Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, November 10, 2017



In the TNG series "Parallels" we find that Deanna is much better looking than they were letting her be.  It's the first time she comes across as truly not a mutant but an amazing lady.  If you haven't seen the episode of TNG called Parallels, it's the one where Worf shifts back and forth thru time.

I am running out of energy "faster" nowadays so I might NOT do the amount of STUFF waiting to spill out onto the page... justice.

He is a champion of the Bat'leth competition when he starts out.  He gets surprised by his teammates and when Geordi gets near him, because of the "strange" part of space that he visited, he shifts into another reality... one where different things happened than the way he remembers them.  This is really one of the most interesting episodes of them all and it's times like these when I wonder "what happened" to those writers in DS9 and the Voyager.

I blame myself.

In life we must choose what kind of life to live and if you follow this episode closely you can see the results of living different lives.  You never thought of using this episode as map for your life did you?  Well, that's why I'm here and the only reason you can trust what I'm saying is because I'm doing it for free.

You know, somewhere along the way ALL of us are going to meet up with someone that wants to fight.  And you didn't do nothing to provoke it... you were too pretty maybe, too loud, too smart, maybe your father protected you too much or maybe just your house was on the wrong side of the train tracks but one thing is for certain, nothing can stop a train. (commercial)

Once this happens you can either live with it or you can fight.  I was dismayed to hear Joel talk about Sleep On this past couple of weeks.  He must think I CHOOSE to live like this so today I will spell out a bit what my life was like and how I ended up here, like this.

This will give you all the perfect opportunity to decide if you should trust the PROPHET or the Preacher. (I'm guessin most of you all will say Preacher.

I want to say all the trouble started happening in 1984 when I was 14 and I still had a nanny, oh wait, that's Ironman... or is it?  Long ago, I was given the Midas touch, you probably think OMG puhleez! But it's true.  I want to say my brother and sister bragging about me all the time helped but for some reason I seemed to always get lucky and often.  And the things I did whether it was try a new restaurant or try a new bar or try speeding past 70 or whatever, I want to say that I led the pack on whether or not a place was trusted.  So even though I didn't realize it back then, I can realize it now... especially now that I have a lot of time to contemplate HOW my life got to be so different and also to wonder if I DESERVED the semi-charmed kind of life I used to have.  I probably didn't.

I get a job at Citibank.  They are so impressed that they ask everyone if they have relatives but really I know that they are impressed with me and are just wondering if "there are any more at home like you" (Superman).   That's arrogant right? Yeah, well... read on. 

So my sister has no high school and people with college can't even get these jobs but there she goes and to me I think it's cuz she's so smart and once she's there she does a great job.  My brother also is REALLY smart but I think I have always been a thorn in his side because he sometimes makes some poor decisions and I think they are my fault somehow.  I don't know.

Well, fast forward to they both lose their jobs for strange reasons and now in hindsight I can see the hand of "God" that was working there.  It's a group think.  It is nebulous and it's probably not a one person and it's probably not super-natural but this group think probably is watching what you choose to do and helping or hurting you depending on what choices you make.

Ok, so we are talking about me now.  At the time that people started COUGHING at me for no reason at work, I was attending a night club rather religiously.  I saw no problem there since I spent a bunch of money there and they treated me well and some of the "girls" were really good-looking and my doe-eyed self thought, I just need to wait and one day it will be MY TURN with one of the great looking women.  I just need them to get tired of their boyfriends (that I never see hanging around) and then I will be their NEXT boyfriend.

I can't decide now, EVEN NOW, if I was wrong to think that or not.  I don't take hints very well and I think the whole world is made up of two, no, three types of people, those that believe everything they are told, probably because of the STACKS blog I wrote about which is explains how they are so educated; then there are those that do NOT believe everything and can easily take a hint.  These tend to be the ones that are all about the action and about the "those than can DO" and stuff like that... they also tend to be NOT so educated.  And then there are people like me.   There are probably a LOT of people like me btw; people that are very educated but want to learn about the OTHER side of life so that they can be the BEST and have it all and take the cake and such.

Lost my point... ok so at work all these people, within a short time frame, hear about something that makes them all hate me so it starts with this ONE Puerto Rican, actually a Mexican lady was first one to actually HATE hate me which in all my years had never happened to me before.  My parents have whipped me with the belt, my girlfriend has slapped my face solidly several times, I have had people shove me to the ground and I have even had people blindside me, just like they did to Rand Paul, and always I treated them like it was an accident and I forgave them or whatever and it seemed like it was my fault in part so after a while it all went back to normal and I never thought more of it.

But NEVER have I suffered hate like that Mexican lady.  She would interrupt me during a call and show me her face.  I would look and she would just have a blank look on her face.  After about a WEEK of this happening off and on I realized she was doing it intentionally.  Literally after I'd had enough I reported her and they moved me and it was my first experience with witchcraft.  You see, unlike all those other acts of violence, THIS was one I couldn't explain.  It was like I made it up which of course I didn't.  And to make matters worse was this Puerto Rican guy that used his witchcraft by coughing at me.  He's just coughing right?  Surely he can cough for days weeks and months, and he's not doing it to bother me right?  Well, it started to bother me and once I complained, they moved him to another team but that TRICK started to spread to other people that I guess knew I wouldn't do it back to them... because I was so arrogant right?  It was BENEATH me to cough back at them.(Yes, I really thought this)  Here I was the eldest member, with more than 18 years experience versus their 1 or 2 years, and they all had my by the PISS ME OFF switch.  That's witchcraft folks, it's not me, it's "them".

