Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


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If the tax cuts expire then we go back to old tax rates. Now the president wants to only do the cuts to the rich. Why? Let us all pay the price for the recent war, let's see NASA back on track someday, let's see a return to legitimate research instead of support for more subsidies for business that were meant to fail.

Businesses are meant to fail, they don't get help, they don't get new customers, people try it they like it and then they STOP liking it. It's called NORMAL. The normal curve. If anything, taxes should be raised on the rich 20% MORE, after the cuts expire.

Now, it seems egregiously "profane" to ask the rich people to ignore paying back some of the money that they earned during the war. Noone who lost a son or a relative in IRAQ thinks WOW they are raising taxes to help people pay something for the war... those Congressmen are so mean. These people have paid the ultimate price and if not they at least have some pain in their lives that shows what war is about and what it costs.

Everyone in the military should be asking "Really? You think raising taxes is too much sacrifice to help pay for what we lost?!"

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monkey sounds

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Well what should happen to Ms. Susan Rice. Today I want to talk about what happens when you do what they told you and then you got-uh pay.

It's obvious to everyone I think that the Republicans are peeved about the Obamacare plan being passed without even asking their ok.

In reponse to that, small wonder, Republicans stop working with Democrats on everything else.

In response to that, Democrats accuse them of obstruction, of not working in a bipartisan, two party, way.

So now we are getting towards the end of the "cool off" period and Republicans are starting to get back to isawright status and then we have this attack happen in Benghazi.

What do Republicans fear most? Everything. In their view we should all be at war and the sooner the better and moreover I believe that if we do the right thing now, we attack Mexico  before we end up with Democrats who logically end up attacking Canada later.

Because there ain't nuthin IN Mexico.

Remember that most Republicans fear God, and in their belief, it's ok to live in fear and by that take they use that fear to dictate where they look to move. I am semi-religious and you could say that I have some fear but I don't use that to make my decisions.

Ok so back to Ms. Rice, so Republicans notice an attack on an embassy and Obama who has just almost finished "cooking" public opinion to the point that all military is withdrawn overseas, has to decide what to say about the attack.

Let's say it was one man working alone!

Yeah, classic coverup. So it's now not so important, maybe it was this and that and maybe we can blame Hilary. In any case the last thing they want  is to mobilize the military at the dawn of our effort to pay down the debt. So, probably with the President's approval, Rice says that it was due to some video that is SO OFFENSIVE that a group of 30+ people gear up on a military truck and crash the embassy with chemical weapons and rifles...


Well, nice try, good luck, thanks for playing, keep your money... now GET OUT. That's what we should have said to AIG execs and others, and that's what needs to happen to Ms. Rice.

Besides, John Kerry is not a bad option and he is old and experienced and if we REALLY get into trouble overseas, it will help to have someone who has learned a lot of lessons(ala his VP) over there, and no not Rice with her lessons. She has not spent a lot of time being elected and as such I consider her more a soldier and less a politician. Condy Rice is someone that should get elected before she starts to work as a partner in the Republican party.

Anyway, it's plain that people somehow got the Generals all scared and wondering what they did with their hotel receipts in foreign lands and who is in the CIA looking at me, so NICE SHOT Obama, now it's time to give something up for that.

Military people are mostly Republicans.

You know, we have state taxes on sales to give the states a way to pay for police and for roads and maybe even for the government that it takes to run things. You drive on the roads that must be policed and you drive past stop lights that must be regulated and you use up the roads that must be repaved. So ok, in some cases, charge sales tax for the state and for the city.

But there is NO REASON to charge sales tax on internet purchases. Just stop it. You know it and I know it so why you gonna act like it's my fault? If that is the case then we need INTERNET POLICE.

Yep it's time for INTERNET POLICE. You know that bad people are out there loading their cookies maybe even proactively waiting for people to click here or there and then selectively screen printing this or that for use later. It's not that hard to imagine people that used to wait for you to go down an alley, are now on their laptop waiting for you to click that buxom blonde that says she may have some news about a business venture etc. which allows them to mug your info while your computer lies in limbo and poof charges show up on your bill.

So START online policing if you are gonna charge sales tax. Start chasing down people that fail to send stuff ontime or whose websites crash after your VISA info is captured. DO SOMETHING for the taxes you collect!

And for the record, we should go over the fiscal cliff. If it was good enough for Clinton, and if these were the tax rates we had in the past despite prices being lower and all of us earning less, it shouldn't hurt anyone special if we start on this road.

Besides, like Obamacare, if we have problems with it a year or two from now we can always amend it like people do.

I have noticed a recurring trend that annoys the crap out of me is that people will interrupt their guests when they have views that don't agree with the interviewer. To further chastise these people, while they are talking, they will make these sounds like mmmhmmm, yeah, uh-huh. And then they will do it after EVERY sentence in an effort to shake them. Now you have to ask yourself if this is, are you willing to attack someone YOU INVITED to an interview. That's all this is, and to see this happen on a show is about as offensive as watching Bill O'Reilly interrupt the president. Some people are ok with it and some others clearly find this behavior unexpected and even probably feel that they were publicly harassed. If so, it should be a crime.

