Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Our vision

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Knowing the Constitution is a bit difficult. I mean reciting it. We may say that our founding fathers wanted to organize all of us under a clear contract that we could all understand and follow.

The Constitution is the law of the land.

This law should be easy to understand and it should be in one language. Why? Because the Supreme Court has a tough enough job as it is interpreting laws, that's why! It's nice to advertise and solicit business in other languages for the purpose of making things easier for people with a different native language, but when it comes to "why was I arrested?" you aren't going to want to have some unclear principle responsible for your hardship.

Now, I have mentioned over and over that religions, that inspire belief, which are the food for why we are alive and do what we do, are all subsets to our Constitution. Freedom of religion is meant to allow you to seek food for the spirit in any way you see fit so long as the "structure" is a subset of the religion of our country which is the Constitution.

But the Constitution changes over time doesn't it. That is what is scary about "progressives". A progressive is someone that believes our religion should "evolve" over time but what happens over time is that the rich get richer, so what some people call evolution is really just the natural order succeeding in weeding out the weak, which is of course, uncivilized.

So are we stuck? As our Constitution gets "amended" and our founding fathers' vision for our country gets lost in "prohibition or no prohibition" minutiae, how do we keep true to our fathers' vision?

The answer is in the preamble. And in the preamble, which even a child can recite without too much difficulty, it states that we should insure domestic tranquility.

Domestic tranquility.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


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This one is simple.  Like Alex Wagner said in her opinion on the state of the union, its "evolving".

I'm gonna try to make this easy to understand.

In an environment where there is plentiful resources, people don't have trouble with each other.  So in rural or out-of-town areas, governments tend to be more religious and "trusting".  They tend to have less regulations.  They tend to be smaller.   They tend to be Republican.

As the concentration of peole goes up as it does in urban or downtown areas, people have more trouble with each other.  Competition leads to price-fixing, which lead to lawsuits, which lead to judgements and legislature.  After we elect a bunch of judges and leaders, they tend to have favorites.  And as all of these people of "means" begin to become better at working together, more regulations are needed to keep them from "ganging up" on consumers.  So cities with bunches of people, tend to have more regulations.  They tend to have bigger governemnt.  They tend to be Democrat. 

But remember Alex's view?  She thinks that the Union is evolving and she is right.  It is becoming more Republican again.  Why? 

Because THAT is how the rebellion begins.  We must FIGHT corrupt officials and soon, they will ALL be in a network of people that victimize the people that are NOT in the network.  And we won't have to worry about other countries at that point.  The people that wake up too late will find all of their rights to a jury exchanged for arbitration by one person, their guns exchanged for complaint forms, their vote exchanged for paperwork or certifications that make you PROVE you are a citizen. These papers are basically just a way to delay your honesty and incite your aggression. 

Once you see this happening though, we can fight it.  We can STOP the inequality before your health insurance company decides whether you live or die.  There has to be a way to develop our government so that acceptance and VIGILANCE of corruption is at the front of a congressman's job description. 

All this maybe after we take money out of politics.  Remember that Republicans SHOULD BE the rebels, not the rich people.  The rich have successfully shut down teh common sense approach to combating a corrupt big goverment and that is why we have a fractured Republican party now is because some of them get it.  Now I don't mind big government ramping up social programs at the cost of tax breaks but that hasn't happened.  Big banks are doing what they want, Oil companies and Monsanto types are doing what they want and cable and internet companies are doing what they want.  These people have NO competition.  So as we all wake up to reality as our rights get slowly taken away, it's probably the Republicans that will ask that we break up the corporations, because the Democrats won't do it. 

But to Alex Wagner's credit, it's POSSIBLE that we might evolve big government into something that regulates more and breaks up big corporations so that people can ALL have plenty of work to do, like inspiring other countries to CONTROL themselves like we do, if we ever do.

ps. Tonight is the State of the Union. To his credit, not much has happened in Congress. It's my opinion that anything that happens in Congress, for the most part, benefits the rich.  That's why rich people work there.  PRIESTS should work there!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The goal

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This is what it is like in a world that is balanced.  At the center is one "holy" tree, hopefully an Oak Tree or a huge variation of another tree.  This because all the air we breathe in provided by that tree is balanced by the air that we breathe out.  If you haven't learned this yet, plants provide Oxygen, which we breathe, while animals provide Carbon Dioxide, which the plants breathe. 

So what we breathe is provided by plants.  This means that, well, less plants makes us weaker, right?  More carbon dioxide by the way, (btw) also reduces the Ozone layer.  The ozone layer is a layer of Ionized Oxygen that helps absorb radiation from the sun.  If there is too much Carbon Dioxide, then this layer gets used up more.  This in my view weakens the ozone layer and causes weather that is more extreme.  So if there is a normal sized population, nothing special, when there is over-population, the planet rights itself much like the ocean does by sucking in putrid water into volcanic fissures and spewing it out sparkly clean out of another fissure.  Scientists say this ongoing process cleans ALL WATER of the course of tens of thousands of years.  

So it's nice to know that no matter how many nukes we drop, some people will eventually have clean water to start over with.  And in like respect, even though scientists haven't proved it, I expect oxygen gets cleaned the same way over time, through extreme weather.  

That's what led me to believe that good and evil must work the same way.  That the planet rights itself.  That more evil leads to more "opportunities" to be just and more good leads to more opportunities to misbehave.  

It's math.  

So since yesterday I trashed the Mexicans, it would not be fair to leave out the gays.  We have a problem with gays now.  We know that they are out there explaining to everyone that what they believe, which is a speech for acceptance.  

I whole heartedly agree with the notion of acceptance most especially for things you do in private that don't affect me. But as a philosophical concept, I have another view.  because in a body politic, the center is the most calm.  There should be little movement there and it should be richest in it's desire to support the rest of the country.  People in this "echelon" of existence or in the upper upper class should be the examples from which we all draw our inspiration.  They should be Popes or Presidential consultants or Nobel prize laureates.  These are people that eat meat but have analyzed what they do everyday and people not only copy it but write it down and post it as procedure for all of what should be a slew of followers who seek to rise to that level someday.  