So fast forward to I become more and more unlikable and get quite the reputation at work and soon  when I'm at home I start to get more and more strange things happen like my phone minutes getting used up even though I haven't called a whole bunch and the neighbor's dog no longer likes it when I walk into my backyard.  A BUNCH of little things.  But it's little things that don't go away right? I can't outshout the dog although I tried to do it at first and that was a very stupid but very important lesson I learned, you can't intimidate a dog.

Losing my point now, ok so when we talk about being exceptional as a country like Obama said, we use that in context to the rest of the world.  Should we be like Mexico where this lady learned her "stuff"?  Should we be like Puerto Rico like this guy who basically introduced this COUGHING thing to the world that I had never once experienced before (I see Puerto Rico now and I think "that's where coughing began, the source").

That's all there is is the example we can set or the one they can.  Should they be like us or should we be like them?  Anyway, with time enough to contemplate I wonder how much of it was a setup also.  Was I being luckied into a relationship with a married woman, were my brother and sister LUCKIED into trusting people with "questionable" reputations.  My mother was so strict with keeping us away from the bar but THERE SHE WAS married to a sailor who like to drink and have a good time.  I loved my dad SO SO MUCH that I wouldn't wish anyone like him any harm, even my cousin who slept with my sister's husband... even my sister's husband who was quite a dick at first but as before I realize that I come across as a jerk to many people and I just usually have to wait till I get to know them before they realize that's part of my "WINNING" personality, lol.

But it's too much; just like SECupp's show about sexual harassment, it's normal to hit on girls but maybe we should follow Ben Ferguson's example when he said to some people they wonder if she will say yes, and to regular people, that sounds just ridiculous that you would buy the ring and do all that work and RISK anything... about something so serious! The answer is OF COURSE yes and if not then you probably need to wait until you are BOTH sure.

That's a lot of why I never got a clean break with women not only do bar chicks prefer men who risk, but I'm TOTALLY against risk.  I am risk-averse, like an investor.  There's no reason to do cocaine or smoke pot or whores or anything when you get the same effect from legal stuff.  Lost my point again...

OH right the Midas thing, well so like Karma is as Karma does, my lucky streak has turned now into an UNLUCKY streak and even though I "can see" that it's my own fault, it's probably not.

Once people start spending too much time doing RISKY behavior, the GODS help you on your "way" to "wherever" you are headed.

It's important to note though that the "godly" people are just like you, they are forgiving and they have children and they have a job to do and they can be convinced that you are earnest IF you are earnest.  Let me say also that many older people have a LOT of experience with people that are NOT earnest... so... that.

Now it's time to accept that I have become what I became but you know some monsters are not monsters because they lost control of their desires and can lose it at any time, some monsters are MADE and once this practice of making monsters becomes normal, you have a direct link to an evil church... a torture chamber... an INFERNAL machine.

So as you can see, you can get slapped once or twice maybe even by cops and you can redirect your behavior to ALLOW for other's propensities or you can live in the proximity of an infernal machine that slaps you for no reason, for the purpose of ejecting you from a community or maybe even to FEED its "gods".  So I leave it to you... do you believe me, the prophet or do you believe O'Steen, the preacher?  Do you want a man with lessons, or a man with insight?  A man with nothing or a man with everything?

In every group of people there is a weakest link.  A person who if the stress gets to be too much, is going to quit the team... and since we need every person doing their part, the group or the chain breaks.  One person might need to clean the food, one person might need to scout ahead, another might need to record events, another carries communication.  If one person is lost, the group is lost, because all roles are necessary.  Jesus was this weakest link.  He said, that which you do unto the LEAST OF THESE you do unto me.  The whole time I was in the bar I fashioned myself some sort of watchdog or shepherd. I liked to watch who people talked about and defend them as normal if they seemed normal.  I was a bit of a devil's advocate if you will and to think back on it, especially if I was outnumbered by the OTHER sort(the actual devils), I might have seemed like more of a roach.  

Try to guess where this quote is from:   "with the first link a chain is forged, the first speech censured, the first FREEDOM denied... chains us all irrevocably"  -  Judge Aaron Saatie
So in the episode, Worf is a champion at the start because he is calm and quiet for a Klingon.  After crazy "accidental insurance" happens to his back and he is saved, in one time line he marries Counselor Troi.  Notice how in those timelines he was in ninth place right or worse?  Do you get it?  He was less willing to compete, maybe less happy? And as the timelines involve him exposing the Cardasians' infiltration more and more he gets higher and higher rank, more kids, he even has Wesley there as a Lieutenant.  People are getting promoted like crazy in these other timelines AND he's BANGING Counselor Troi! What's not to like?!!!

Well, notice also that Picard dies, Geordi dies, and that instead of being suspicious of the Cardasians, they are at war and oddly enough the Cardasians are so beaten up by HE-MAN Worf's reality that even the Perjorans can kick their ass.  This is what is like to NOT be quiet, to NOT sleep on.

You can sleep with anyone you like and have any job you like and boy isn't this a nice life you can lead once you learn... to sacrifice.

PS: Geordi sounds like George doesn't it? Anyways, so I will take my Champion life and let you all decide for yourselves if you prefer... the NINTH place... which has nothing to do with Geordi dying... just because he can see everything...