For the record, making mmhmm sounds while people talk makes you sound like a monkey. Yeah, you are making monkey sounds.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Age and Pelosi

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I was about to comment on Nancy Pelosi and her speech when she was asked about being "too old".  For one thing, even though interrupting is offensive, asking questions should not be.   If people wanna say Powell is blacker than black and why is that, well then answer what you think?  Nancy Pelosi was asked if she was perhaps too old and if she should step aside to make room for younger members of congress.  She thoght the question was offensive and I agree somewhat.

Common people don't grow up learning where the forks go so if you wanna be in politics, get ready for the spitballs. Good advice for me even. 

You know it doesn't escape me that after Powell catches hell for endorsing Obama for being black... two other Generals gets told what's forbidden.  So "mystically" we stop talking about Powell and start talking about some white guy Generals that like to shove their show online. 

Coincidence? I guess now we know what a dishonored General REALLY looks like... thank you proud journalist that pressed Sunonu... GOOD JOB!

OMG so sidetracked, ok so I was talking about age discrimination.  Pelosi, she looks like Nancy Reagan doesn't she, defended herself quite aptly and I believe it is in all of our best interests when old people, especially 70+ choose to spend their final years in office.  If anything, we should consider everything done by these people, yes even McCain, as above reproach. 

I watched the show the Men Who Built Our Country last night and saw how the three of them gave away most of their money at the end of their life.  People should be required to do this.  No life insurance and Inheritances and such, just give it all away.  Well that's my view until it changes.
I was playing Blackjack last night and it was so easy just following my method to win that from 1k I was up to 5k in about an hour and I was thinking to myself, this game must be fixed.  But later on I lost it all in 3 or 4 large bets.  That's typical.  Later I loaded it up and tried again and again and the same thing would happen.  I would spend a long time focused and earning money little by little and then poof, all of it gone as I make one dumb bet then double down then double down and a short run of bad luck that can't possibly get worse... keeps getting worse. 

Don't let this happen to you.

Boy I was gonna just say a little something about age and lookit where the time went.  Anyways, the other point I wanted to make however is that power corrupts eventually... so though I revere 70+ people because they have not a long time to live maybe, I am not a fan of people in Congress for 20 years straight.  We know what happens the second someone thinks he is comfortable in power... "now it's time to find out what the red button does".  Plus like in my previous blog, changeable leaders make the government more stable if something goes wrong.  

Aw he's tired

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You know, if you want to do something great for the economy, everyone should go out to their local malls and buy their presents there. It's not savvy to be talking about high unemployment and those selfish corporate raiders who outsource jobs because it's cheaper, and THEN at the same time you order your Christmas gifts online.

So be American, hike your butt off to the mall. The jobs you help save include Sears and your local ma and pa restaurants that depend on you as do their workers.

Take it from someone with a whole lot of time on his hands, if the malls start to close, the theaters will be next, and then the bars and then basically people will have no reason to drive anywhere, which is not a bad idea because it's expensive to drive, but while you do this the people you help keep their jobs are YOUR local community.

Or maybe you think it's a good idea to have people in India, who take your online orders, who are at war with Pakistan, who will eventually get sick of India enough to attack them, who will protest in Edison-like fashion at someone else taking their jobs AWAY enough to land their attacks against companies here... maybe you think it's ok to give THESE people your business.

Oh I just realized who Miss America looks like, I'm talking about the girl that NOBODY knew would be attracted to the most powerful man in the country, who acted like a little in girl in bed asking somebody to read her a story and then wondered what she is doing in bed alone.

She looks like my ex.

Just to mark the date, I just found out my brother-in-law wants a divorce. We spent years together chewing time at the bar and he finally had enough of my sister, who I agree can be a real handful but you don't want her picture up here cuz ya'll would be like STOP the PRESS!

More proof of the old axiom... For every beautiful woman, there's a guy that's tired of [doing] her.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Stuff and Puff

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I am watching Rachel again and she finished her show with an old fashioned. Nice. Well let's see, first of all isn't the catalytic converter a regulator of carbon monoxide not carbon dioxide? I mean the old close the garage and die with the car on wouldn't work with a bunch of CO2 beacuse you would start to choke and would survive long enough to gag and get the heck out of there. More importantly, you would be surprised how many people at the bar don't know the significanse of trees. I explained it one day why having too much city without trees takes away from city health because what we provide through respiration is ... ding carbon dioxide which is used by trees through photosynthesis to provide oxygen and hence the cycle continues. So with a shortage of trees... we get become weaker or we just have to work harder when we really don't have to. I got told that they didn't believe me. Hmm. Yeah I know, it's the bar and it's Florida and those were facts that I exlpained reasonably well, and everyone at the bar started to ostracize me the moment they realized I was not Republican, to which I wonder HOW are broke people with like 2 bucks to scrape together, HOW are these people not Democrats?