As such, top officials that are gay have to analyze if being gay is something that we want in the upper echelon.  We know that using drugs like alcohol is a weakness.  People that are impaired don't know they did crack for example or can get away with buying cocaine as we've seen, so it's clear TOP officials should be NOT OF SOUND MIND, or impaired, in private and away from cameras.  Not because it's wrong or illegal but because it displays a lack of control which CAN ONLY lead to less control by its subordinates.  

In my time at Citibank, we went from Business Normal, which demanded that we wear shoes and tie everyday, to having Business Casual Fridays where you could skip the tie and wear "tasteful" loafers.  Eventually, years later, as the trend continued we got to Everyday Casual, which went so far as to allow oxford T-shirts and allow shorts if they went no more than 2" above the knee.  That's casual!  What did this do?  It took the rigid act of ironing your shirt everyday with starch and the act of tying your tie and lacing up your nice leather business shoes and traded that for reusable clothes that you could throw in the dryer and wear to work the very NEXT DAY without too much unruliness.  

It was the disenfranchisement of the associate.  Slowly and surely associates and supervisors wore more casual and more casual wear, while executives just kept on wearing their suits, knowing full well that to look your best was to inspire confidence and that to inspire confidence meant MORE opportunities and more responsibility.  

Ok I'm taking the long way but I promise I will get back to gays.  

This is what is happening in America.  The rich are getting INSANELY rich and the regular people are becoming more and more casual about working hard.  I don't think this is such a bad thing.  The entire time I worked there I KNEW I could be an executive but it seemed that there were MANY others who deserved those chances to rule.  And besides, being an example of someone un-ambitious clicked with my Christian side of being a humble person while also being incredibly experienced, incredibly knowledgeable of procedures, and incredibly well-educated in banking.  My job was easy but it also didn't pay well, and I decided to make that point to people that we didn't have to ALL try to make it to the top and be frustrated. 

Ok sidetracked, so the rich are becoming insanely rich and this is leading to a separation of people.  The rich are no longer inspiring the regular people.  Just like the officers at Citibank no longer had anything in coming with the average associate.  This "example" of wearing nice clothes was all we had to consider ourselves all part of the same company and there were TWO types of workers.   

To combat this, you have to have my experience and say NO to practices of separation like different clothes and values.  Oh boy I'm losin my point.  

Ok so that is why wearing nice clothes should be practiced by all because it inspires control.  It inspires pride.  It inspires a schedule.  

In like fashion, your sexual practices should inspire humanity to be more in control.  People at the fringes get to have fancy, but people in the center, the ones in the upper echelon, should have NO choices sex-wise just like they should NEVER be out in public "impaired" in some fashion.  So what is gay behavior?  Is it more controlled or less?  I believe it is less controlled.  Being gay is TWO things.  First, to try homosexual acts is simply a fancy.  Nothing illegal, in some states and because it's not harmful, I don't see why EVERYONE hasn't tried it.  Second, once you DO try these things, which are forbidden in some circles, it is second nature to try to do it BECAUSE you aren't supposed to.  It's like marijuana or other narcotics.  It's illegal but you keep on doing it.  It's like driving drunk.  You got away with it SO MANY times, they must not be able to stop you unless you slip up which by your standards would never happen.  You are acting childish sure but Adults just wanna have fun.  So it is my opinion that homos are simply people addicted to getting away with stuff.  There is probably a lot more to that but I will leave it there.  Girls that are homos are like the men, I think.  They mostly just get used to the person they are with and then they imprint on the other person's face and that's sex I mean whoever it's with, you're gonna REALLY REALLY like them after a couple of weeks.  Your BODY is gonna really really need them if you try to separate after a couple of weeks.  And to me that is what gay is, is just people that had sex too long and now they are stuck together much like it happens to regular people.  

The problem I have with it is the inspiration for it.  At the center of the body politic, at the upper levels of Presidential candidates and Nobel Prize intellectuals, I want normal people, attractive skinny people, well-dressed people and people that love our country people.  

This is the tough part because marriage for me is about children so for homos that is tough but still doable.  And I don't like the idea of them inspiring CHILDREN.  Nope.  No thanks.  I am NOT going to be explaining to my child that being gay is normal. 

I am going to explain sex in a way that tells them about inflows and outflows and how porn heightens your level of arousal especially when you don't have a partner.  I am going to explain to them that drinking scotch is wonderful and Amazing and if you do it right you can get drunk on Scotch every TWO days, maybe every day if you start off healthy enough. But after explaining anal sex and doggy style and proper posture and it's benefits especially to women, I am going to tell my children, that if you simply settle for any old girl or guy, and discuss everything possible as though there was noone else in the world, they won't need porn, they won't need scotch, and they won't need anal sex.  They will LOVE it if they try it, but they won't need it. 

And I think it absurd to teach people that children may be born gay.  It was a nice ploy to use when the community needed saving, esp people that were already hopelessly in-love and bonded to a same sex partner, but now that we understand it better, to say people are born gay, is absurd. 

Abortion should be allowed only to the lower classes.  Abortion is something that overwhelms someone poor.  Sex is quite overwhelming.  I said it before that 20 somethings need to have a chance at an education and a marriage and a career before accidentally having to sidestep it all for a family.  To be fair, I have NO IDEA what it is like to be pregnant.  Does the act of it FEEL wrong?  Does the pain or weakness of the baby sound off in the mother's head?  Does the damage of the abortion do physical harm to her in some way?  Since I am not a woman, I cannot vote on abortion.  I simply would be a moron to tell a woman or to tell ALL WOMEN what I think their options should be.  

Women should have that choice, in my opinion.  It's their body and if any Republican out there thinks that people should pull their own weight, then you must agree that the baby cannot pull its own weight and must therefore be left homeless like SO MANY Republicans like to do to people by cutting social programs. 

On the upside, it's better for the nation to make abortions illegal.  The country needs every soul it can muster to keep its place in the world.  

