Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Impostering children


I am watching CSPAN and they are talking about the immigration problem. 

By the way, what is the new murder capital of the world, can you guess?  Yeah. And you know when children commit murder, it's not murder so, as usual, statistics equals... fungible.  

I was playing some game and listening and listening to a Democrat from Arizona and some lady gets really personal about loving America and wanting the foreigners out.  

Just one small thing about saying "I love America", it's not new.  I task you to find someone here who doesn't love America.   It's like when Bill Maher says that people that end their quotes with "just saying" are basically using that to be jerks.  That's what this lady did.  I love America but... ship those children back, we got too much debt, or I love America but the Mexicans are taking blah blah blah. 

As it turns out she's got a good point, she forsees a LOT of kickbacks yes?  People in politics just can't wait to pass a law that gets their donors some kickbacks for at the expense of the taxpayer.  That's why this crisis seems so contrived.  But she really got disrespectful.  She said this and that about Mexicans and people of another country and you could tell the Congressman got indignant at the comments but hey, YOU are the congreesman.  I don't expect you to stand there and be insulted or interrupted, but I do expect you to listen to honest comments blurted out in public for all to hear, most especially when they end in "I don't expect people in other countries to feed me and pay for a flight home."


They are killing bunches of people aren't they?  And what's funny is that they are getting all indignant about flights being cancelled and the impact this will have to tourism.  How disconnected from the world do you have to be?  You are in a WAR.  What part of WAR ZONE doesn't register?  And strangely enough people here are making indignant efforts to re-establish flights to a WAR ZONE.  

It boggles the mind.  

But I'm glad we saw the number of peolpe being killed because now we have a nice idea of where the murder capital of the world is... Israel.   Yeah.  They aren't taking over the region, because they don't wanna live in a desert, so they just stay this side of the "west side" and continue to make those people miserable just enough so that they can keep attacking them and justify receiving military aid and solidifying their dominance.  And what's more bizarre is that the Palestinians have no leader.  HOW can a country not have a leader?  What the hell is Hamas?  How can we blame destruction on a nothing?  I was ok with attacking terrorists/nothings armed with rifles and hiding in caves, but you aren't going to convince me some nothing GANG is in charge of ground based missiles... that's just stupid.  

Don't be stupid.  If Bin Laden is in Pakistan, we are at war with Pakistan.  If Israel can't find Hamas, they don't WANT to find them.  If Ghandi has a problem with Britain, Ghandi's gotta die!  

It's not hard.  

I believe they have a contraption set up over there where they periodically SACRIFICE humans and it's despicable, unworthy of a democracy, unworthy of even being considered civilized.  It's not civilized to make yourself strong by racism but it SURE does feel good. 

Hitler taught us that, and here they go perpetrating the same thing that was done to the Jews.  It's like a bad record that you love but you know is forbidden.  

Ok that's enough about human sacrifice.  I imagine Israel as a sort of Sparta.  Since all of them are made to serve in the military, NONE of them have a chance at being civilized.   I believe in the military just like anyone else.  There is a time and place for it.  But you can't have a whole country of military, that's just stupid.  They will attack anyone, anywhere for anything and there will always be an enemy.  The ruling class of THAT society will always FIND an enemy to attack and evil will always reside in their blood. 

Evil is the need to attack someone.  In animals it's natural, in humans... it's a choice.  

Ok enough about the Israel conflict.  I am thankful that we have so much coverage on it because a couple of years ago I couldn't understand that whole paradigm there.  Why could they never find peace?  Now I see how it's working there.  

In immigration, I am willing to address the problem in this way.   As you might guess, I have watched quite a bit of Star Trek in my day.  I usually refer to some scene to make my point.  My lesson for you today is from the episode called I, Borg.  That's probably all you need to know to get what I'm getting at.  

I am Hugh.  Remember when the Borg individual that they capture is NAMED?  It's like he is saying "I am You".  We TEACH him to be an individual.  Oh I know what you are thinking, "they are already individual".  

But the answer lies in IDENTIFYING them.  Give them an ID card with a picture and a magnetic stripe and put their fingerprint on them.  When they get pulled over a sample pad that they put their thumb on should be able to pull up their ID in a computer for the border patrol.  

Put them all in groups.  Fact is, if the foreign governments were NOT so valiantly set up to resist the populace, they woudl never allow this.  The cartels are confidant that the children will be returned and when they do, they come back with knowledge of the system and of the people.  I would expect the children to go so far as to ask the names of the people in charge.  It's pure spying.  And just like in the movie IMPOSTER(great movie, seen it more than 10 times), they are SO GOOD at it because they don't even know they are doing it.  

So make them Hugh.  Make them understand freedom.  make them into the Chinese students that fought back against tanks.  help them understand freedom by giving them a picture of themselves with their official name and their official number and go to the governments of those areas and set them up with registration offices so that these children are allowed to vote as soon as possible, maybe at 16 or even 14.  The risks that they took should be rewarded and by making them powerful, by making them self-determinant, they become willing to engage with others and willing to face their fears.  

And I am FOR voter registration for the sake of preventing VOTER ID fraud, which as it turns out seems to happen quite a bit only people don't go to jail for it, so a lot of what MSNBC says about it implies that it's non-existent when it isn't; but there is NO excuse for making voting MORE difficult by closing off extra days of voting, in my opinion, sorry Rick Scott.  

Tuesday, July 22, 2014



I just watched a movie about a NOVA episode about a meteor.  Yeah it's the meteor that hit Russia not too long ago.  I kept waiting for the date but they never gave it.  

Strange yes? 

But everyone got good pictures of it and our scientists began to use all of the footage to project the path of where it came from.  It reminds me of Goazer the Gozarian giving people the option to be destroyed by the monster of their choosing... and therefore because they couldn't be calm even at the prospect of their own deaths, they get stomped by the Stay-Puf Marshmallow Man.  