Boggles the mind.

So it's time to talk about General Petraius. I'm not the best guy to ask about this. In fact, after seeing the girl that was chosen to write his biography, I have one thing to say about the whole affair.... man that Obama is a MASTER POLITICIAN!

Lessee what else, it's like 130am so just had to put something out here.

I am surprised to find out that there was a girl that made a threat to the President. Strangely, that sort of rascism should not be ignored but since there is going to be an investigation they should start with why she felt so comfortable saying it which means all her friends feel comfortable saying it... which is wrong. But, just like Elvis, millions of fans can't be wrong. If there is fear there, then there must be a gang of blacks they are afraid of. And if there are groups of blacks gathering together, then there must be a gang of whites working against them. Some sort of escalation... and I would start at the local police station and check if they have any blacks working in the police or lack thereof which might indicate how far ranging this "contest of races" has been taken. It really boggles my mind to see young people, that girl is like 20 something OMG, I mean HOW do young people turn rascist?

Fear causes fear which then forces a decision. The person experiencing the fear must decide to either lose the fear or overcome it with anger. At that point, one action causes the other side to react with another action. The surprise or "overwhelming" nature of an unprovoked attack, demands an answer that is overwhelming as well... which creates an escalation of violence. That's why it's so important not to act.

But think about Bengazi for a moment. One little attack went unanswered. Uncivilized people attack because it feels good. So where we are there is if they are civilized then they wanted attention, if not then they will continue to attack us until we respond because that's what monkeys do.

So in that vein, I think the President is right in not reponding. Besides, look at 9/11 for a moment. Let's go back and imagine where we would be if just ONE plane crashed. Would anything have been done? Could we really call it an attack if the culprit died in flames along with all proof of his motive? It's lucky we had two planes then or 3 or 4.

I'm still not confident we didn't do all we could on 9/11 but I know that great men are in charge. Just like I trust Rachel to look at things like I see them... sort of. Of course knowing Chris Matthews there reminds me that for every good person there is an anti-somebody with a decidedly different take on things.

Could I work there? Nope. I am too much of a devil's advocate to continuously like one candidate or even one ideology. It's called CRITICAL THINKING people, yeah lawyers do it, philosophers do it, judges do it. Necessary , vewy vewy Nefethery.

OMG if I hear Dream Act one more time, I'm gonna bust.

Anyways, let's go back to Reagan era. Iran-Contra affair. Secrets... Nicaragua... death troops... hostages... arms sales. It sounded like Oliver North was off on a personal agenda but it should be obvious now to everyone that they were keeping all of Central America free of drugs or at least under control and minimizing some crackpot invasion of some US city. How else could Costa Rica have survived without a standing army?

Questonable things.

And you know we didn't have HUGE drug cartels quietly organizing their illegals into networks like we have now. Still, we don't have problems now like we did back then but the silence just means there is a bigger storm coming. Maybe we are gonna be begging for Reagan before we're done. About 3 years ago, the Mexican in charge of cellular phones in Mexico became richer than Bill Gates. Imagine that, a Mexican billionaire making all the money out of a country that is like half our size. Do you think he is an upstanding citizen that doesn't get bothered by the gangs?

Ok enough about Mexico, I'm just scaring yall but there's really no reason to worry about it...

I was thinking about a war with Mexico and what would happen if Canada got into the fight. I mean there is like NO ONE in the city that owns a gun. In fact, I would wager that maybe 10% of people own guns. Which is sad. If we were to shore up against our Canadian pals on a hill .. the Canadian commander would ask us how many of us brought weapons, and there would be like 10% people packing and I would wager further that everyone Democrat actually thinks that gun control is a good idea and doesn't own a gun.

So we get to this cliff overlooking Mexico, and I imagine Canada asking what's your job, our guy would say, I'm a potter and he would ask another what his job was and he would say he was a staff writer... again a guy, Democrat with no weapon.

Then the commander would turn to his group and say CANADIANS What is YOUR PROFESSION!!!!

So we probably shouldn't make fun of them too much. I betcha every household in Canada has at least a rifle and shotgun with maybe a pistol in some cases whereas US households have maybe a pistol MAYBE. Yeah I was picturing us with our Democratic flavor and like Lestat said, "their democratic flavor doesn't suit my palate Louis". Democrats are simply not the animal for war.