Remember, what is important is the Van Allen belt.   This is the electromagnetic barrier that surrounds the Earth.  It is my opinion that this belt is what deflects asteriods from hitting the Earth directly and further that every living soul makes it just that much stronger because it exists.   That means even animals should be allowed to live out their lives and moreso that a stock of herds should be kept grazing  out in the wild just for the sake of a diverse electromagnetic signature.  

So yes or no on abortion you say? I told you I can't vote. I am not a woman.

Women should decide that and if it was my wife and she thought like I did, we would allow it if we lived in a trailer park but if we were upper echelon, we would not.  

 So what is the goal?  The goal is control.  The goal is to have a body politic that is calm on the inside with varying degress of dissonance as the classes become less trustworthy.  Higher classes dress well, are heterosexual, married, and always sober. They abhor abortion but respect choice because THAT is the VISION that is our country but as an example to others they flaunt their wealth and their good manners in a way that encourages calmness as opposed to excitement. 

Now keep in mind also that this goal is a dream.  Rigid people tend to have the biggest need to break free, so keep in mind one of my favorite sayings that I originated myself at work...

Systems without buffers... break. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

God of Thunder

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Understanding immigration is a lot like trying to understand Republicans.  In fact, it's a lot like my understanding of the Norse trinity.  This is my excuse for not believing in Jesus as God is because Odin came first... maybe.  (actually Jesus was God but right after I explain that, I expect to have people at the ready with my cross all set to go)

Ok, so three different subjects there to talk about.  Let's talk about immigration. Now the first thing anyone will tell you is that how dare THEY come to OUR land and get pregnant.  "I agree, HOW DARE they... um... er... um... yeah, right there, yeah... now punch it."

So it's not hard(hard?) to figure out how they got here and how the whole mechanism works.  Women have been doing this since time immemorial.  Rich guy, strong guy, pretty guy or just maybe the guy with a some game gets the girl.  So in like respect does the country with the jobs get the hardest workers.  Now today, my uncle, from Costa Rica, explained to me how things are in Costa Rica.  We have 1 million Mexicans, I think, so its like a 300/1 difference which some people would say is staggering.  But in Costa Rica, by his words, the country is 30% Nicaraguan.  A much worse problem for them.  

He explains that his maid there makes 10000 times the salary she made in Nicaragua.  The science of it is not hard.  They show up and first thing they want is to have a baby, so that they can have papers.  Costa Rica is more socialist than we are.  They have medical insurance, retirement, and university paid for by the state.  So once they are in, they have most of their life to live free from real problems. 

The downside of course is the obvious detriment to society that comes from having "stolen" your way in life.  People start to wonder what normal is.  So the people in charge, in an effort to get elected begin to de-legitimize their stay.   But in Costa Rica, the economy has prospered a great deal.  People born IN Costa Rica have become higher class citizens as the Nicaraguans have taken up to doing the lower jobs of driver and gardener and such.  So his take on the whole thing is that immigration is a natural part of life, just as is adultery.  

Sorry Jesus, JESUS! Oh that's right he doesn't believe in marriage in my world. (Do I sound like Sarah Silverman, be honest, wouldn't we make great kids-that-take-over-the... HEY, get me off this thing!)

I have one thing to say about Mexicans in general though, they suck.  Yeah, unlike the black people that were treated like slaves more than 100 years ago, the Mexicans just left there like 5 years ago.  Their families are still there. Mexico is a slave state with rich people, that you can count on your hands, dominating everything.  Which is why I am prejudiced towards Mexicans.  Oh it MIGHT have to do with a certain MEXICAN calling the cops on me, but no I think ALL mexicans are much more willing to betray people simply because that is where they came from.  

Moreover, I think that is why we all distrust Blacks so much is because they used to be more untrustworthy.  They used to have a lower place in life.  I don't mistrust black people hardly at all now, although I wonder about them when they get together in groups.  But isn't that the case with ALL races?  I mean get a group of Spanish people together and fuggedabotit... they are talking about you AND gossiping to high heaven.  This is part of the reason I didn't like being on the Spanish team at work.   

It's evil to spread secrets.  

So on the upside, remember what I told you about the world, it's 50/50.  Any given Sunday, people will surprise you.   They might be proud of their place in society. Or, a Mexican might do your job for free because he is afraid you will turn him in to "La Migra" or a black lady might dismiss not getting paid because you might accuse her of stealing. The more civilized the people the more willing it is to believe that calling the cops will help.  

That's why it seems that the cops always come for the white folks, because they are the only ones that don't think calling the cops is treason.  Cops report what happened to their higher ups. Higher cops spend all day organizing the city into problem areas.  It's not hard.  

Unless the cops work in secret. 

Ok enuf of that, let's talk about The Republicans.  They tend to be more sacrificial don't they.  They don't mind giving up their Deputy Staff members for instance, if it saves their own hide.  

"I have operational knowledge of the mission that must not fall into enemy hands" 

I think that was what that General said in Starship Troopers when they broke him out of the icebox.  You have to wonder about a Captain all alone on a ship. OMG I have a slew of new ideas now to tell you but I am going off topic.  A General or Republican is a great leader when he promotes sacrifice because like a Ponzi scheme, it feels good to SPEND that money.  

A Ponzi scheme works like this, and NO this is not part of the financial training I got from JU(some people).  You take $1000, give it to me, then I pay you 30% per year.  At the end of this year I owe you $300.  To get that money to pay you back I have a whole year.  30% is a GREAT interest rate btw. It would be ILLEGAL back in the 80s but our financial "experts" have found a way to make THIS more the norm, just like doctors have found a way to make THIS more their normal salary.  

Sidetracked, so to pay you your $300, keep in mind I still owe you your $1000 too, I just have to find a good investment.  If you have any sort of financial training you know this figure 30% is pretty much the max.  It's ridiculous to expect this much.  But some people believe it like they believe certain nicotine products in a pill help with whatever.  So if the governor says it's a good investment... THEN! 

Now I know it was supposed to be a simple explanation, so I basically take your $1300 and spend it on attracting NEW clients.  When I get a new client, I can afford to payoff 4 old ones, because $300 x 4 = $1200 but all of this rests on keeping clients ASSURED that their principal( the $1000) is still there even though you burned that the moment you got it.  