It seems odd that this time around, instead of like it was in the 60s with UFOs and such, we get periodically harassed by meteors and bad weather.  It's kind of uncommon to say the least yeah?  How often did we hit by hurricanes in the 70s growing up?  Probably a lot less I am guessing.  

As usual after watching scientists say a lot of stuff and then CONJECTURE a lot of other things, I begin to make my own theories.  It occurs to me that was is important is the Van Allen Belt.  This is the belt of electro-magnetism that deflect Ultraviolet rays to some extent and perhaps is the single biggest natural deflector of asteroids our planet has.  

And since I have recently been amazed by our planets ability to defend itself from insects with atomic bombs, I have new hope that it probably has a significant NATURAL defense against asteroids.  

Moreover, I believe that the slight air resistance found in the upper atmosphere coupled with the rotation of the Earth is enough to ALWAYS change the trajectory of the asteroid enough to preclude it from impacting the planet at too steep an angle.  And the resulting disaster that many would color as an EXTINCTION level event, I postulate is much like my theory of tri-delta.  The first hit could maximum take 66% and the next coupled with the first could take 90% and a third would take 96%.  So in my mind, there is no extinction level event possible, just like there is no way to poison all of the Earth's waters or air... for too long.  

And the creatures that survive, maybe not the humans, will be the ones that can coincide with and detect radiation and maybe perpetually avoid it, but the planet will always allow a refulgence, in my opinion. 

And it's a lot of crap isn't it making us believe in global warming, space missions, asteroids, unexplained crop circles and even things like mermaids and the elephant's graveyard, (which is said to hide a fortune in ivory right?) but this time I am skeptical to doubt them because NO WAY can scientists see asteroids coming and NO WAY is there such a thing as this HUGE meteor that hit the ground and didn't BLOW UP half of Russia and send up a dust storm that covered the Earth for 10 years, freezing all plant life etcetera.  

No way... except that I SAW this meteor.  

Monday, July 21, 2014

House of the Devil


Word to the wise I'm about to talk about a terrible movie that only someone like me would find interesting.  the name of it is called House of the Devil.  It's a 2009 movie about a real life set of murders done in the 80s, so if you are nostalgic you will sort of appreciate all of the gadgets, if not you really are going to hate this movie and ME for making you have to watch it not once but twice.  

It starts off oddly enough with a message that says most people believed in satanic cults and a good portion of them think that the government covered them up.  So this is like a true story but it isn't.  

First thing is first, if you are 40+, you need to watch it once just to get that hairball out of your throat.  You are going to hate all of it, the middle, the ending, even the famous people that are not really the star, but you will find yourself willing to watch it again after you read this because it is cryptic and we know HEY this is about government cover-ups maybe.  

And second thing is first, or second, I am going to do a lot of guessing.  I don't have first hand knowledge of cults and if I WAS a member I certainly wouldn't be spouting off my knowledge of it.  

Ok, now the main character is a sweet looking 19 year old.  I'm slightly amazed at how often the camera centers around her skinny legs and butt and crotch area.  Maybe this is to fluff up the point that she is booty to the satanists.  Maybe people want to know how someone so young can have thigh gap.  Maybe people don't believe this girl is really 18.   In any case, she looks too young to be admired but if you watch long enough she really starts to grow on you.  By the second time watching I was like OMG I want her.   So meh, watch at your own risk. 

The movie starts with her trying to rent an apartment for $300.  A ONE bedroom.  It's normal enough.  Lady is going to give her a break and not make her pay a deposit, nice start.  Now she's walking and she's walking, bony butt, bony butt, I tell you another hour of this and I PROMISE you, you will be like WHERE CAN I FIND a bony butt like that.  (Rick Springfield)  

Now the story turns because she goes back to her dorm and her roommate is having sex so she has to leave but she says something like it's morning, meaning the guy was supposed to have left already.  Possible boyfriend, possible one night stand, possible john for the whore.  How do people spell John by the way, as an adjective? 

So she takes a break, looks for some under the table job as she states later possibly so she doesn't have to give up her financial aid.  Babysitting.  She takes one of the tabs and calls.  She gets the machine, she leaves her home phone, (she at a campus phone) and hangs up.  The phone rings the guy got her message and wants her to do the job.  She says ok. 

This is the kind of person that is EASY MEAT for predators.  If you don't lie or don't break the law or if you even have faith in your church, people like this cult can't touch you but this girl has made an agreement on a public phone that can't be traced, wants to earn money under the table, and has just agreed to accept an apartment without having to place a deposit.  All of these things are public things that show YOU to be an opportunist and therefore a fish.  A fish willing to break the rules, someone willing to eat a smaller fish.  And when it comes to fish...

there's always a bigger fish.  (Quigon, Star Wars)

So she goes back to the dorm, lovebirds are pretending to be asleep, john or random guy as the credits say, gives her a wink like she might have a chance to make some money lol, well maybe he was just being friendly.  When I hit the pause, I noticed there was an ashtray full of drugs and then I noticed the girl pat him on the back after she left as if to say good job, even though she was supposed to be asleep.  

This is when YOU are in hell.  When your friends lie to you, you are steps away from the center of the maze where the Minotaur resides... and rest assured he knows the maze you are in, he's been planning to lead you down the maze LONG before he started acting or paying people to help him or her.  

By the way,Thor doesn't have a gender.  Oh you thought Thor was always a good guy?  NO my friend, no.  When you show yourself as willing to act unfairly, like Loki, Thor is the guy or girl, good or bad, that comes to sort you out 

So off she goes, tired of living with her roommate and meets up with her BFF for some pizza.  Strangely the pizza is off, like someone put something in it...

doesn't... remind me... of ANYONE. 

They have this long conversation about what just happened, oh wait so she was told to meet this guy and he never showed.  This is what it is like to BECOME a mark.  You show up somewhere public like say LAS VEGAS, and all the beasties get a good gander at what they will be feeding on, or like an initiation maybe I can't be sure.  