So YES let's get out of debt, stiff the rich people at least as much as they took from us while we were "too busy" fighting Iraq to notice them fleecing us. And then we need to focus again on security and always I mean, WHY is noone noticing what is happening? HOW did we allow jobs to fly overseas and I'm sorry for buying Japanese? We need Obama to regulate that. Spank Spank rich people, you know you took advantage. What are we about to do? We are about to watch the Bush tax cuts expire. Why do they cut taxes when we are at war?! What's the logic? It's so stupid that it explains why we always are going to have two parties. And don't tell me it's the other Bush... always when there is a Republican, there is a war.

You know what YOUR JOB is when you're a journalist? YOUR JOB is to educate us. Yeah, boo hoo more babysitting why me, I got my Master's degree to babysit? Mmmm yeah. Don't be like the 1%. Don't be stingy. That's why they don't have friends, that's why you all don't have friends. SHARE the wealth. WE need to know why the map is all red and then BLUE won the election. We need to know what companies are moving jobs overseas.

I mean come on these are PUBLIC companies. NYSE. It's not all that hard to go "and right here we have the percentage of income from overseas operations".

You know when I first knew that I wanted to go to Harvard? When I saw Carl Sagan on NOVA. For the first time I saw someone that was the best of the best and you know what... I could understand him SO clearly, it made me realize that REAL genius or more tacitly the REAL LEADER makes himself easy to understand by as many people as possible and that means using words as simple as possible, and when you are educated, that is actually harder... which makes the work MORE valuable.

Okay, I'm watching Chris Matthews and even though he is just as one sided as you can get, his show is informative. Also I like his energy. You know that is something you can never underestimate is that the General needs a LOT of play, the king needs a harem, the Rachel needs feedback ad nauseum because she loves it adn it's all food, trust me as someone that was a karaoke god, worship begets more worship begets better performance and it's a horrible cycle where you end up really good at what you do but also totally dependent on attention.

That's why I write, cuz even though I can't tell if people are reading, I imagine it helps and it makes me feel some semblance of what I used to feel when I went out more. Truth is I haven't sung karaoke in at least 2 years which to think about it sounds like a very long time.

BTW, I was really harsh with General Powell about voting Democrat and I want to apologize, because people shouldn't tell who they voted for. It's not my business and frankly it's annoying when I hear journalists even on LINK TV asking people who they voted for. ( I mean YOU"RE on LINK TV for Christ's sake!) Last time I checked, abstaining was just as powerful as voting unless I have been practicing math on the wrong planet... which may be true from what I keep learning about the Dream Act and Romney loses and Bengazi oops and how does someone miss the fact that the General has Miss America writing his BIO... yeah that's normal... HUH?!

Did you know that in Florida, if you register Democrat, you have to change your affiliation 30 days ahead of time or you can't vote for the other party. I was SO pissed when my father was told that he couldn't vote for who he wanted but this was the excuse they gave.

You know I think I know how to get the Republicans ahead again but like in 9/11, I HAVE to think that there are people out there that are like me, but ... it happened so I am like if the CIA is really that stupid then they need me and I need to go work for them. but I just don't think I am that smart although sometimes I am amazing. Same for the Republicans, I know what they were missing and I could help them and I need to esp if we are going to start to continue to support , in a large way, the democratic values that lead down the wrong road... but I just can't believe that. I HAVE to believe that the BEST people are in charge and even though people just go AW gee you are just lazy... not really.

But in the end I need worship, without that I am being amazing for noone special and that makes me just wanna sing row row row your boat.

OH and msnbc should check link tv cuz they are making them look like what they are doing which is shaving quotes and videos in a "questionable" way.

The news media guys keep laughing that Karl Rove lost all that money but you should give credit to the wonderful use it had in giving people jobs. And moreover, those guys are SO rich there is no way they threw up their money without hedging... just saying.

Well I saw Skyfall today and as usual, the movie was about me. It's all about me. Hah just kidding. But the part when your own people shoot you in the back but by mistake, that feels like me. The part where people think it's funny to joke about how dead you were, that might be me.

The movie that really made me think it was about me was The Master. But that guy was much more wild but there were parts in it that made me think HEY that's me. Amy Adams is beautiful and that part where she tells him that what he wants is available to him even though he being mentored by her husband who is this great leader but at the same time is difficult to love, yeah that's similar to me. Actually I have had many instances where I would become "friend" to the couple and since my guard is down, my charm goes up and pretty soon the girl is like OMG and then so am I and then I know it's time to go.

