Good enough
When you are young you think to yourself that you are ALL THAT. You have a nice bottom, a nice chest or set of boobs, maybe you have nice hands or feet or teeth and when you look at yourself you are sure that you are at the very least, better looking than those older folks.
I spent a good part of my life singing karaoke. I went to bars and drank beer and ate Bar B Que. That is actually what I was there for. My father was a sailor after all and we only knew that he liked to take us along and sit with him at a bar while he had a couple of beers. I noticed that people at the bar were always having a good time and it seemed like a natural place to go looking for women. How do you find women at the bar and convince them to go with you, I still have no idea. At this point, I should have been able to pick up a girl at least once and it never happened. All the women I have ever taken home were people I met somewhere else or who were already friends of people I knew... with less than 10 exceptions.
I blame myself. (Ghostbusters)
I was thinking today that I wanted to warn students about lying. If I were up in front of a university talking I would warn people about lying. A whore will say she is a whore and police can trust her, but if you lie to the police you just fell BELOW that standard, the one where the police trust you more than whores. Whores work en masse. This is what it means to be cursed is if you get one or two of em pissed at you and suddenly you are THE GUY that did this, that did that, who never paid or who stuck it in wrong or maybe even shoved her around when she wouldn't leave your apartment. It's like that tale of Beauty and the Beast. One day this guy thinks he is all special, that he's BETTER than whores and WHOOPS you just spoke to the mother, too bad for you because she rules a SHITLOAD of people. Good luck with convincing a girl you are safe to go on a date with, let alone being happy enough to get along with others... those days are gone.
Now, be that as it may, the most important lesson there is not to do that to yourself. If you become a liar, you become USED to lying, and that's madness; you can't stop yourself. Lying is fun and cheap. This is why people are so afraid of video games and of D&D is because it teaches you to fantasize and fantasy is just this much away from creating your own reality. This is a danger right? You might DELUDE yourself into thinking you are a prophet or a peacekeeper or a saviour, meanwhile here go the professional paid pastors wondering if you think you know what you're doing. Everyone likes to sing. Take it from me, once you learn to sing you enjoy the crap out of it. But you know what, it gets old, man. It gets old. The same song gets old. The high note you can't hit gets old. The karaoke DJ guy that wants to make sure you keep coming back that skips you in the order or loses your slip so you get pissed so you try to remedy that by buying more liquor or showing up sooner or some strange THING you do to try to fix what wasn't broken... all of that gets old.
Now you might think to yourself why don't you join a band. Do it professional. Get paid. Maybe become a pastor. Do it professional. Get paid. Maybe become a Presidential Advisor. Do it professional. Get paid. It all makes sense right? It's like Tom Cruise said in Jerry Maguire, you can be awesome as corn flakes but it ain't worth spit until you go pro... well, he said something like that.
You will find that over the years I have been asked many times to sign onto a contract or get an agent or join a band. In fact, I think it was that desire to join a band that inspired the bar to sign a whole lot of awful bands to play once in a while in order to inspire regular people to give it a try. And I would have if I could at least play an instrument and read music which even today is kind of a hassle for me because I haven't practiced at it enough.
Losing my point, oh, so when you are lying you are in a world of beast. Beast people lie like there is no tomorrow. It takes a lot of effort to lie but if you are in good shape and good looking, people will always believe you, they won't even doubt you. Someone successful has it GOING ON and they want a piece of it because that's what comes natural is to GET IN on success. But a lot of success is lying. Lying is like a warp engine. There is regular speed and then there is warp speed. Normal space and warp space. Regular Time and warp TIME. Again the world is binary.
So when you're young you think you deserve a fine-tastical thing that is awesome looking like maybe like Morgan Fairchild and you think ok I have to workout everyday and get a good job and make some friends and practice my jokes and one day ... it's gonna happen. Never once does it occur to you that you need to get good at lying. That's because you're a farmer. You grow things. Regular people are farmers. They grow things. They earn them. Some people might think oh pretty girl Erin Burnett was given that job because of her good looks and probably anybody could do it if all she is doing is reading. Yeah, except she shows footage of her younger self doing the work that it takes to EARN her place as an icon.
(insert inappropriate compliment of her good looks here)
Reapers don't do it that way. They steal. You got reputation, lemme fight you so I can steal it. You got credit, let me fight you so I can get you to pay me or I will report you to the credit bureau. You got a nice house, lemme show up at your party and see if I can fall on your floor somewhere. You know it's very easy to REAP, it comes natural. You hear Star Wars is in town now it's time to raise prices on everything because all those people got money and are under contract and don't care what the price is they are STUCK here in your little town until it's over. That's reaping. Oh and by the way, that Las Vegas shooter, I saw the video of when he fell and then he sued. That looked totally fake man, and a millionaire doesn't need to fake things so, he was unhappy with someone at that hotel, probably someone noone is willing to engage in court. That's my two cents on that.
Ok, so way back there I was going to say that people want the best. They think that by sleeping with the dancer or with the singer, that means something and ha-ha to the rest of you and BTW have YOU ever slept with the dancer, I don't think so. But we want that right? That chip that says I got someone great... which makes me great. You see, this whole line of thinking comes natural... but it's flawed... if you believe in equality.
There's only two ways of thinking, missionary or... er uh, I mean equality or know your place. There is the proper way, or the right way. If you want to sleep with a bunch of women until you get to the best, you're gonna find that the best doesn't like you, that you're like 20 and you got no SPARE HOUSE OR PORSCHE and good job getting into her pants but she's way ahead of you with regards to ruling her desires and what if you didn't like her so much, then she leaves you and NOW... you're like, hey... man that girl was pretty good looking and hot once she stopped smothering me... (except that now she stopped smothering you... like, for good) ... good job.
That's what I can teach you folks is that you can be brave or not and STILL you will have difficulty with whatever you are doing. I still wonder about all those girls that rock stars go through, what's the lesson there? All those years I spent singing karaoke and thinking about one day becoming GOOD ENOUGH to be a rock star... but the reality is not about know your place... it's about equality. Again, a girl that is willing to be with a rock star thinks she is nothing and then gets treated as nothing and the rockstar signs on to that while he's doing it to her, exchanging fluids and syncing up their thoughts up to orgasm... he starts to believe that THIS is how it should be...which is messed up.
No, I have figured out that I am easily good enough to be a rockstar, what I am not good enough for... perhaps... is marriage.