLEAR sense of the truth is to know there isn't one and that the wisest thing to say is "I don't know"... and to understand why that is wise is to understand it like I have explained it for you here.  If you are too soft you become a slave and if you are too hard then you must KILL your master or you might even end up owning slaves!  Aren't you just happy giddy reading this?  Well, try not to think of me as a hellspawn for TOO MUCH longer... 

This is part of my diamond-ness, you see?  I am a diamond in the rough.  Only someone that has been to hell and back can understand the world, and hell does not want you to leave and you will not want to leave it but if you can DEIGN to believe in greatness... that you are great... you will take these words... and make the world a better place simply by calming yourself and responding to threats with slowness and a sense of wrath that INCLUDES everyone in the equation, and not just yourself. 

I am missing something but I'm already tired again.   I am noticing that the church I go to has become increasingly distant but that's ok I guess.  Twitter is less interesting and Erin ... oops I totally forgot to talk about Erin.  I am so TOTALLY cheating on her with SECupp that it's awful... that's a joke of course.  But after a good show with Erin I turn on SECupp's show and you know what that reminds me that I first started to like Erin's "show" because she came on after Crossfire and the reason I turned on Crossfire was because of SECupp, so... fair is fair I guess.  By the way, I would totally watch Ashleigh Banfield's show too but all these times I have forgotten to record it and I kinda sit there and then the message comes on that the recording of SECupp's show is over, so meh.  It's a lot of news already and actually once in a while late at night I catch Rachel and Lawrence and sometimes Chris Hayes but ... again it's a lotta news. 

I have to keep going to church.  I need to fight back and to do that I will have to keep going there and showing my face.  When I was by myself with my dad, I had TORRENTS of people over the years annoying me everywhere I went but now with just going to church those "shadows" stop showing up but if the people at church are going to hurt my feelings like they just recently did,  I'm not going to trust them and getting that trust back ... well, let's just say ... I do things slow, REALLY slow ... I am a farmer ... I grow things and you know that's all there is in the world ... farmers and reapers.

You can either grow things, or you can steal or buy or REAP, what other people grow.  Growing things is slow. 

PS: you can see by this that Nazis' are simply white supremacists gone mad with righteousness.  They start pointing(remember finger of death?) at people that are not "white" and suddenly the country is FILLED with illegals and even if it is (like us), the first sin they made was to think SACRIFICE was normal, and we have talked about that... haven't we...

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

In the beginning


I was watching Passengers last night and it occurred to me something that I had written about before which was what the beginning was about. It's a losing battle for Eve yes?  You are the guy that's trying to convince her that we should not be honest right?  Honesty is all about venting your emotions and if you suppress what comes natural well, that suppression builds up and may become unpleasant. 

Try to imagine what that was like in the "garden".  So many people write about the garden from Destiny to other writers.  It seems that they all get it except the people who should, the pastors... and the scientists.  They think either man was created by evolution or by God himself.  But the beginning of everything isn't a "big bang" it's a beginning of understanding, a beginning of reason. 

The other day I heard someone talk about North Korea.  They were allowed to make nukes just like Pakistan and India were allowed and now we face people that are like a Sunday drive from OUR Japan.  They obviously don't want to attack China, because like us, there's no money in that.  So it's gonna be Japan and you know Japan has a strange parallel to my life in many ways.  They thought that if they followed the rules and did amazing things and made a bunch of money that they didn't need to build up their defense at all, that the people that were there for them, would ALWAYS (faithful) be there for them. 

Lost my point, oh so in the beginning (already tired of writing) the interesting first man figures out cogito ergo sum.  He figures out that he can stop himself from wanting things unlike EVERY other animal out there.  He can CHOOSE to be afraid or he can stop, he can CHOOSE sex or he can stop, and he can even CHOOSE to be dominant to others or to serve them... or he can STOP.  That's really the main point of reason and the Bible is to realize that you serve the stronger others and to stop yourself.  Now it's time to grow this belief and bring Eve in. Now I have stated before that man was NEVER a monkey he was always in the shape that he has been.  In fact it's quite possible that man keeps becoming space age and then blasts himself back to Adam level ... zombie apocalypse like... and then has to start over in a garden somewhere and cultivate reason again.  So Eve is thinking wow I LOVE LOVE LOVE having sex with the strongest male.  Because he is the BEST, that makes me THE BEST and that just makes perfect sense when you say it like that doesn't it?  Why should I be half-assing it with Freud over there when James Bond over here is willing to risk his life for my children?  That's comes up a lot at the bar by the way.  What you will stand for, probably has no place in civilized discussion but take a beautiful woman and get her drunk and then see who she prefers, someone dangerous or someone civilized.  It's probably instinct yes?  It has nothing to do with size (although it might) it has  to do with whether you will fling your ass out there in front of a car for her children.  You can ABSOLUTELY ADORE her and if a doctor accidentally poisons her child, this many women will accept that, and THIS MANY will want you to do something back to him "accidentally".  So we are never to far from Eve and the Garden are we?  Ok, so here she is banging the biggest guy in the group and here comes Freud(adam) to show her how to be civilized.  You know come to think of it, Eve was probably not very good-looking was she?  Think about it.  It kinda makes you laugh that we are all drawn down from a lineage of a really smart, and definitely not so good-looking Eve.  At the same time she had to be better than doing a sheep but that philosophy is for another day. 