So after she meets up with her friend, her friend gets annoyed about her being stood up.  The friend is a girl with a Volvo who is willing to lend her money from her father but the girl won't accept it.  And off they go.  

Whenever there is any indication of rich I immediately think that they are the villain, but in this movie it wasn't the case.  But yet the friend gets vindictive, as most rich people have learned to be, and takes down all of the babysitter ads around campus so that NOONE calls back the guy that stood her up.  

Later, she finally goes into her room, guy is gone, roommate gets up from bed groggy, rubs her nose probably still laced with cocaine, and tells her she has a message.  The guy speaks to her and convinces her to come even though he stood her up.  

At this point I am reminded of many times people don't listen to repeated warnings.  You half believe you are getting warned but the warnings are not for you, can you all see that?  The warnings are for the other members of the cult, they are there so that they will be ALLOWED to sacrifice you, to feed on you, they need to be able to say "I warned him" even though you might be thinking like Cameron Diaz on that movie Knight and Day...

"that's no warning to stay off the plane Roy, you need to say IF you get on this plane you will EFFING DIE!" 

So be sensitive for warnings people, and remember this... you might think people are warning you because they DO care, but that is exactly backwards, they are warning you so they can go in with their knives if you "ignore" warnings, which of course is usually not enough warning.  

Night time.  

The girl and her BFF are a long ways from her whore roommate.  You see this part in the movie is where I get iffy as to who is the devil.  The whore doing drugs might have the gang and she might be paying the cult to kill her.  Makes sense right, she knows about the drugs, she's been winked at by some "random" guy, and she's moving out and roommate's thinking oh you can just take our secrets and see ya later no problem, we all trust you, lol.  

Ok so girl and BFF are driving to the house now and it's nighttime.  the BFF really loves her and warns her off about it and offers to stay with her to do the job that night and girl says ok, this is when BFF shows her that she took down all the signs offering the babysitting job and the girl realizes that the guy had no choice but to call HER for the job.  

This is another part of the movie where I can't follow the reality.  Are the signs a part of it?  Is the BFF in on it?  Did they ALL want her to go to the house that night or everyone but the girl and the BFF?  She does smoke cigarettes.  

What does smoking have to do with anything you say?  Well in my world I have learned that I have much more energy if I smoke or if I work out or if I drink.  All of these are a way of getting high, and what is a high person but someone that is not calm.  If you are not calm you might be hyper-active and this is indicative of a mercenary, an agent sent to spy on you for a purpose.  Just think of how that second hand smoke gets everywhere and pervades even the air you breathe, that's what an agent is.  He is not calm, he's there NOT to keep to himself but to overhear, to intrude your space, to invade your privacy.  That's a smoker.

I smoke but I never realized what this was indicative of before and I am certainly not an agent sent by someone to sit in this house or at the bar.  But it's comforting isn't it, having people take an interest in you just because you are sitting there with no purpose.  What if he works for the MMOFP? What is that, you say? It's the Massive Mammarian Olfactory Florida Police.  What do they do?  We smell boobs.  

Ha ha, yeah, it's funny until it isn't.  

When they go into the house, I am mystified by the BFF.  Everything goes well, she gets told she was not watching a baby but a old lady and once again she gets a warning and almost leaves but they agree to pay her more, $50 was the regular price but because they lied to her they will make it $100.  She says no then they double that, she says no, then when they make it $300, she says to make it $400.  

This is really a great point they are making here.  The Devil is ENORMOUS.   Never think you have the devil's hand over a barrel.  Remember in Deep Impact?  The President says, "Ms. Lerner(learner?) it may seem like we have each other's hand over a barrel but it only seems that way." She found out the secret of the meteor and was going to spill the beans and was negotiating with the President about when she would do it.  

You should respect power.  Power is a bottomless void that may have a one person face, but is an ocean of will.  If you think you are doing something unfair, check to see where you are, haha haha.  

Everything worth doing is worth doing in public.  

So she takes the money, stays behind, and reassures them that her friend is not a part of it and doesn't need to be paid and is leaving.  Her friend drives off, but pulls over in front of the house for a cigarette that she has trouble lighting.  A guy INTRUDES into the car and tries to light it for her.  She gets scared, recollects herself, smiles, and wonders where he came from and BLAM, he shoots the BFF in the skull.  

See this is the part where I wonder if the cult or the gang just got tired of the BFF who was in on it, or if she saw too much and they had to do her too.  

Later in the movie she starts to poke around the house.  She finds a picture of a family that is not the people living there.  The man had said that they recently were just moving in from out of town, LIKE ASSASSINS DO, and it occurs to her that something is wrong, especially after several attempts to call her BFF at home.  

So now she is walking around the house with a knife, kinda quirky, and she checks down below, nothing, and makes it up the stairs to respond to noises made by the "mother" she is guarding.  Oh and somewhere back there she ordered pizza and it was delivered by the guy who shot the BFF and the pizza was pre-cut indicating they probably prepared it with drugs.  So now she is approaching the room with the mother and she dozes off probably from the drugs but the movie showed her tasting the drugs and rinsing her mouth with water which makes me wonder if she was groggy from the drugs or if she was unwilling to face her fears, which puts people to sleep from doing what they NEED to do...

doesn't... remind me... of ANYONE.

Oh I forgot to mention that while she was snooping the house, the family in the picture, were shown slaughtered and placed on a pentagram behind a locked door that she never goes into.  So what happens after she wakes up from her sleep? 

SHE is on the pentagram.  Very iconic.  And now the mother she was snooping around trying to look at, is right in front of her placing blood symbols on her stomach and her forehead.  It reminds me of a scene in Mulan where agents of the Emperor notice the leader of the Huns but then his hawk notices them and they get surrounded. 

"Congratulations, you've found the Hun Army." 