And this is what it's like to use sacrifice.  You get a group of people together, YAY, now we gotta burn one of em, BOO,  but since I'm the leader and as long as I have SUCKERS that like being a good Republican(aka. faithful), I get to keep on sacrificing good people that don't know any better while the small group of us on the inside track know that the principal or the PRINCIPLE, was burned long ago.  

Terrible yes?  Yeah, but not really.  (What crazy shit is he gonna say now?)

Sacrificing people has been talked about in the Bible.  Jews have no problem with it because of the old Isaac and Abraham story.  God asked Abraham to "scarface" his son to prove his faith and at the last moment God said no. Remember that Isaac came to be the founder of Israel.  Every time you see the name Isaac in the movies, it's because some JEW thought it would be ANOTHER good opportunity to stress the importance of some people being sacrificed that don't know any better, for the sake of the OTHER GOOD people.  

Hmmmf. I think I just shit myself.  

But in the natural order of things, this is how it's done.  In the wild, the only way to survive a pack of wolves is to throw them your neighbor.  All of them leave you alone as long as they got your neighbor to munch on.  (Which now gives you a good opportunity to reflect on the childhood game of TAG or being IT.)

And, BTW, the neighbor(a Christian) thinks it's normal.  He was destined to die.  It's just FATE that GOD saw fit to take him on such and such day, when all the wolves HAPPENED to be ready for him to fall into the trap, at such and such hour.  They ate him quickly so that he wouldn't suffer very long. 

Don't worry Christie, if there is a GOD, you won't suffer long. 

Ok so now's a good time to mention that there is a THOR.  I know you have been wondering what I meant by this "natural order" business and you think why do they always say "it's not nice to fool mother nature?"  And how does ODIN get to be a GOD above THOR, the god of thunder, who in the ROMAN context is Zeus who is supreme?  

Simple, the ROMANS, uh, ah, I mean, the GREEKS were stupid. (Remember dis MY blog)

In the beginning there was darkness.  There were no numbers, there was no mercy, there was no reason.  Such is the natural order.  The weak are consumed and the weaker you are, the faster you get consumed.  

Thor is reason.  The hammer of judgment.  Righteousness personified. But because of this... mercy, he can be led astray.  He can, at a moment, spare Isaac.  I think therefore... I am.  Cogito Ergo Sum. A beginning.  Thor is the legitimate son of Odin and Loki is all he could be... something else.  Because he can spare someone, SO can he decide not to.  This evil, this mischief, is more fun.  

"It's more fun if I don't", remember that? 

Such is the way of Loki.  And this evil, mind you, is the father of his daughter Hel, and also of people in hell.  Because they stray from the path of truth, so they damn themselves to confusion.  Hell is confusion.  When you become sufficiently confused, you can't find your way to order again, you are lost, so this is what they call mental illness.  Some people say this happens all on it's own but I don't think so.  I think it is ALWAYS caused by someone else.  

You could "say" someone is mentally ill and start to give them drugs which keeps him impaired... and btw what a good idea to enrich the knowledge of the medical community.  

Now as lost people struggle to find their way back to order WITHOUT confessing their confusion to the body politic, they JOIN with others to keep their good times a secret.  And, in a messed up way, they begin to sacrifice again.  Now you might think hey this is where we started right?  This is what people had before reason, right?  Yes.  But this willingness to sacrifice is a HUGE opposite of what it is to reason correctly.  

And by HUGE I mean, wait for it... Jormundgand:  The World Serpent.  Because now that we, WAY UP HERE, know that sacrificing people that don't know any better is allowed, we can GROW the serpent.  Now all us people that GET IT(being part of the serpent), can point out our neighbors that don't know any better and as accidents happen to their children and their dogs and they say to themselves "aw it's ok, it was God's will" we must think "how funny" as we chide each others' hilarity back into solace.

So it's time to DO AWAY with all priests. (Sorry Pope). Or at least(whew, not on the cross yet)  it's time to TELL everyone how it all works.  Because there are only three things you can do.

1.) You can vote Republican and join the WORLD SERPENT of people that think it's fun to sacrifice others' lives and, so what, since it keeps immigrants where they need to be (which I don't disagree with)

2.) You can vote Democrat and join the self-righteous people that JUDGE everything using reason despite its lack of honesty and its proven inferiority in matters of the planet(global warming is caused because of too much people imo, which means some need to die, and probably, a whole bunch). 

3.) You can do what ODIN does, which is what I do...  you can say what ODIN says...  you can vote what ODIN would vote ... and how would he vote you ask?  

"It's more fun if I don't". 

ODIN just is.  The natural order, just is.  It is, how it is.  (That's why they call it do-nothing-Wednesday... aka. Odin's Day).

ps. how do I know so much about Mexicans, well since my parents are from another country, I know that maybe being "wild" among calm people is just a part of the world righting itself and not a sickness to be cured

Oh brother, more ps, one more one more thing, if the day comes when there is only the Serpent and THOR, the world will end. Ragnarok. That'is why it is important to INFECT the Republicans and to infect the Democrats, so that these two beliefs stay unclear... oh great, now YOU GUYS are mentally ill! 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


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Wisniewski is the name of the NJ state rep that is leading the George Washington Bridge investigation.  Rachel has said that it is pronounced wizNESski, probably after asking him how to pronounce it because she implied to us that others had mis-pronounced it.  

I know from a relative that it is pronounced wizNUski.  Or so I thought but after hearing everyone pronounce it this way and that, I began to wonder.  And recently with that relative nearby, I asked him how it is pronounced and he mentioned that his father told him that in Polish it was correctly pronounced vizhNEFski.  

People on the air still pronounce it 3 different ways though, making you wonder if people just don't respect him enough, or if they frankly just don't BELIEVE Rachel, which of course I do. 

I got an idea, let's have Rachel call him Governor Chrissy for a while.  This way Lawrence can pronounce wizNUski his way, the reporters can pronounce it another, and little Irin Carmon, can belt out her one-liner finally..."it's pronounced ih-RIN!"