Ok so we know that hitting on a girl works.  I know this because hitting on a guy eventually makes you give in.  People used to cough at me all day long and I thought I would just ignore it, but you can't.  Eventually your resistance gives in and you become angry and now ANYONE can do it.  This is why I realize that hitting on a girl would work and it's also why I will never do it, although I may try it since I am running out of time and working parts... if you know what I mean.  So here she is temporarily liking Freud, probably 40 cuz her children from her REAL MAN are all grown up and she is experimenting.  Freud is smart.  He needs to have a good time for a change, she says to herself.  Pity Fuck for the win, she says, plus what good boy am I for "helping" him she says... hmmf who knows.  At some point the rest of Genesis happens, she goes back to her REAL MAN or other men and betrays him.  Instead of accepting that those STRONGER men always get the girls, and he gets the leftovers, he gets angry and decides to DOOM her.  He asks her WHY?

WHY? Just WHY Eve? 

That's reason for ya.  We were MARRIED he says and here we go with how marriage was created right?  Instead of women choosing whoever makes the most sense, whenever and wherever, we get contracts.  Sounds like a good idea, until you make one with the wrong person.  Just saying.  So that's the beginning, once we have reason we can be shamed and once shamed we are lost to happiness in a world of reason, because why?  Because blackmail.  You broke our contract now you can either owe me and be my slave or you can FORGET reason... and that's what never happens. 

One of the first things a reasonable man does is count numbers.  This many plus this many is this.  It makes sense that it turned out to be a week because a moon cycle is 29 says or so.  That means from full moon to full moon is 4 weeks which means from full moon to no moon is 2 weeks.  So it makes sense to divide that 2 week period into two weeks for some reason I will let you figure out since I have no clue but isn't this fun to figure out stuff for yourself?!  One thing that is not lost on me is that women have their periods that turn out to be 1 month long also.  I not hard to wonder if women on their periods, instigated BEASTLY behavior by their male counterparts, if that BLOOD MOON was metaphor or not. 

One thing I keep saying over and over again is that "it's not hard".  Nothing should take more than a lifetime to understand.  Infections start happening and after a while, without a microscope we should be able to see "oh yeah, those dead bodies of whatever... don't touch them".  Life should be easy to understand and things that kill us, should be easy to ferret out, not incurable.  So I don't believe we have no idea how cancer works because like Riker said in that one episode Future Imperfect "sorry LaForge, you are INCAPABLE of that level of incompetency!" 

Ok so that's a lot of writing but in there lies the goal of man, to procreate reason, despite that it's not attractive and that the people are less happy.  But with reason we get side benefits, we have like what they had in "Limits of Trooghaft."  We get people that can read minds.  It should be no wonder right that once you suppress your emotions now people can tell you are doing it and thus they can see if you are unhappy or not, if there is a problem with you or with another person or if they simply feel ill... they may even COUGH if they are ill... they may even FAKE a cough if they are ill... and there you go... witchcraft.

Witchcraft couldn't happen without the Bible, because you have to have reason and you all have to agree to have reason before someone can hurt your feelings.  Witchcraft can only happen when I trust you... and then you go and hurt my feelings... but I think it was unintentional... so then you keep doing it because you don't like me... even though you just joined ANOTHER COUNTRY as my ENEMY... who's way the HELL over there. 

That's witchcraft folks, it's poison.  I have to keep saying it so that you guys get it and spread it.  It can't happen unless you LET it.  You have to TURN THE CHEEK and ask them to do it while you are watching their intent, to snap them out of it, because they will slap you so let them do it in front of others, this way the others ask THEM wtf is wrong with them. 