This guy is talking on The Ed Show and he is President of the CWA and that was a union that I fought to resist them from taking hold in Citibank because our bosses immediately said it would be corrupted so I fought it. After talking with a bunch of people it seemed like we needed a union and with a couple of people in mind I called and inquired building the union myself. The guy talked like I was increditble for even thinking about doing it. But I didn't do it and in time ALL of the benefits that they offered got wittled down. Everyone had full medical coverage at start and that got revised ot partial HMO that eventually was deducted from your pay. Fast forward to when they fired me without cause or due to poor quality and had I had a union, they couldn't have fired me, and what's more the style of quality they used would have been much more difficult to implement because the workers woudl have protested. I have explained it at length in a previous blog, they used a sheet so complex that people they wanted to fail got all the boxes checked because you didn't say stuff and if they liked you then they would just check pass on like 20% of the boxes which they deem relevant. It was just very subjective and again I guess the gods or whoever like to ahve a laugh at seeing me debunked by the very people I should be leading getting sectioned by s sheet I should have designed and getting fired by someone two ranks up that used to admire me because I was so popular 20 years ago when he was an associate.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Rachel's Election

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The show last night with Rachel Maddow covering the Presidential Election was nice but I had some problems with Chris Matthews. What a jerk. I will no longer watch his stupid program. Not only does he treat Mr. Steele with little or no respect despite his appearance, he is accustomed to interrupting people and using his bulldoggery to keep his agenda on the table which is to have people do what he wants.

Small wonder then I see him talking with Rachel and giving comments, sitting next to her, introducing guests even though it's her show and then making a PERSONAL REMARK about Rachel's truck. Yeah because we all need to know that personal information. Meanwhile Rachel has to spend the rest of the show wondering why her "buddy" made a slight that made her appear "butch".

She majored in politics but nothing prepares you for a betrayal like that. That's why brainiacs have such BIG hearts and why punks like Criss Mafew have mothers named Mother Teresa that couldn't afford to send them to Oxford.

What do you say to a woman with two blackeyes? Nothing, you done told her twice! You ever watch Fifth Element when that evil guy is explaining what he does, he looks at something peaceful and spills a glass and out come the robots to clean it up... "look at them all, so busy now". Yeah I revere evil-doers doing stuff to "spice up" the show.

So don't make me watch this Limbaugh impersonator and next time make him work the TVs that show the polls. That guy, Chuck Todd, worked the TVs much too quickly btw. You know some of us speak TWO languages and even though I may be knowledgable in many areas, I still don't know that GOP stands for the Republicans. Why not just call it the RNC? When it comes to visual aids remember that MOST people that are interested in politics are either retired or have an easy lifestyle which doesn't include that vast populace of young people or "other" people that have barely TWO free hours to watch TV outside of work.  What I mean is that I am slower in my ability to focus than younger people and it's not a contest.  I mean if you spend 5 minutes showing people 10 states too fast, you might as well just show 1 state and explain what the legend means and what "95% reporting" means, and maybe you can explain why some states are red even though they aren't decided yet, or why Alaska is so small or why you didn't put a big bar graph on each state indicating the power of their population. 

And another thing, she mentioned that she misspoke when she came back from the bathroom and spoke about Colorado yet all her "buddies" thought it was a good idea to keep her in the dark.  Yeah, so while she is interrupting people with apologies while trying to get the facts to the people as fast as possible, THESE asshats forget to mention that CO's polls came in while she was out.

Who invited these people?

Well I don't have too much experience in politics but it occurs to me that people being lied to is not why I turn to Rachel Maddow. Old, disgruntled, FAILED, journalists that incite action for the GOOD of the show are really just wiping their ass on TV.

What happened to Chris Hayes? Even if he showed up in a cardigan he would have served his show better that the other guys did.

And what the hell was that with the guy from Last word with McCoughnnaghy. Rachel states that the Republicans have a real problem with accepting the truth and after they refuse to concede because Ohio was too close, she pans out the previous times they attacked non-partisan reports adding fire to Bill Maher's rhetoric of Republicans living in a bubble, so asshat Mcconnaghy chooses this time to remind us that Bush took the election after he refused to concede Florida. Not only that but his candor and tone makes it clear that he is NOT a team player and not a team player for Rachel.

Of course maybe he was a little jealous of the "play" that Chris got when she put her hands on him. Heh. I'm glad I no longer get jealous. It's an ugly thing. Even my father agrees, men do terrible things out of jealousy.

Just look at their Morning Joe show. It's a disgrace.  Do we really need to watch another Regis and Kelly? We know how that ends, she ends up with a black guy. We really need to go through that? And it sounds rascist but no I'm not rascist, I would have no problem spelling out Alex Wagner's name in the back of her Ferrrari. Yeah, unless she started caressing Chris Matthews on air, which would make me CRAZY!

So back to Rachel, hmm. Well I guess maybe she caused it all even though she didn't mean to. That's what I told my father, women just sit back and wonder where ALL this trouble came from, when in fact it was THEM who didn't behave. 

 Still, I have to say, they are SO lucky to have her.  Don't waste that innocent energy that she conveys.  It is so tentative.  There is a story in the Bible I forget which one, maybe moses, but an angel helps a woman escape her captors and pretty soon they are climbing a huge trail up a mountain and as the woman realizes the angel has wings, she asks him if he has wings why doesn't he just fly them up the mountain.  So the angel flies her up the mountain and without a word... the angel is gone. 

Once your angel is gone, once you lose your gold watch in lava, you better let it go because MAN... it's gone.