Everyone gets to go home pissed.

ps. if they could just get Wisniewski to say HIS OWN name, we'd all be set. I used to call Charlize Theron... SHARleez therrOWN, but once I heard her call herself SHARleez THERRun, I knew what to call her. Btw, Rachel Maddow is pronounced MAD-owe, while we're on the subject.

Monday, January 20, 2014

No hospital

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I'm going to try to explain some things about women and you are going to think they are bizarre.  That's fine.  I have had a lot of time on my own, compiling, you all have had a lot of time learning nothing about relationships as you jump from bed to bed not even understanding why your feelings are so shallow and stay that way.  So you can call me a fool but as Kenobi once said "who is the more foolish the fool or the fool who follows him". 

Hah, some of you can't wait to hear what craziness is about to come out.

Ok so I made mention that Jesus wouldn't approve of marriage.  So by that you are going to wonder if I expect to ever attend church again since this is the FIRST thing anyone who has read this will bring up in sunday school.  

When you have contracts, people can abuse contracts.  This is why making a bargain with the devil is such a bad idea.  A contract with a person of power, almost always leads to a line drawn closer to YOU than to him.  This means... breaking the contract almost never happens to him, it happens to you which then makes you his slave forever and OFF to hell you go.  

Imagine a  prenuptual written by Donald Trump for example.  Will you hold him to it as he changes the weather and your route to work and has your car and your family poisoned?  I'm not saying that he would do this mind you.  I like the guy and my mother bought his book for me to read and sometimes I go on his twitter to see if he has said any good things.  

Sometimes he does.  

But this latest debacle with Christie has left a twinge of fear in my back.  Poison is easy for people of power to inflict and they aren't held accountable because of the invisible nature of inflicting it.  

Poison is like chemotherapy.  

You are poisoning yourself but only the strong parts will survive, the ones that are connected.  Is this what we want?  We want the strong parts to survive only?  Is that like might is right? 

Ok so sidetracked again, He does not like contracts or oaths.  These are meant to keep a populace in check, they are not meant to promote freedom for your soul.  In like form, a marriage is meant to keep other people's hands off your spouse yet some marriages are less formalized than others.  

You should stay together as long as you BOTH are happy and when one of you chooses to leave, it's over.  So I am going to give you 3 rules about dating that I have come up with that make things clear for me even though evil forces would rather MUCK that up so that the public is controlled. 

Rule #1 If you have a girlfriend, she ain't your girlfriend unless you live together. 

This is perhaps the simplest definition of "marriage" there is.  You have the same address, you share the same food, you take a crap in the same toilet.  Someone who breaks in can expect both of you to attack them; there's no doubt that maybe one of you works for the burglar.  And whatdayaknow, living together means paying less rent in some cases, so logically she says it means you have to move to a more expensive area and buy some nice things(NO!). 

The downside of this is that it isn't forever.  Secrets still abound.  You're not sure as to whether next week that HOT babe will want to set up a nice dual action with your man.  You may not even KNOW your man well enough to decide if he is into one person girlfriends or if he likes to juggle.  You STILL might be lying to each other.  Your purpose or BELIEF in each other is temporary to some degree, even though it doesn't have to be.  For guys this is all you ever wanted, for girls, you might need to demand quite a bit more BLOOD for your enamorement.  

Rule #2 You can't fall in love, until you have had sex.

This is basic.  Every girl out there is just WAITING to call the cops on you for publicly "proclaiming" your love for a girl you haven't had sex with.  THE PERVERT.  So don't get your hopes up, don't leave her flowers saying FOREVER, and don't talk to her mom first.  If you want to know what love is, you are going to have to ASK her for sex.  You don't NEED her until then, and she STILL only MIGHT need you after,  but there is NO CHANCE that she needs you beforehand.  She might need your MILLIONS, but not you.  

Rule #3 The "Until death do us part" is written as part of marriage mostly for the sake of children.  So the only REAL marriage is signed the day you and her orgasm at the same time. 

Yep.  You may as well ask her to marry you RIGHT in the MIDDLE of sex and honestly I can think of nothing more romantic.  Is that funny?  Because when she stops saying "I'm close" and she stops saying "Don't stop" and she starts saying "YES" and you feel that "OMG, it's too good, I can't pull it out this time GAAAHHH!"  poof... You're married.  Hope you planned it because it happened.

This is where my belief on abortion splits because although I think young people will experiment with a broomstick (who me?) if given a chance, I DO believe that sex, if done properly should lead to children EVERY SINGLE time.  But that's freedom right?  We must choose what we ALL want to be the norm.  A couple that wants to be together forever should have that ability to BOND in this most extreme method of bonding.  

But I still think young people make mistakes.  And worst thing we can do, especially for those that don't understand things like a 40 year old when they are 20, is make them run around with a child separate from their other parent.  Still it happens and that's the world we live in, but I believe that this should be our goal. 

And now that you know what the goal is, now you can tell it to your children because I was never told and it would have been nice.  And by the way we need to stop circumcision.  Women and men having a foreskin is a way to "double seal" the process of injection.  It's obviously TWICE AS HARD to keep all the sperm inside if only one of the seals exist.  

And if I hear about another JEW practice that has secretly been making me and other men less aggressive as a man that I don't know about... there's gonna be ANOTHER NAZI MOVEMENT coming out of here. 

Ok, one last thing.  People are going to treat you different if you start to spout this stuff and you are religious.  That's because some religious people want you to be soft and others want you OUT of their church if you start to have NEW ideas about improving it.  This will lead to various public exclamations of "what you said" about marriage. 

And if you find yourself being carted off on a cross, and you start to wonder HOW can all of these people be wrong, I point you to a famous saying in The Seventh Sign(Demi Moore is fine even while pregnant and so is Erin Burnett, lousy editor, me?).  At the end of the movie, the last martyr is about to be executed because he killed his father and mother blah blah who cares, but he won't let his lawyers claim insanity because he knows he is right based on HIS understanding of the bible.  

And this is my final point to you is that NO MATTER WHAT you think is right, you must be willing to change, to conform, to understand.   