When I first went to church, I was barren.  I had just lost my father and I thought well, we need protection or to be more public or just some THING to fill that void that was there.  And I thought to myself, I might try to become pastor, I could just be a leader without pay and use my knowledge of whore and drug dealers to help people not go down the wrong path or maybe to heal them make to sanity if they did go down the wrong path.  I figured it would take a LONG while to earn their trust so I just kept going and going and singing and singing and before long I could feel my confidence growing back.  I honestly believed they cared for me and wanted to heal me not only of the grief for my loss but to make me back (I'm saying me a lot aren't I, that's cuz you're evil if you think this) into my old self where I was offering advice and people were taking it, much like I do on this blog.  It's simply all I have ever known is to teach others.  But that time is past.  After recent betrayals I have realized that witch spells are not very funny.  I realize that people hurt each others feeling WITH INTENT because they might be a "good witch".  I thought about saying that too, you might be a good witch but you're still a witch" if you hurt other people's feelings with intent.  And it makes you wonder why all these people aren't immediately put in jail, well it's because they work together in secret... for the good of society... which has nothing to do with sacrificing do-gooders or keeping secrets. 

I recently watched the events of Charlottesville.  Such a chicanery there calling people protesting the black people, white supremacists.  At the heart of the matter, is people watching TV at the bar.  You should always think this when you are out there protesting, people are watching this and they care about their country and even if they're out in the middle of nowhere, they can see people forming a group that's getting ready to go after them.  That's why when black people take down statues, it's not hard to fathom that people would get riled up to face them.  They might be white supremacists, but really they are just nationalists and though they may be philosophically rational in leadership, the people below them just wanna get out and fight and the people above them just want to pay them to do it.  It's like in Sherlock Holmes, where someone walks in and helps the group with some money and since they are so "righteous" they can't help but want to help the guy that helped them with some money... now they just gotta do him some "favors".  That's why protests can't be violent.  That's why you need uniforms and registration and cooperation with police.  Your honest opinion is appreciated but your excuse to get out and have a good time and act like animals in public, that's entertainment.  Besides look at what happened, Antifa right?  Some other group, for the reasons I just stated, also decided to do this and then THEY got violent.  Great.  Now we just need the anti black anti anti fascists Islamobomb say what we want group to get out there and we will REALLY have a party. 

You know, at the top of the KKK is a grand wizard.  What the hell kind of title is that? Is it fantasy?  Is it like Gandalf or Merlin?  Is that the title we give to our leader that can produce magic that can SAVE us? 

You have learned here that magic is ALWAYS destructive.  It is ALWAYS done to your own people, to people that trust you.  And, it is ALWAYS and evil act, it hurts others.  It's not just thinking evil thoughts and banishing them, it's not just planning to do evil and then talking to your preacher to explain why you had them.  Magic is an EVIL ACT.  You did this with intent.  That's what that lady did at the Sessions hearing when she was laughing at the person speaking.  She acted maliciously and the cop couldn't restrain himself, because he there he was listening to it right in front of his face he needed to arrest her. 

I could tell you OTHER people that have sat there and watched ME suffer evil but that would slander a whole lot of people and like I have said before I can't turn my cheek here in private, I must do it in public or the person won't be healed.  But you see how spells are not just the domain of "witches" now right?  They work for warlocks too?  Oh but let's give that a nicer name for it since we want to make television heroes cast spells and have children imagine casting spells on other people and imagine dragons and monsters that will bow to their spells and let's treat magic like something people use everyday even though every policeman would see you do magic and put the irons on you forthwith.  No, magic cannot be allowed most especially if done with intent and though you cannot arrest a person for laughing that is what we face with our evolved society now is a profligate amount of knowledge of magic and faced with that we must LEARN what can happen and try to heal these feelings and explain "what's wrong with you" to these people. 

Oh so a nicer name for warlock is wizard, do you like it?  Yeah, well what if you have a bunch of spellcasters that work for you, what do you call that?  Well, I guess we would call that a GRAND wizard... yeah, I don't need to be somebody's apprentice I guess...

maybe it's ME that should get an apprentice...

PS. During the movie, at one point she is going to rescure the guy and her tether was not long enough and I thought to myself if he dies because her tether wasn't long enough... on this BIG HUGE SHIP... this movie's going to hell, but she got some of his tether and I was relieved.  At the end of it all, when all of the crew wake up and we see who the Captain is, you could hear this in my room "Andy Garcia...?!!!  I knew it!!!"