The movie gets mildly gory at this point.  I was kinda rooting for the Satanists really because, well I dunno, but she manages to free herself without help and manages to slice the agent guy's neck open after getting shot.  She stabs the headhoncho with a small knife and backstabs the wife of the head honcho and quite unfairly I might add.  The mother is praying to her lord for guidance and she gets backstabbed, I tellya what's this world coming to? 

As she makes it out of the house she stumbles while trying to walk with her bony butt all shot and gets chased by the head honcho who tells her to just speak to her and when she does he tells her to just listen to all of the voices that are speaking to her but that they are almost out of time, at which point she shoots herself in the head.  

I know, disappointing.  She survives but in a hospital where you know who, is keeping her sedated.  Just imagine how much fun this movie will be the second time around?!! 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Look at how cute she is


The problem with attraction is the intensity dial.  Remember my article regarding Star Trek The Original Series(TOS)?  The episode of Dagger of the Mind?  

Here goes the on and off knob and over here goes the intensity knob. 

It's not a very hard job is it?  Don't need to know history or math to know how to work a knob.  I wonder if this is what they mean by HOB-knobbing the crowd?  

I am attracted to SarahK.  It's unhealthy.  She's like a millionaire and I'm broke. And though I don't believe in "being in love" with someone you haven't even kissed, I believe I am addicted to talking/tweeting her.  And she never responds but I still just can't wait for her to say something, so that I can respond.  

It's very one-sided I am realizing...  

When using Twitter, I used to go do some reading and tweet responses to articles that I can't afford to subscribe to and then take the same amount of time (like 10 minutes) to compose an incisive tweet in response to her comedy.  But it's out of control now.  I follow so many people now that I just page down to her and Megan's posts and compose those tweets.  It's like I have stopped caring about the world, lol. So it's gotta stop.  I might have to just unfollow some people that I don't ever read but I have to get more focused to maintain my balanced outlook.  I have to sever the ties with her... slowly I guess.   

I was explaining my theory on slow to my mother the other day.  I had just returned from the movie theater.  Someone was following me again, with their sub-lights on, and I lost my cool.  I was angry and then I was ashamed and then I explained to her why it is taking me so long to start to look for work.   I was harassed at work by people and they used that "intensity" to really grate down my calm.  But over time, some of that calm has returned and it's going to take more time to get most of it back, but I feel there are powers out there that don't want me to get it all back.  People "sent" by someone.   And the more it continues to happen, the more I need to speak to law enforcement about harassment.  

It's not hard.  

But as I was telling her, I have to do things slow.  Because if I go too fast, the reaction time will also be fast.  People may start to cacophonize my every move and if I am not "calm" enough yet, I may act to defend myself "inappropriately".  

I am the equal of any man.  I am as attractive and as intelligent but  maybe not as subversive yet I consider that a strength in the long run.  It's not surprising I think that I pick someone amazing and start to talk to them, confidently.  The only thing that can happen is that I IMPROVE their lives because I am a great man.  

At the bar this would happen on occasion but ALWAYS they would have boyfriends.  Part of me wonders if it was just my rotten luck or if maybe I REALLY AM the only one that thinks I'm attractive.  Maybe ALL of these people know my secrets and already considered me someone on the way out?  How much more could I do to attract someone than stand there singing my heart out to applause?   Perhaps THAT was part of the problem?  

One time, a while back in downtown Jacksonville, I was at my best.  I was singing Karaoke to resounding applause.  The room had noise filters on the roof, a grand piano on the side and a projector projecting the words to a HUGE wall.  I had showed interest at a waitress and wanted to go out with her but she was always taken it seemed.  This was at an older restaurant/bar where I was an even BIGGER hit but was less skilled at singing back then.  

At the new place she was dating the owner and probably still harbored attraction for me not the least of which was because I was actually able to sing most things well and had practiced them plenty and really only did songs that I could do well instead of what I had done in the past was to do NEW stuff which always came out dry and without substance.  

Me singing new stuff instead of stuff I practiced was like Ezra Klein filling in for Alex Wagner.  I mean noone watching TV can tell the difference or know why there is a difference, but people in the business KNOW.  And it was a good exercise because without the new guy out there giving it his all without really being able to compare we would not have appreciation for the old pros.  

Wow, I just called Alex an old PRO... what PLANET is this?

This reminds me of SarahK next to Bill Maher.  She's funny but next to him on his show you can tell who is completely in their element, and who is less so.  

Ok sidetracked, so the waitress was serving drinks as a bartender now, (Upgrade!) and was watching me build up a clientele for her boss regularly then one day as they were all clapping after my performance I go right to the bar and order a drink and she says...

"you really think you're hot stuff dontcha?"  

So if the attraction is not returned, then my IMPROVEMENT is not improvement at all, it's NOT-improvement and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.  Especially after having been harassed like I was harassed. 

But the fact is I am famous to the locals.  It's true.  I have spent 20 years out performing in the clubs much like SarahK has done.  And you are probably wondering where my millions of followers are.  They're out there.  The TRUTH is out there.  I may not have millions but when it comes to the night life, most facts are duplicitous...  meaning her followers probably aren't ALL real followers and that I probably have FAR MORE supporters than people generally believe.  

And no I don't believe demons are following me around making me do crazy things, those are people, just regular people with nothing better to do, who are like me.  Maybe they are attracted to me?  The other day one guy started beeping his horn as he drove by and I was like HEY that's not creepy at all!  I realized for a brief moment what it was like to get applauded and it felt good.  

So I'm sorry SarahK if my not-improvement is cumbersome...  I'm not going to tweet you for awhile... unless you say something extremely funny... ah forget it, you can't stay mad at me... wait is that backwards?  

DUCK season!  FIRE! 