The Bible is just a book with many examples, there is nothing in there about dealing with rifles and cars and computer viruses, similar things yes, but not specifics, so before you go off being sure of what you know, like SNOWDEN, gather together with people you trust (aka a priest), so that at least you have a chance at not burning out like a flame and thinking the whole world is wrong.   

If you are unwilling to curse, people will curse around you.  If you are unwilling to vandalize, you will be vandalized.  If you are unwilling to poison, people will poison you. If you don't like spitballs, you will be spit on.

Our enemies force us to carry weapons, as so do our enemies in other countries.


ps. Too many good people lead to more bad people, too many bad people lead to more good people. You can't fix this; the world is 50/50.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


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A word about Demons.  I'm going to explain a great deal about demons now.  Then explain why they are here and why they are hard to get gone.  Actually, as I am editing  I am going to just hint at it some so as not to scare you off.  I am watching Iron Man 3, another movie about me.  They are all about me sometimes it seems.  

In the movie, at the start of it, he ignores a woman and a man at a nightclub and because of this slight, because Iron Man is so great and because THEY will not be slighted being also "challenged" by his greatness, they become willing to hurt him.  And they are willing to do this without telling him.  In other words they are willing to deal in poison.  

Fast forward to the end of the movie and Iron Man is almost killed.  In fact, I am watching it now and I know that it doesn't even matter how it ends.  These two demons are the SOLE reason for his existence until they are gone.   

In Sword of the Berserk, Gutts also faced a Demon.  There it was called Nosferatu Zodd.  This demon is seen on the second DVD and is almost as terrifying as the Dragon of the Hobbit.  Really?  Yes, really. Again you have to watch the whole series like 7 times to understand it all.  In this scene, he is surprised that 30 of his men have not been able to secure a castle and have not returned so as he is about to go find out what happened, one his men half beaten to death, tells him "Zodd", then dies.  

Gutts tells noone to follow him.  It's obvious that if 30 men cannot take one man down, all the rest of his men will not be able to help.  Gutts is quite the warrior at this point in the movie.  All of the men respect him and have accepted him, his comraderie with the men are at an all-time high.  He is "unbeatable" on the battlefield based on the battles already shown in the movie.

He goes in to find a huge man with a bastard sword held in one hand that has two impaled bodies on it.  He calmly turns to look at Gutts, who when he recognizes the faces of the two men as his, attacks.   The man counters his attacks easily and forces him into a wall.  At that point the man attacks with unbelievable speed with Gutts barely escaping each time as the man crashes blow after blow of which one hit would easily crush him.  Finally, one of the blows land and Gutts is thrown up against a wall and has his wind knocked out and he realizes that THIS is his last move.  

Gutts' sword is three times the size of a normal sword.  This is because growing up he was forced to use a regular sized sword for an adult and to compensate he just kept using huge claymores as an adult.  At this moment, he devises a plan to instead of blocking his attack, to attack his sword and then, as the man is defenseless, to attack a now defenseless huge man with half a sword.  Everything goes as planned.  Gutts sticks him in his shoulder and the huge man grabs the sword amazed at his wound then grows into the twice his size demon that is Nosferatu Zodd.  He is delighted to have been aroused.   What happens next?  Buy the DVD set.  

The movie Wanted is a movie that I have some kinship with.  The girl, Angelina, is an invincible type.  She is driven by her belief in a greater good that is tainted when a fellow "angel" decides to exchange the secret names for his own set of names.  "Your name came up".  But the demon in this movie is the main character.  He is recruited for the sole purpose of killing his father.  Why does this have anything to do with demons you ask?  How do I know so much about demons and what is a thaumaturgist you ask? 

Well, see you can't attack someone you love.  So the son could not attack the father.  Iron Man, not knowing he did anything wrong, could not return fire on the two that trapped him.  The demon from Gutts' army was in fact one of his own officers from the army he served, the army of midland.  You see you can't attack one of your OWN officers even if he thinks you are a threat and has attacked you.  

A demon is magical.  It takes a great many people to create a situation like this where you are unaware of being attacked and yet the person attacking you feels a righteous need to do so.   It's called thaumaturgy.  

A summoning.  

ps. These were some great movies so I recommend them all. You want to know more about thaumaturgy? No you don't. 

Friday, January 17, 2014


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Anyways, I was gonna take a larger break but nah, I need to get out of the habit of making people feel the "void".  I told people on twitter I was gonna take a break for a month but the truth is I just need a day off now and again.

So the other day a guy is talking about how raising the minimum wage is not good for the poor and then he mentions that Jesus chose to show us that if feed a man a fish you feed him for a day, if you teach him to fish you feed him for a lifetime.

Ok, so I'm gonna explain that little parable but first let me just say that a politician is the furthest thing from a man of peace. Even in kids movies you see people captured, like in Red Dawn, and the kids of the politician are the first ones to negotiate for the poor by agreeing to keep them poor. A politician is not a man of peace, he is an instrument of war. A vote is the slightest use of force that a man can use and yet it should be used by everyone.

Ok, slightly off track. I want to explain to you what Jesus meant, imo. Now first of all the Bible is there so that everyone can read it and understand the stories just as they are, not how people interpret them, so it's important to first gain YOUR interpretation, and then to allow others to MOLD your river of understanding.

When Jesus talks of making fishermen of men he is speaking of man as a child. A child is a man without wisdom. One of the first things a man learns is to care for himself, to clean himself, to clean his things, and to gather or find sustenance. A man can get stuck doing this his whole life if there is plenty of food and space but sometimes, often times, he runs out of food and space. Other men, run him out of space perhaps sooner than he would like, and it's then that a man becomes dangerous.

So what would Jesus do?

His message is not to turn the other cheek and sit down and take it. His message, in my opinion(imo), is that you have to learn from the other men. You have to work WITH the other men. If YOU know how to fish, for example(eg) or you know where the gold is, or you know where the buffalo roam, or you have an idea for cleaner gas, you should teach others to help you exploit the source of sustenance.

His message was NOT to promote competition as the politician suggested. I believe it would be an anathema to him. He would not want to remove food stamps and cut the minimum wage in an effort to promote competition.

