Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Not running


I have used up my church I feel.  I keep going because it's much like a town hall and it's important I not leave.  When I was fired from Home Depot Credit Services, an arm of Citibank I noticed that the people of the stores suddenly had "feelings" towards me that they didn't have before.

When I was arrested for a DUI and I stopped going to the bar I noticed a GREAT DEAL of feelings for me from regular people that I had not met before.

And so it seems that if I leave church, the WHOLE church will have feelings for me despite people already having feelings for me that won't come up and confront me on WHAT IT IS that they don't like about me... without knowing me.

Such is what I expect if I leave the city.  I would have a whole city with "feelings" for me all because I left.  And such is my dilemna but it's not really a dilemna because I don't have money like that.

In TOO HUMAN, the video game that does a GOOD JOB of explaining things, it explains how Hod is made into a criminal and persecuted when only later we find out if was Loki that planted poison into his vision device.

"his flight is his confession..."

It's really a good video game and if you are not religious it explains things in a way that is faithful to Norse mythology... or supposed mythology.  You know, once you see different religions you start to see the patterns.  They are all trying to teach you JUST HOW the world is albeit with their own style.   And if you watch movies it becomes even MORE clear how the world is.  A monster here, a bear there, a haunting, a psycho... all of it has a pattern that becomes clear once you see many many movies.  Even the zombie movies explain things about people right next to you that MAY start to want to BITE you.

The solution... who knows.  You can see what is happening but you can't influence people that won't listen.  That is my situation now, all this knowledge and no one wants to listen.

But it helps to write it down to complain to "God".  Once everyone knows they can see how it works and take measure to correct for "zombies".

I hope they do a good job.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Just HOW


January 2019

This is Kupipi.  She is who I'm "gonna call" when I need some Ghostbusting.  She's short and mean and pretty but more like me in many ways, rather than "normal" people.  

She rather looks like SE Cupp wouldn't you say?  

But now I'm using Apururu and since I did the Windurst missions I now use my "sister" more than SE who used to be my main healer.  Apururu gets out of the way of monsters but Kupipi is more in your face and likes to heal your statuses first before curing unlike Apururu.  Apururu you can only get if you are in the Unity(family) whereas EVERYONE has access to Kupipi... which is a good thing. 

So in GO the game of life as I call it you have to put pegs on a board and on that board one side is white and the other side is black.  I have mentioned this before that this game is perhaps a simple way of looking at life because most people like to see things their way and others want MY WAY... to be the way.  

That gives you a whole new way of looking at the words MY WAY because that's what ALL LIFE is about is about HOW... just how... to define what is right. 

At the end of the game, in GO, you realize that huge rows of your pegs are gettin' turned simply because two of their pieces  caught you unawares and so you must adapt and get crafty with surrounding their pieces as well.  

Now, in keeping with this strategy you have to imagine how a structure is made.  People have to follow the rules for your "group of people" to work so ALL those people have to be "white" but at the same time your "group of people" needs to be able to move, so at the center of the "cell" needs to be a nucleus, or a center, a "black".  And I have said this before that the idea behind WARP DRIVE was that we do illegal things there in the black area... you know with ANTI-matter, so it seems that using a President and politicians that lie makes sense as long as what they are doing is justifiable to "move" the country along.  But you can see how quickly that can go south to the border, like in cases of the blackmail and persecution of your competitors.  

You cannot attack your own people, people.  

Ok to end this on a funny note, you know that Trump and David Chappelle have something in common now right?  Yeah because Trump is at the center of all things now and because of that he's like the leader of the KKK ... the leader of all white men or men that are "white" in terms of doing what's legal but also one more thing... 

(whispers) he doesn't know he's black. :) 

PS. Koru Moru is like my little brother and in the storyline I kind of thought that he resembled ME more than my brother but I always think of him when I pull him out, he's just like me... but smaller... and SO damn good-looking... PISSES me off, lol, no not really.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Racist


December 2019

In December from what I remember I was having trouble with a new member of church that I had not seen before but who was un-charcateristically Spanish looking.  

I have to say I have never had problems with Asians, with Jewish people, with Black people, with rednecks... too much... except for that one neighbor across the street that looked kinda rednecky... but man isn't it ALWAYS a thing when I meet up with some ornery person and there he is... or her... as Spanish and Mexican looking as the cereal box... if... there was such a thing. 

Now, I try to not paint people with a broad brush and since I have a huge Spanish family the first thing that comes to mind when I meet spanish people is that I can trust them and that I like them since they remind me of family.  But a huge opposite of that happens sometimes that I can't explain.  Now they don't remind me of my mother's side since her Spanish-ness is distinctively white but not for nothing they don't remind me of my dad's side EITHER, despite his side being of a darker texture so don't ask me how that can be explained just say that it's a race of some sort that doesn't like me... 

it might be its own country... perhaps an "undiscovered country". 

PS. I asked my sister to stop her coughing and nothing seemed to work until she cracked me SO MUCH that I asked her if she worked for drug dealers.. that settled her down some... I'm still cracked though... and what she did is a crime... I will have to leave it there and HOPE this "rift" heals. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Men In Black


November 2019

Ok since I was being left alone for several months and since I was actually scarred by that last "dragonbreath" attack that left me spirit-less and wanting to do nothing at all for several days, I half-heartedly thought I would not post anything else perhaps ever but my NEW neighbor giving me shit recently has changed all that.  

In November I was still struggling to understand how I would deal with no CNN.  My mother expertly asked for new service which somehow she gets "wind" that I have been too active on Twitter by talking to my relatives all over the country and lo and behold HUGE error with huge discounts but no CNN, which I watched every night.  

Now I was forced to beg.  Conan does not beg.  Conan does not cry.  I will leave it there. 

But now or then I was ADVISED that all people would no longer have access to email via the FFXI server even though people are paying for that service monthly.  That means I no longer have any NEW pictures to use since I can no longer take screenshots and then send them from their email to my email.  Well, that's a monopoly for ya and now I am forced to USE all the pictures I have instead of choosing the best ones but it's ok cuz I have plenty of them... assuming my computer doesn't stop working... which has happened before.  

Alright so funny thing this month is to explain Men in Black.  I was going to tweet that we should let Bernie Sanders win the nomination so that all the FEAR that people have towards Jews could be laid to rest and so that we figure out just what is happening between us and Israel which is really scary but I feel that if CNN got its claws on some of it that "connection" would fade.  And in that vein I suggested or was going to suggest (because sometimes I'm TOO funny) that a woman be the President after that and that we should have them lead by sexiness, with the sexy women at the top and the not so sexy women behind and we should TRY it, try the "land of Wonder Women" or the Amazons, BUT they have to be good-looking or sexy... or at least charming, YEAH that's it, just be charming and in that vein you have to rule with a group but also do like Will Smith did in Men in Black...

"I make this look good."

PS.  Notice also that the rulers in MIB are Black because God... is often black.