PS. Remember that these are pseu- pseu- pseudio- jabs.  It's better for the show and really if we ever sat down next to each other, reality would be a totally different thing. Doesn't mean I didn't have some sad thoughts last night but again dreams are not reality. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

I am a great person


Numbers have a spin to them.  Entities have spins.  They can spin positive or they can spin negative.  As you might guess, this makes addition and subtraction slightly off but the same when it comes to doing mathematics with numbers that have spins.  

Now this doesn't mean that numbers that have negative spins are negative as we call it.  No.  I mean that numbers that have negative spins are successive... that means that there has to be one positive connected to one negative connected to another positive.  A succession of opposites... that attract.  That's gravity.  

I know what you're thinking... oh now he's Newton! 

Well, be that as it may, division is part of where our math fails.  And it's because of this "theory of succession" that the math fails.  You see you can't divide this set of numbers or this POSSIBLE set of numbers, ala algebra, to that set without knowing the succession.  Only exact match pairs can be divided.  If the succession is off, then the division is not possible or will be close but not right.  

And like in many things today, like global warming, like cancer, like health foods, if you have a slightly off solution, drawing conclusions from it becomes more and more faulty.  

Cancer is caused by gasoline.  But we need it so noone is going to say oh it's the gasoline because then we would all have to stop using it.  Cigarettes were like that, weren't they?  Global warming is also a result of too much excess but that's normal with too many people expending bunches of fuel and yet if we take the consumption of America and imagine the whole world using that much energy, the outcome is probably the same as what they are predicting is DESTINED to happen, even though they don't really know what will happen because they are drawing conclusions from "slightly off" solutions.  

You have probably wondered at my comment about Rachel.  I was reminded yesterday of how I liked someone too much and they died.  I thought Michael Jackson was great and he died.  In fact, it was because of the torment done to his daughter that I joined Twitter.  I was NOT going to let her go out alone in a suicide not with the means to connect to her right here in front of me.  

And even though she was soon taken out of twitter, I feel as though my efforts had their effect because... they OFTEN do.  
I thought Whitney Houston was the best and that Mariah Carey was her copycat singer.  I learned some of her great songs and eventually I was singing Mariah's songs on the radio thinking they were Whitney.  You probably wonder hey is he feminine enough and can he really hit notes high enough to match Whitney Houston?  

Spock's voice in the elevator: Yes.  

~Give me ONE moment in time...~ ok nevermind. 

Also, I thought JFK Jr. was like God's answer to the world.  I know he was just some guy with "balls and a sausage" needs like anyone else but really I thought that if there was anyone that I could look up to, it was him.  My plans were to get my triple major in Finance Accounting and Economics and then go off to Law School and then MOVE to New York, the MECCA of civilization, and then work for GEORGE magazine.  It was like destined.  And since he was SORT of a contemporary I expected to be how Mozart was to Beethoven as a sort of copycat politician.  

But I guess we BOTH had unexpected outcomes.

I feel sure, unlike others, that he was taken out by the powers that saw the impending doom of their financial mines and though I have at least outlived others that didn't see their fate coming, I would have rather lived the other life and be taken away unexpectedly with him still here than live with this DOOM that I have about knowing great people are destined to fall.  

And that's why I cry about Jesus.  I know that the louder people like him mock the monkeys, the more the monkeys shit themselves.  

PS. One more thing, remember that in life everything obeys the normal curve or the law of diminishing returns which is kind of the same thing, but graph's all different, lol.  As you ride around like Tracey Morgan in the limousine buses of some btw I also shine shoes nobodys, don't expect them to sit next to the million dollar man and not wanna RUB off some of that money.  If you are one of the rich people, BE with the rich people, if you're a GOOD person, BE with the good people.  I have nightmares about this one REALLY good-looking blonde girl from a Wendy's nearby that was convinced by her two black girlfriends that it was a good idea to follow them out into a field where they tore out her heart and ate it.  Don't be around people that are NOT successive and if you MUST deal with new people, deal with them in small amounts at first to allow trust to build.  And don't overdo it either, NOONE is ever going to be as trustworthy as your mother... just sayin. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014



ah Ha ha, Dentists. 

I used to think I had dentists outsmarted.  When I was 12 or so, we went to Costa Rica and what a deal we got from having our uncle in law do our dental work.  

It was like HALF Price! Less even! 

Our relative was so nice that he would jest with us about maybe moving to the US and what I thought, "hey you really should?"  I had no idea about being opportunistic or about the city or about trusting the wrong people.  I was raised by my mother alone and most of the time she was mean which translated into English means since I was the firstborn, I got fed up easy when things didn't go my way, which was rare.  But she was very strict with our studies and always had us doing chores like vacuuming or folding clothes or cleaning our rooms of toys.  

In hindsight, what a LUXURY to not have to sweep mud and feed pigs like she had to, I was so "ensconced" from reality to think back on it.  

So some years later, I remember that first day in his dental office and he is counting off cavities like he's doing a class on Sesame Street.  My brother had 15, my sister 12, and I had like 17.  I didn't doubt the man since I knew I had done a LOT of eating in my life. 


Fast forward 5 years later and my mother takes me to another dentist in New Orleans and he finds ONE cavity.  You can imagine my doubt mounting up quite a bit at that point.  Here we were all full of holes and metal and there he was with our big pile of cash from discounted work and merited with a job well done.  My parents BOTH have missing teeth so it must have seemed to them quite the luxury to be able to afford a dentist for a change but MAN!  

So I tell my mother and she doubts me like she always does.  She is SO trusting and charming to people in her 40 people village, it doesn't occur to her that PEOPLE in the city could give a rat's ass for how good you look or how charming you are.  They have 40 people they have to meet PER DAY and your charm and talent for positiveness to them just reeks of someone that is used to bending the norm... which gives them a GREAT IDEA of how much to charge you.  