That's not Jesus talking at all.

You have to convert souls to Jesus and by that I mean you have to make people willing to work with each other. Make them men of peace. When I say men, you should assume I mean men and women of course. Women are just a type of men and some men are less than men so ... there you go.

Obviously, instruments of war(politicians), won't have that and the beauty of Christ is that he did not come to make you an opponent of war, he came to give you the option. In all things, you can choose NOT to choose. Ok if I tell you too much you're gonna make me into a nutjob so that's all for now.

The lesson is that to teach a man to fish means sharing with him your lessons in life so that you BOTH may "go forth and multiply" your wisdom.

Btw, I don't think Jesus believed in marriage. 

Just saying.

PS. I told you you would think I was a nutjob :. you must choose what to believe or don't choose :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dreaming of Angelina

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Ok Im skipping self-serving statement about the difference of cocaine people and mean people. If I can't say something productive, I'm not saying it when it comes to people, for the most part.

I had a dream last night about Angelina Jolie.  Lucky me right?  Well not that type of dream but since it's fresh in my mind let me write it out and maybe yall can figure it out.  

An undefined woman is lying in a bed next to me.  I am comfortable but curious.  She wakes up and reveals that it's Angelina Jolie.  But she doesn't look at me.  She is busy somehow.  She peels off her blanket, smiles, and moves close to someone else but it doesn't bother me because I am just so happy to be near her.  I don't see her actually mount the person who I never find out who it is, then flash to a car scene.  She is in the back seat of a car being driven by some old lady.  Angelina is out of it, either because she is too tired or just woken up; not drugged just tired.  The old lady starts asking a lot of annoying  questions like who she was supposed to meet.  I remember her responding something but that part has faded.

She gets out of the car that was like a taxi and I suddenly realize that me and her are together and we are looking for our car in a parking lot in front of this supercenter type store with no name.  We get to her car and in front of it she points to a yellow curb thingy that keeps the car from going forward.  She smiles wide at this, truly enjoying her smile this time.  She mentions to me that she has never seen one out in public and she detaches it from the ground and starts to fold it up.  It is foamy like that twerk finger foam.  She is very happy now and as she turns to walk away for some reason, I notice her long well made hair with curls like the hair she had the night of the awards ceremony when she stuck her leg out. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

A fat man

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I am in a conundrum about Christie. He made a play to close down the George Washington Bridge. It's as obvious to me as it is to Rachel as it is to pretty much everyone in his home state of New Jersey. What's funny is that I keep hearing about how, if he's telling truth about not knowing about it or not having ordered it, he might be able to ride this out.

Fine. I will give this to a governor or a judge or even a police officer, when it comes to you in YOUR home town, you can pretty much do whatever you want.

I was telling people recently that we only have two types of judges, ie. two types of people that can tell us what to do:

1) ELECTED people that we put in that position because that is what all of the landowners have agreed to do which is like a democracy

2) OWNER people that own the land we live on which pretty much makes us slaves to their will unless that will is unreasonable, which tends to be a line (line of reasonability) drawn far closer to the SLAVE than the owner.

And that is what privatization does. It puts OWNERS in charge of the government. When the companies own the water, people suffer. When they own the planes, people are at risk. When they own the gasoline, some people get cancer. You don't have to go far to determine if privatization works. When CASTRO takes over a refinery and gives it to the state you might think HEY that was wrong of him to do but not really because he was doing it for the people, right? The downside comes when he goes right back to doing what the company was doing which is running the company to profit the government not the people.

That's why ME as dictator... IS A GREAT IDEA! I would never abuse the power, you should give ME the power. But somewhere along the way, while I am running this refinery company, another crisis comes up, now it's the food. Apparently some people have begun spraying ALL SORTS of poison on the food and washing the poison off is getting harder and harder to do because the people there are AT IT AGAIN with the profit motive. So I nationalize that TOO.

SEE, me in charge = GOOD.

Oh here come the planes, yep two or three crashes later people want me to run that too, and the electricity, apparently EVERYONE needs it and people have been noticing 2 cents more = BILLIONS more to the state.

So my point it, I'm sorry. It's TOO MUCH. I would not make a good leader by myself. No matter what your level of intellect is or your charisma or even the amount of money you started out with, to be a good leader you are going to need a good religion. A set of values. A cause.

The first thing you must admit is that the cause is temporary and that when you are dead or incapacitated, it's over. And you have to assume and declare that this cause will have a positive net present value... meaning that it will be productive.

Man I'm already tired of writing. Maybe I am depressing myself, I can't tell.

Christie is having this problem. He needs a cause to keep his administration going but meh if that's the way things get done in his state, more power to him. I believe he is an ambitious little man doing things MORE for his government than for his people.

The worst thing that can happen to a politician is that he gets outnumbered. His will is little more than a rant at that point. He is supposed to shape the river, not damn it, not poison it, or blow it up.

I've lost track of my point.

Well, anyway I can am trying not to come right out and call him a fat, ugly, Nero type because I don't know him or what he has done. And that is prejudice. I don't like it when it's done to me so I try not to do it to others.

But I keep going back to Reese Witherspoon's statement about healthy people not being able to commit murder.  She said this in LEGALLY BLONDE.  It has been something I have kept close to my heart. People that are in good shape tend to be happy ALL of the time. They can laugh things off better they can "switch out" their addictions easier possibly without even noticing the step happened.

(and btw, Reese Witherspoon's BRAND which was that of a girl with a positive outlook despite being "cursed" with money, jealousy from others, good looks and culture, is out the window, I don't know who I'm getting at this point when she is in a movie)

So when I see Rachel on a fishing boat on a ship having a good time, I believe her good will. Same goes for SECupp. Same goes for Ann Coulter, even though I think she is a little more on the selfish side. But I don't believe she would hurt anyone's feelings intentionally. I have a bad potty mouth like Bill Maher but he doesn't do it either to hurt people. We have free speech. I mean, he has a show and YOU have come to HIS show to check out his opinions and that's because he is entertaining. Same goes for Ann.  Same goes for Sarah Silverman.