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Bill Maher loves Ann Coulter

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Two things that I noticed recently is that Ann Coulter and Bill Maher "look" like they have been through a lot of stress either from their blogs or from various difficult interviews that make them more stressed than would be the norm of these people.  That's why I don't have comments because I would spend a full day just responding to people that perhaps not so interested in learning or fine-tuning as they are just to "free hit" the public figure that must remain charming.  Imagine selling your book, and someone says, "You hag!"  Well, either you bitch the guy out and become less popular or you take the one hit from that guy and various others that showed up to get their "free hit".  It's totally unfair yeah?

What I would like to see is Bill Maher marry Ann Coulter.

In an interview at the White House the president would ask Ann why she married him and she would say, "I prayed to God and he told me to".

Then he would ask Bill why he married her and he would say, "She doesn't mind that I smoke pot."

And then Ann would say "Well to be honest, unlike all the other men I have been with, Bill never gets tired of having sex with me..."

And he would say, "That's SO true."

And then the all the world... would be right again. 

PS. Yah I know, even though I like or love them both, if this blog is annoying, I am guilty of landing yet another "free hit". I apologize if it's not so much funny.

Mitt for tat

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One final thing, letting Detroit go bankrupt is what should happen(aka, NO BAILOUTS)  and even though Mitt Romney is guilty of OH SO MANY questionable things.. I still believe in my heart that he is Christian.  I believe he would choose wisely when it came to the country.  I believe he was a great choice even if the rest of the Republican Party is a waste dump of self-serving Bourgeouisie types.

In fact I think Romney has had it with people telling him what to do or trusting people to tell him what to do.

Kudos Mitt, I wish you well.

Stop trying to make a gang

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You know, I have been reading Conan the Barbarian since I was very young. My father would often buy bundles of these comics and always come back with some for me to read when he got back from going on a long trip.

In the latest one that I read, I read about a city named Gizal, who was stated to be 900 years old. Once Conan got there in passing thru he talked to some women at the well and without fear despite his drawn weapon they stopped and talked to him and told him they didn't know his friends that he was trying to follow. Soon after that he drank the water and ate from the fruit.   This caused him to become as addled as the rest of the population that was ageless. 

Some time later some bandits show up, as they often do, and proceed to loot this defenseless city while inadvertently feeding some of their "clean" food to Conan who was taken prisoner without a fight due to the dulling effects of "drinking the kool-aid" from this ageless city. Later of course Conan escapes not before the bandits get theirs from the half-burned city that rises up against the bandits after oh so much killing.

This brings to light what the end result of being "too democratic" means for the nation. If everyone agrees to do their job and gets the same pay, they all become like this city(perhaps like Cuba).  They do jobs that are not important, they don't hurry to get their jobs done, they allow bandits to come and take them over and are frankly surprised that people would want to kill them.

Don't let this happen to you.

Even though Republicans have an awful ability to be under-handed which I may never trust, the movement of being the best, of might is right, of choosing only the best people and the rest get none, this is what is needed if we don't predict correctly when the attack will come.

Luckily we CAN survey the whole planet and limit or at least predict when a threat is raising its head. Now, safe from this threat, electing someone that is ABOVE might is right, is the right thing to do.

In philosophy, one thing is universally true just as "respect is earned" is true at the bar...  might is not right. Might is right is why everyone with a philosophy degree has a job because they teach what we are all taught at a young age, that we need to work together.

I looked it up and Chris Hayes got his Philosophy degree so yay! for Philosophy majors which even though my philosophy professor asked me to major in it because I had a real affinity for it, I didn't see how I could make any money.  Once again yay for Chris Hayes that shows that journalism is the PERFECT place for a philosophy major.  Plus he says that he wouldn't be in his job without Rachel which by the by makes me like her even more.

Now,  there is a time for "everyone deserves respect" and there is a time for "respect is earned". I have said this before that we need Republicans to save us from other countries, whereas we need Democrats to save us from ourselves.

Sadly, people in charge of the democratic party are not so above corruption or under-handedness as are the republican party but how much is too much. How far can we go?

Is it possible that the Republicans planned 9/11? Is it possible that the Democrats planned Hurricane Sandy?  

I was watching Ann Coulter selling her book and though at first I thought wow she's a long conversation that would go into the "wee" hours, later I realized she has a real handle on what she believes, AND IT'S NOT WRONG.

But this leads me back to my previous contention that we are all going to be run by women one day, unless Iran takes us over. Men are simply just not fun to look at. No matter how inspiring their message is, it just pales in comparison to a well versed woman espousing her views in a righteous fashion. In fact, sometimes when I start to believe something a guy is saying that I know is false, like Romney for example, I start to feel like a bitch. Like how stupid am I to believe what a GUY says.  But how much better is it to find out that the guy from AIG is the Treasury Secy.

That's why I like Rachel Maddow.