As it becomes clear that he ripped us off, our entire family gets wind of my mother's IRE and for some reason, she starts to have problems in the family.  See how that works?  She's done someone wrong by complaining, just because she couldn't let that RAT get away with his opportunism.  So that's business for you, if you've already signed the deal, paid the man, lost the receipt, just let it go.  People don't want you diggin up old stuff, because the world is FILLED with opportunists and they generally all agree that visiting the past is WORSE for the richest of us.  

That's what good people in crime are all about, getting away with it, which is pretty hard to do when you LIVE NEAR each other.  

Ok, so anyways, the main thing about dentists is since I was very young I haven't trusted them.  Even though I liked the numbing medicine and the Peroxide rinse, I was skeptical.  Later as I found myself the recipient of Dental Insurance, I thought it was a good time to go have my mouth checked out.  And it starts to go good.  We have appointments and cleaning sessions and this one hygienist is like in her older 30s and I am like 25 but MAN did I want some of that mouth.  

Errm, ok sidetracked, so it doesn't last.  I am going to University full-time on the company's dime and btw I work full-time in customer service which is one of the most stressful jobs there are.  In time I start to show up late or miss an appointment because I overslept or just had a scheduling conflict.  The "doctor" then one time really overdoes it with the needle this one time.  terrible yeah?  But what do I know so for some reason instead of having like a short numbing sensation for like an hour after the visit, I have a huge swell and numbness that lasts right into nightfall and beyond.  then I get called and they ask me to fill in for someone else and I do and then they get nice again and suddenly I fill like a PONG ball.  Later he starts to eye my wisdom teeth and the hygienist makes a sigh and a comment like maybe I don't really need them removed and POOF I'm out of there!  I didn't have to go TOO far back in my memory to know when opportunity was knocking.  

So I spent almost NO time at a dentist from then on.  I went 10 years without help mostly because I washed my mouth often and with my parents there as an example, I never forgot about keeping up with my teeth.  Using the methods he used, I started to floss and really just pick at my gums to make sure there was never sediment.  

And that brings me to what I wanted to mention today because the days of perfect teeth for me are over.  Recently as I got more stressed out and was forced off of my casual drinking which is great for keeping your teeth sanitized btw, I have instead begun to consume large amounts of coke and coffee.  And the coffee isn't so bad as long as you rinse with water but COKE is a disability all unto itself.  

Coke wears out your lining in your teeth and in your mouth.  After drinking a lot of it, food will start to "stick" to your teeth more and to your gums.  As you become more accustomed to "ignoring" food that you would normally remove easily and swallow from you teeth, you become SOFT to letting food remain overnight, which if the last thing you drank was Coke, has been there with the acid from the drink for 8 hours.  This behavior of not rinsing is most especially the case if you are depressed about something.  

And now after having survived more than a decade without a dentist, I have a big cavity right smack on my front tooth and in the front.  And you can't fix a hole.  You can't go in there and fill that up with white stuff because it's just too obvious.  

All I can do now is warn others.  Watch out for cavities.  They happen slow but they happen and they stay that way once they are there.  All you can do now is replace the TOOTH which makes your smile now a fake one, or let the dentists do their work and drill up the hole and fill it in with metal and whatnot.  

The sad fact was that I was feeling around another cavity at the back of my gums and I thought to myself, this is NOTHING like the cavities that guy said I had when I was 12.  These cavities are HUGE.  

A while back, one of my fillings fell out.  That's the only one that did.  The rest of them have been there since I was 12 and I am over 40 now.   Now, there's just one question to answer for myself... was that the filling of the EXPENSIVE doctor in New Orleans that shined a light to how terrible my uncle-in-law was?  

...the one whose fillings have all survived, where his didn't?

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Human play Domjot


As you might guess, it's difficult to live with a secret past. I have been a part of a major bank and privy to some serious karaoke discussions and have even occasionally talked about politics with some "somos" sanchos.

But it's tidy. I haven't spilled out my heart to people except to say that I want to be left alone and yet that sign of weakness is exactly what must be tested and regulated by godknowswho out there that think THEY were the first ones to keep a secret.

But I have blame.

In a discussion with my parents I made it clear why secrets are bad and then it became clear to me. Secrets make TWO countries out of one. If you let me know there is a secret, and if I like you, then you are TESTING our friendship, and the only thing that can happen is it either gets stronger = you tell me the secret, or it gets weaker = you didn't trust ME with your secret now I'm supposed to trust you, not. That's why Snowden is right. That's why people need to play well. Play poker. Play DomJot.


When keeping secrets, especially in a government agency, you can't cry foul when one of your people spills the beans. You are supposed to inspire them enough, usually with MONEY, to play well and keep the corners tidy and clean and not be overheard or intruded upon. Obviously once this machine is established and "well-oiled", LOKI shows up. Because nothing stirs the devil like seeing a nice well-funded little apple orchard FULL of apples. 

And when the LOKI (loco?) in you has had his fill of apples, what then?  Then it's THOR time... no you would not be Thor in this scenario at this point, you would be the person getting HAMMERED on .

But a secret agency is against us, and like a fire that cooks your food, if it gets out of control, it will keep on cooking. That is what hell is you see. That is chemotherapy again. Cook us enough until only the people without secrets remain. That's surveillance. It's also Communism at its worst. Communism is not wrong, but people being cowed, with an us vs. them mentality... well that is where all systems(religion, democracy, dictatorships, corporations) end up, right before a revolution.

Hell is supposed to cook people of their evil and then they can return to being peaceful. I have told you before that hell is a place on Earth. People, esp friends that gang up on you, introduce you to hell and afterward you either destroy them all, or they destroy you, or you come away CLEANED of all doubt or disloyalty.