All those people are in shape. And because they are it tells me they have a high self-esteem and I want that. I want to believe I am the best or at least that I have a way of getting there.  I need to be around people that inspire that so THESE are the people that do it for me.

FAT people do not. And even though I am fat and disgustingly out of shape, I am not going to learn ONE THING from a fat person that I can use.

Anyway that's my opinion and YOU came to MY website to hear it. Oh and good luck Christie... you don't deserve to be in jail, because in Jersey politics are hardball(?) so that's all you know I guess, but there's no way in hell I would vote you as President.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

More fun if I dont

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Some people believe that weed is for the lazy and the fat.  But even though I don't like weed, I believe that drugs are a good source of fuel for the creative.  I for one consider smoking and drinking as a great source of fuel as a replacement for what would normally be happiness. Along those lines I believe that the lack of smoking and drinking leads to less extreme mood swings so though you are less creative, you suffer less depression.  Just look at this blog.  I can't even think of what to talk about whereas before I used to stream pages of stuff in half an hour.  I am much less happy although I also feel a lot less depressed overall.

Pot is the same.  If you hook up to it, it makes you more happy DESPITE the major problems in your life.  And this makes you more radical, less calm, more bipolar, perhaps like I used to be.  But that's OK as long as you get a full night of sleep and you take that giganourmous shit in the morning so that your system gets cleaned out and you get another "chance" to be calm.   

If you are a leader, you should inspire calmness. If you are a follower, you should follow someone calm.

Now, I know you want to give Trey Radel a whole lot of crap for being caught with cocaine but, you know, it's just another drug.  And now that we gave him a pass, MORE PEOPLE can now find themselves deserving of a pass.  Why does CRACK have to sound so evil?  

Secrecy is evil.  Poison is evil.  Violence is evil. 

Crack is not evil. 

I believe if many people are doing something, eventually we need to bring it to the eggheads to find out if it kills us.  The following are things that kill us:

Skydiving= kills us
Scuba diving= kills us
Football = kills us
Space flight = kills us
Bleach = kills us 

Yeah, so that's why it's necessary to have it researched because nobody in a white VW at the trailer park is gonna quote some scientific study that says by the way(BTW) don't smoke this after swimming because they don't have ANY FRIGGIN IDEA what they are selling to you.   And that's why we need more government and regulation.  Because what that list up there tells you is that we would be a very boring people without the activities mentioned up there.  So the more options, the more SAFE options, the better for our happiness.  

Happiness is hard.  Sex is hard.  Drugs... compensate for that. 

But Republicans might be thinking like an ape that "more government equals bad" right?  But not really.  Government is our shell.  It is in charge of keeping us safe.  And like officers and soldiers and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau(CPFB) (that we needed like 20 years ago), we don't have to equate having more protection, with having more government.  

What Republicans fear from big government is the corruption of officials.  And it always happens.  But a lack of regulation, is also an avenue for the corrupt in other ways. Corporations, seeing less and less competition, begin to BECOME the government. (That's why we needed the CPFB 20 years ago and it needs to NEVER go away!) So what we can agree on is that both parties, Democrat and Republican, struggle for EFFICIENCY.  Moreover, they should be struggling for the sake of a stable and supportive government that mostly deals with outside threats.  Yet, they try that by attacking the opposing party based on the principle of winning.  They fight for the sake of fighting because both sides need "charity" from rich people to outmatch political enemies.  So the job of a political figure is to "juggle" opposing beliefs, one, to have no connection to the possibly corrupt while, secondly, embracing the possibly corrupt to help outmatch "better connected" competitors, that mostly just know a few bunch of rich people.   If people would pay more attention as voters and refuse to allow corruption MAYBE elections would be cheaper, but people work TOO much.  

A forty-hour workweek is 1/3 of your week.  Sleep is another third.  The last third is all the time regular people have to keep up with our leaders which is not only made increasingly difficult by party politics like "vote republican or else and don't ask why" but is hopelessly outweighed by the amount of free time rich people have by comparison.   Average people, have NO HOPE of understanding the healthcare act, and yet they agree with it.  


I am all for having more healthcare insurance and paying for it, especially that pre-existing condition crap that basically DOOMS half the population, but there should be a clear cut way of learning all there is to know about it, and there isn't. 

And you would think that Republicans would have POINTED OUT that pre-existing condition crap long ago and appointed a government bureau to direct healthcare, to keep people safe  from financial problems, but no, every new bureau is MORE GOVERNMENT to them so now we got what we got.  We have a HYBRID MESS of a healthcare system that is going to need refining like a shaggy dog needs a bath.  

All we needed was a healthcare bureau. (arrgh, I changed the subject)

Some Republicans, like SECupp, believe that Obama is not about to support new drug laws because they would make him less "presidential",  but you have to remember what country this is.  We are a democracy.   There is little more that defines us better than ACCEPTING foreign ideas and integrating them into our "melting pot" of people and cultures.  

That is our religion as a country.  ACCEPTANCE.  Free speech.  Diversity.  Winning by submitting.  It's not weakness, it's sophistication.  If I change to be like you and you reject me, YOU should be destroyed.  

As a final note, I will mention Colorado and the nature of darkness.  Darkness seeps into everything.  People that used to work in secret will still have ties to secrecy.  That leads to a funding of dark networks that maybe don't deserve more power.  As the networks become more powerful, they will demand fewer suppliers etc, a power play.   This darkness will pull dark people from other states and bring them back to infect their home states.  It will be a volatile time in that region, not the least of which is due to the proximity of Nevada and California.  Vigilance will be crucial, but how can you watch what most people don't want to watch.  Here's my theory on Nukes and Gun control and Marijuana.  Only after every single nation has a nuke, only after every single person has a gun, only after every single state passes marijuana laws, can we agree to do without them.  Only then.  At the end.  

It's like smoking.  Only when everyone has access can people all agree that it's bad.  They have to PREFER not to do it. But I fear sometimes that rich people(aka. the possibly corrupt) won't allow it.  

And I believe most people agree with Mr. Pewterschmidt from Family Guy, that the rich and powerful COULD make everything a little less lopsided... 

"but it's more fun if I don't".