Either one, Rachel or Ann Coulter, gets my attention, not because they must have an apple cherry pie behind that fridge... but because they have achieved education I was not able to have, they have a fit shape that I know is hard to maintain, because they take the hits from so many common people that I know I could not endure. They are superior individuals and they are worthy of their notoriety.

On another note, I was listening to Melissa Perry I think and she was discussing how far we have come in rascism. You know there are real reasons for rascism that we all need to agree with and that is that people in their groups, based on race, treat others as inferior. So the more blacks get together to stop rascism, the more they are guilty of it. The more illegal immigrants get together the more they are in fact setting themselves apart from the norm. The more Chinatown has its billboards put up in Chinese to help people from the area read, the more people that are not chinese stop going into the area. The more religious people harp on about abortion being against God, the more people guilty of sin are going to choose AGAINST doing what they say.

Stop trying to make a gang.

Gangmembers don't get help from the police, don't get voter approval, don't have anyone from outside preaching that they might be right. So stop it!

Remember also though that while we all work together and legalize pot and gay marriage, that we are LOSING important advantages from our nation/gang.

Gay people can't have babies. Serious disadvantage. We are a nation run by votes and if we have a BELIEF that population rules, people from other countries that have more people that work harder are going to see the benefits of our CHARITY. We should not extend philosophy to other nations that don't follow ours.

Rewind to the British who thought it was "honorable" to walk in lines in combat towards our revolutionary soldiers who were told to "wait until they see the whites in their eyes". That was our soldiers using philosophy and honor against our enemy.

We should not make the same mistake.

So if you are gay and want to get married, that's fine just adopt a baby or two. Do your part. If you think marijuana should be legalized so that you can relax without taking a pill, make sure the addiction is not slowing your productivity.   And if you can't have babies because of the pot, well adopt a baby and keep on smokin. (This coming from a man without children, hmmf, maybe don't listen to me) You like to drink and drive and maybe think more people should be having this much fun, take a taxi or vote for more buses. Drinking is always going to be around but you can bet people in Iran or China aren't having problems getting to work on time... not with 30 people willing to take their jobs. As we make this country more evolved like IBM for computers or Apple with windows, make sure we are amenable to change. Apple fell WAY behind when the Windows technology was undersold from them. IBM fell out of the picture when it made too many restrictions that made other choices more cost-effective. We as a country have to be OPEN minded and have to make changes to keep our engine turning.

To keep that happening we need to have public education, public healthcare, public energy and it won't happen if we don't keep our eyes overseas. Public not private.  But we need both because innovation and choice is how Apple stayed alive and is why a city that sleeps doesn't grow.

One last thing, our constitution is what?  The Law of the land. What are the guts of it? Amendments.

If you see someone making a mistake, give them a chance. If you say something wrong, you can make up for it. If you get hit, take the hit. Jesus said to "turn the other cheek" and that was not so much to make eunics of all the males so much as it was to let us know that TWO HITS let's us know it was no accident! He didn't say to take two hits and drop your pants YOU SISSY, he said this so that people would allow for mistakes. If someone says he thinks rape is this, well that's his opinion and has nothing to do with his ability to do the job but if it has a cost in charm well that is something else. If Judge Santora thinks too many blacks came into his courtroom, that has nothing to do with his job and doesn't make him rascist. If Clinton slept with that girl, what does that have to do with the Presidency? I mean those choices turn good leaders into not so popular ones, true, but it doesn't change their ability to be responsible or to be good people.

So give people a chance and remember that truly evil people, they can't help themselves and they do evil over and over and over. In a similar vein, when we make choices, like healthcare or prohibition, remember that the law of the land was meant to be changed or "amended" and therefore things that are wrong now may not be wrong in the future... and can be amended... and should not be rejected.

Remember Sweet n Low.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Brotherly love

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Philadelphia can be written Phila del phia or fila del fia which in spanish would be line of trust. When you get something fiado, in Spanish, it's on loan or financed. I read recently that the actual name stands for city of brotherly love and that it comes from the Greek language.

Tallahasee is similar to Philadelphia in its structure although I have no idea what Tallahasee stands for.

Jacksonville is named for Andrew Jackson which oddly enough is famous for his Battle of New Orleans which is where I was born.

I wonder if I am meant to live my remaining days here in this city or if perhaps there is another path to be opened to some other major city that I am meant to grow into. I know or have known from a young age that I was meant to be a leader of men. To lead and serve as example. Lately however I have wondered if perhaps I was meant to be this "great" cautionary tale.

I certainly have noted that my accomplishments have not warranted leadership. My few times of great effort and stress were merely acts of struggle rather than acts of success. I have endured a great many things that were meant to make me quit where I have not quit and as such, are not worthy of promotion or notoriety.

But in my mind I know that something is supposed to define my life MORE than what I have done. I have saved myself for "something" though I don't know what that is. I have achieved "something".