(Hint: you probably don't get to destroy them all)

That is the importance of gravity. I'm going off on a tangent but I want you learn something today about gravity. There was a guy in mathematics that developed a new theory about numbers and he said that each of them have loops. In his loop theory, he was able to do math MORE precisely than we are able to do now. You might think our system of mathematics is the BEST but no. It's not. As we approach the realms of prophecy, our systems are not so accurate. But yet you wonder HOW is this possible there is only ONE mathematics. NO there is not. In this guys theory, each number was connected to other numbers like a loop. I am of the variety that each number has a spin to it. I have probably mentioned this before that my favorite saying was an old Schwarzenegger(you know you're famous when spell checker corrects people's spellings of your name) saying from his Commando movie.

What IS important is Gravity! 

Well if you take things in the world and represent them as cogs in a clock, some the gears work to make the clock run quiet, and others are rusting out, making MORE noise. And you see that's gravity because each of those little cogs have to run the same speed as the others, not some running faster, not some going in another direction. The reason a space station has gravity is because once you speed up the floor, and they speed you up along with it, you become a part of that whole entity, you all attract each other, because you are so different from everything else running at a different speed. that's why things in a system need to be run just, so-so. And because perfection is so hard, you need buffers, or soft spots, at the connection points.

Systems without buffers break.

I guess I don't need to remind you that I believe in peace. Your mind should be at peace and after a whole lot of quizzical reviewing of your wanderings throughout the day, you mind should be able to return to a state of peace. If you are a child of GOD, you are a peaceful person. Everything you experience is serenity. "God give me the courage to change the things I can, or the grace to accept the things I can't" or some such thing. Peaceful people wake up knowing what's important and they keep those things close to them. People, FROM HELL, can't get there. It's like in the movie What dreams may come. People that are addicted, cannot re-establish a peaceful purpose. They do NOT let things go. They are vindictive or vengeful. They NEED to find the end to their maze. People in politics should not serve long if they do serve because the only need they end up serving is the need to keep needing. They never find their way back to peace UNLESS they read these words and understand what the goal is in everyone's mind. Systems that are well-oiled, should be the goal. Calmness should be the goal. This much for that. A 25 cent gumball, should tell everyone that prices DON'T need to fluctuate without cause.

Ok so my main point today was to discuss how we should act towards children. I may come across as someone holier than thou, that's because I am. Hahahaha. However, I still have to wipe so take that for what it's worth. And I do a very good job a wiping too... perhaps TOO good.

Oh yeah, children, I was about to tell you some REAL secrets but you wouldn't want to learn any of THOSE.

I was watching today Star Trek The Next Generation (TNG). The episode was called The Host. SO many things came to mind during this episode, for one thing you can't pretend to kiss someone. It's got to be one of the hardest things in acting, especially for someone that's watched a lot of porn. People that don't like each other, don't even bother trying to hide it because it's there on camera for all of posterity to review. Beverly was supposed to like this guy that was coming on as an alien ambassador, and she was hot for him too but it was one step too far when the guy stuck his tongue in her mouth.


After that, I watched her closely and then I noticed some REALLY good acting, lol. Anyways, now that I have had my fun, the movie was more of a representation of gangs. As you might guess gangs exist everywhere, from the Chamber of Commerce, to the Veterans Club, to the Masons, and to the Troopers Association. And as you might think they want to do EXTRA stuff that's not really covered in the law but that noone will mind because HEY it's not illegal if noone complains. Well as you might imagine, some of these "gangs" can last decades, even generations. As you probably ALL have heard GW was part of the SKULLS and no matter what that means, you all, at least all of you that went to college, have probably all had exposure to fraternities or "brotherhoods" that seem benign but yet somehow always end up justifying violence for the sake of initiation... probably to prepare them to INCITE violence on some future punk who deserves what he has coming, that has brown wavy hair that lives with his mom....

But these brotherhoods... are parasitic.

As you might have seen in the episode, Odan has a parasite inside and when he is attacked and mortally wounded, his body dies but the little "box of secrets" can survive as soon as they bring in a new host. As you might imagine, Dr. Crusher not only has to lose the person she loved but has to believe that this new person is the same man. Same goes for people in gangs, if one of them is caught or dies, (you would be surprised how many times I have been told that someone "died" at the bar) then another woman, FROM THE GANG, must be sent to replace her because regular women can't be trusted with the "box of secrets" or the parasite.

You remember the box of secrets don't you? Yeah in fraternities they have the traditions and secrets that bond all the brothers together and even though this might be something as nonsensical as a favorite color, it COULD be something as deadly as a flaming cross.

OH you get it now!

Later in the episode Beverly(Dr. Crusher) has to put up with the parasite being put into Riker, which she loves but not that way but because she cares for him, makes it possible for her to make love to him, all the while hiding small affection for the Captain, while at the same time watching Riker suffer as the weight of the "box" is on him to carry until another host is sent. What tops off the entire episode is that the host they send is a girl, terrible right? Didn't they KNOW that he was getting busy? Well add it up folks... they DID know and that's why they sent a girl cuz this marriage "ain't happenin", not with our secrets you don't!

And that's the end. You see all of these exercises in gangs are an exercise in us/theming the world. It's funny until it isn't. It's like in Sum of Fears when the Russian President warns the US that messing in Chechnya is like a man finding out that someone slept with his wife and now all of them should try to live in the same house. A secret Us/Thems us. A small focus group should be just that, public and focused and televised and recorded. You are working for everyone, not for yourselves. 

US: Let's have a SECRET city council meeting! 
THEM: Bizarre!  

How does this relate to Mexican children? Oh they are not from Mexico you say well ... YES they are. Since Mexico has become irrelevant I invite them to let us have a BASE there. Oh what happened? Oh no thanks you say? You can handle children now?

That's what I thought!

There's only two things children from another country do to us by infiltrating our populace... we become like them or they become like us. Now think of a parasite. Oh you get it now.

Just because they are children doesn't mean they haven't grown to be deceptive and secretive. All we have to do is put out a report of how many people made it to their court hearing to see if you get to stay and we will see how useless this all is. We are being infected and the only solution is to start cleaning, wash our wounded, put ICE on the problem which seems to be coming from Mexico and then flush away the bad, used up skin that used to be a healthy and productive part of the collective.

