When we talk about privacy we think it's a privilege or a right or maybe something people are allowed to have but that they shouldn't. We think about our car and our home and about our identity online. These places are where we feel safest. It is inviolate. We know we like it but we are not sure if we need it. It's not talked about or legislated much because it seems like it's something selfish and maybe treasonous yes? In times of war we certainly know that privacy leads to private communications with the enemy.
Let me just say this about Trump and the Russians. We are not at war. You can't do "treasonous" things if we are not at war. Now if you are totally willing to let the DNC "decide" for us who their candidate is and forego who is popular, it should be a piteous thing to howl about the Russians and their support. Didn't we use the French to win the Revolution?
There is only one way to get from under someone that controls you already... with outer support. Do you see that? You are under control. It's too late. As you want out, all your exits have been covered and now it's over and you will NEVER be leaving. That's why a government that controls you is the LAST government you will ever see, unless you get outside help. This is why Superman is so powerful right? He gets his power/money... from another country/planet. This outside influence is how he stays powerful and does not get siphoned off of his power like it would happen if he was depending on OUR OWN people in charge. And that's how you defeat him is to tap into the resources he draws from, from the coal/carbon/kryptonite that exposes his power as foreign.
So that's the only way Trump could win, IF we were already controlled by our own people that didn't allow the most popular person to win.
Now let's go back to privacy. We are all subsets of bigger things. We have good parts ruled by our bad parts that are again ruled by good parts. We are binary. We contribute to society by working and we spend that money, maybe... if we don't become billionaires/hoarders, and that's good, but since we are free we can choose to spend it how we like. We can choose to be faithful or not... to the country and to our economy. That's why it's so important to choose WHERE we give our money to. You remember the offering plate at church? We give to the church so that they can speak well of us. It's part of that MAGIC factor in our lives and we need that even if they don't teach you that you do. Magic is all about reputation. If you have enough magic, like OJ, you can get away with murder because that's how magic works is VOTES. People vote on you and you either did it or didn't do it not because YOU REALLY DID IT but because of what people think.
You see that? It's important you understand this, you young people especially. Your reputation/honor is what will save you when people show up times 3 to say lies about you and take your house or your job or your girlfriend. You may not need friends but take it from someone who spends far too much time alone "soliloquizing", you need friends.
Especially at a hospital.
That's not a sentence but it is. It's like a predicate for everything. It should be a title of a movie. Well, let's get back to proper composition and go back to talking about privacy...
There. As we become more and more complicated/older, we have more levels of binary. We work for a company that works for a union that participates in PACs(political action committees) who are a part of political party. When we are fresh out of college we can barely keep loyal to our fraternity let alone do all of that, but after you buy your house and find out the bar is moving next to a church and all of that is nearby and influencing your property value which is not important until you buy your second house for your children or parents(what?), your life gets more levels of binary; it gets more complicated. And also this lets in the black people, lol, just kidding... but not really. In the old days the black people were all poor and poor usually means untrustworthy and that usually means they engage in risky behavior/drugs or whores. But that's not the case anymore and thank God for that. But the same concerns still exist about poor people. People just assume that poor people would TAKE better jobs if they could and that because they don't have better jobs they MUST be untrustworthy, but that's not the case.
God teaches us to be humble and to do with as much as possible with as little as possible and therefore MANY Christians find themselves unwilling to ASK for promotion or for more money or for even a wider street lane in their neighborhood. This is the part that bothers me about church is this "culture" that I was taught or misunderstood about becoming rich. And that has to change. Ok I am losing my point now but you get all that right? We can be poor and be good people. That's why I was a regular at the bar and that's why I sang karaoke and that's why I didn't talk about people or even allowed people to talk about others at the bar. Good people don't talk about others. That's engaging in witchcraft. That's magic. That's doing damage to someone'sjudgement... with you having already simply accepted the gossip as true.
Yeah, that.
So before we can "move" we need to have clear goals, or at least a common goal and the only goal there can be(besides destruction) is happiness and maybe not even that... simply grace. Happiness I have learned inspires evil, so I am against overt happiness. Grace is happiness that you can't feel. It's less than joy. It's joy but without you feeling it. When people get angry they are out of grace but if they are wrathful they can WRATH with grace! You should feel happiness somewhere deep inside in your privacy. In your home. ...what?
Now to do this we need to make it a crime to violate that privacy. There should be noone in your home and noone in your car and noone in your internet. Police officers should not be able to search your car or computer or house without credible evidence. That means that after this search our privacy should be "clean".
I guess I end it there. There needs to be an amendment on privacy. Keep this in mind as a last thought. Witchcraft is what whores and drug dealers do. They do crime for a living. That doesn't mean they have mysterious powers that we will never understand because... well because I am here explaining it to you. It's just negativity that is BORNE out of working at something outside the law. Hatred wears off but theirs doesn't because they are there everyday dealing with it everyday and the only time they NEED to even taste hatred is if someone knows their secret and breaks OPEN their privacy. Thus, even witches can be good, giants can be right and ... noone is alone... especially if someone knows your secret... what was my point?
Oh, so all things can be done well if we respect each others privacy and if not well then, people are gonna know your identity online and instead of healing the country into a positive working group of individuals, you will have a mess of slaves that expose to the world... that we are a mess.
So much for that "movement"... oh, that reminds me...
PS. I like that word individuals. It sounds like undivided-you all's. So slaves would be called Dividuals, or rather their masters would be since they divide people. Maybe use that word for rich people one day yes? The D word, except only THEY can say it. Hmmf.
Another final point, domination occurs everyday. Doctors do it. Policemen, judges, and cafeteria workers do it. Even teachers at school do it to children, and that's slavery. That's control of a person by another. It's evil and it's addictive and it must be identified and arrested. It's not a black thing.
~someone is on YOUR side... someone else is not...