Right now, I live wondering if I am meant to have a family or if I am meant to fight. Warriors should not have families, and fathers should not fight. But most importantly, people should serve as examples to others and to my knowledge, I have not wronged anyone in my life so I remain holy and prepared to perform as I may be needed.

As a holy warrior, in D&D, you get these powers that I believe actually exist to some degree. You get the ability to Detect Evil. You get to perform a Bless spells twice a day. You have a Protection from Evil spell when you concentrate which is basically just a curse against evil creatures when they combat you. More to the point, if holy warrior wields a holy sword or weapon, he gets a 50% magic resistance to magic and casts light in a 10' foot area I think.

Now it seems like this is a huge bonus to people choosing to be holy warriors, but it takes only ONE evil act to lose all of your powers forever. Now chaotic acts also cause you to lose your powers until you seek atonement, but to wrong another, with intent, will strip you of all your powers. To be a holy warrior, you must be totally lawful and totally good. Lawful good.

This is why it's so important for our police and our soldiers to act with belief. To act with a license from God or from the Constitution. It's important for them to actually FEEL righteous in everything they do. As such, it is important to recognize that and give them their due respect in doing a job that WE are not willing to do.

There is one police officer out there that thinks I was rude to him for speaking with anger about being stopped but the truth is I was angered by the drive-thru person and then he stepped in front. I apologize for that but it was not my intent to attack him it was my intent to defend myself from being attacked which came from the rude drive-thru person. As such perhaps all of the string of things that happened after that justifies the entire jail full of cops treating me like some sort of bank robber or some other "hardened" criminal instead of someone in serious need of food and drink.

Now remember that to be a good person you can only defend you can never attack but fast forward to me in the drive-thru, I get attacked and because I am impaired, I get treated like a dog. The police officer should have addressed the conflict but instead he just immediately assumed I was going crazy and was disturbing the "good" citizens that attacked me without provocation.

Then I go to DUI school and they proceed to explain that someone impaired has no standing. Well it was a lesson that was totally new, totally harsh, and that I was totally unprepared for.

Don't let this happen to you.

Jacksonville is not like Philadelphia.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

The Chadeech will be silent

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Someone that kills with poison, cannot rule the Klingon empire.

From ourselves

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So there are some lessons to be learned by reading comics, I call them the moral.

Superman: You can't fight crime and keep your wife happy.

Superman: Can't be everywhere even if you are the ultimate human

Batman: Too much time alone puts you next to little boys... and old solitary men.

Batman: Vengeance is not an option.

Green Lantern: If you are able to do anything with your one ring, you may end up doing "questionable" things.

Green Lantern: Acting with fear is yellow, you are unable to affect things that make you fearful.

Dynomutt: It's good to have a license from the Superfriends even if you ain't doing squat to combat crime.

Wonder woman: It's hard to impress a lady with an invisible jet.

Wonder woman: You can't lie to a wonder woman.

Wonder woman: If you are going to fight crime, as a woman, see rule #1.

So what should we do? Just rest easy that you are nothing more than a number. A number between 0 and 2 let's say. At some point joining with another person will make you more productive and, as your innocence passes the one mark your joining will become a burden on the other person.

This is why joining with a virgin is so ideal. People close to their youth or their virginity are more innocent and thus all they can do is better your life. All they CAN do is believe what you teach them. This is because they have learned few lessons. This makes them a robot however, something less than individual, this makes them just so much matter to be used because they fail to hold interest beyond sex.

If you hold to this theory then joining with somone less virginal is akin to taking on heavy burden. Someone that cannot be made happier than they were. They are very interesting to talk to, but YOU are the one that is less interesting.

I think of myself as someone that has NOT had a lot of experience in love and therefore I still have the capacity to bring love to another because my ability to be disloyal has not been harnessed, but at the same time I feel myself becoming weaker due to age and perhaps this will make me a weaker person with regard to loyalty.

This brings me to an important point. The ability to wrong others must be learned and practiced. So young people can't wrong you. But they are so young that they can visciously hurt your feelings without meaning to. Young people "play" at love and they look for other players most especially once they have harnessed this ability. So people seeking relationships best stay clear of these and it's important to watch them because they can never go back to caring. It's like innocence or the flicker of a flame.

Once I put out that light, it's needs must wither. I cannot give it vital breath again.

So these young people who play at trouncing others feelings are the most likely to become Republican. Since it is not illegal, or not illegal til you get caught, then they roam the seas looking for someone that they can victimize. Small step then to take someone who signed a contract and wrench them free of their money. Or to take them to court for thinking they could get away with a careless act. These people become the predators. They are not adding to society so much as they are serving themselves.

These people are, at a very young age, past their 1 in their lives. They can only be a burden. Well, perhaps until they have enough children to unburden the burden which burdens.

So who needs saving? Well we ought to start by saving society... from ourselves.