And I know somewhere in the back of my mind that this whole thing is contrived, that is, a manufactured problem. I just KNOW it. I have been hit too many times with the pickup and now I walk across the street slow. We all have. But it helps to start talking about war again if we are going to stop the nancies from influencing our leaders.

What do I mean by Nancies? I mean people that are NOT from the murder capital of the world. The OTHER people. I mean corruption.

What, you don't like nicknames?

Finally, I don't want Obama going down there. I have mentioned hell and hell is what it is to live on the border. You want to work with everyone, HALF of them want to work with you, and HALF OF HALF of them want the border crossings to continue, which means half of half of them are working for another government. This MESS has NOTHING to do with children, It is natural in the collective to have peaceful people in our cities near the water, and to have our terrible people out there on that wall. It's like a castle and the Bubonic Plague. Only two things can happen, we take them over or they come inside. That's the only thing that can happen when there is a wall and always when a wall goes up, it must come down and I prefer it to be rebuilt just THAT side of Mexico.

So don't sent my President to the wall. I want policemen and helicopters and if you want to have a dog show with puppies there, FINE, but don't be stupid. You see a humanitarian crisis, I see thugs with human shields.

Solution? ID Cards, ankle bracelets, here goes the pledge of allegiance, your TEMPORARY pledge, and if we find you have been acting against our police... OUT. Here goes the reason, here goes your name and picture on our list and OUT. 

PS. I'm going to tell you one more thing about illegals and that is that they are the very embodiment of deception.  When I was fired, I had already suffered INCREDIBLE harassment not from my American counterparts.  All of my career I never had that much conflict with anyone else and in hindsight I would wager the conflicts I DID have were criminals in their off time because they weren't normal.  I suffered nonstop harassment from people of the Spanish team and most of these were people with green cards.  They aren't normal.  They are hyper-active and if there is opportunity, they take it, even if they are risking their job if they see people will let them get away with it, they are risking it because all that can happen is they go back to being nothings which they have been before.  That's why you can't be someone of possession, or of community, and deal with a homeless person.  That person is accustomed to being homeless and to stop him from being that, is a long process and may not even be possible.  They don't care about the collective... because they have never been a PART of a collective. 

And trust me when I say that everyone of them reading this, want to attack me now.  They are Vengeful and Common... and not to put too soft a point on it, they cost me my job. 

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Dolphins Rule


There was a time that I went to Niagara Falls. I had some extra money and I thought, hey one day I'ma get married and go there so I had better prepare the visit ahead of time just so I know where everything is.

A long while back, me and by best friend, went to Disney. It looked kind of awkward I must say but we both justified the trip as reconnaissance. We would find out what it was like to stay there in case we ever needed to take girls. And then we started going on other trips, with future girlfriends in mind. Later, I made other trips with other friends always with the idea in the back of my mind that these would make good trips to take girlfriends on if the opportunity ever surfaced.

So still later, one day, I decided meh I'll go by myself to Niagara Falls. But I had only three days off from work so I couldn't stay long. As it turned out it was a great trip. I stopped at some souvenir shops and got shot glasses from the states that I visited and I took a bunch of pictures. One picture that I took was of the sky. It was light blue with reddish tint in it and if you looked closer you could see... lines.

You're thinking "one too many times in the holodeck", am I right?

OK so before you go all nuts on me, this was in New York so just go outside and check it out people, maybe it was an off day. I took it easy while I was there and was going to stay the night the second night but I decided to change course and come back the day before and drove all night. It was nice and clear of traffic and I was excited and driven to make it back so I could sleep when I got home and I did but the trip has left its mark on me now. It was the last time I went out of state and that feeling of freedom has not returned ever since.

Anyways so recently I arranged those shot glasses over the toilet and they look nice but there were some extra glasses there from when I went to Alabama which was when my cousin was in town. 

She used to call herself the "black sheep" of the family but I wager I could debate that title from her. 

So I took those down and just left the good ones from my trip to New York. But then one day my father noticed that candy was missing from the coffee table and brought some but fact is the whole plate was missing and in its place were other adornments. Well I looked for the candy plate and found it and washed it and placed it back in place of this statue of a dolphin. 

Oddly, my University is of the Dolphins which was weird. My mother has always celebrated my networking whether it be at poker parties or Alumni gatherings, she finds stuff to buy and she supports it. My sister is a fan of Rick Scott because her old boss now works for him so even though I don't like Republicans, I feel unsavory distancing myself or even talking about him. So I make the best of it and just embrace both parties as best I can. I have this one mantle piece of dogs at a poker party that my mother bought me and she even got me a poker table cover once to use but the guys never bought into it. So I'm not sure that they even knew about it. This was like 5 years ago or something.

The point here is that I removed my mother's dolphin figurine out of the way to make a place for the tray of candy on the coffee table. Later, I was using the bathroom and I noticed other figurines of elephants there on each side of the shot glasses and I wondered at them. I guess I'm a Republican even though I don't like those people as a group. I don't even like hearing about them. Their philosophy seems to be to win at all costs, to dominate, to change the rules if possible. This is not my philosophy at all but if my parents provide for me, then they must be doing something right, yeah?

I feel like that 16 year old in Sound of Music. He is 16, going on 17 da da ... da DAH DAH da. I end up with the Nazis and my chance for love escapes to the hills.

Today, I noticed something new on the mantle next to the toilet. It was that dolphin figurine shoved in between all of my shot glasses. On it, was a sticker plain as day stuck near the bottom that I hadn't noticed before...

Made in Mexico.

PS. I once dated a girl who eventually left me to go follow her dreams in Mexico. That's part of the reason I failed out of my MBA course. Her family was Mexican, the father a surgeon, but for some reason, some 6 months later she was back and called me, found out I was out of the program, and that was the last time I heard from her.