Not running
I have used up my church I feel. I keep going because it's much like a town hall and it's important I not leave. When I was fired from Home Depot Credit Services, an arm of Citibank I noticed that the people of the stores suddenly had "feelings" towards me that they didn't have before.
When I was arrested for a DUI and I stopped going to the bar I noticed a GREAT DEAL of feelings for me from regular people that I had not met before.
And so it seems that if I leave church, the WHOLE church will have feelings for me despite people already having feelings for me that won't come up and confront me on WHAT IT IS that they don't like about me... without knowing me.
Such is what I expect if I leave the city. I would have a whole city with "feelings" for me all because I left. And such is my dilemna but it's not really a dilemna because I don't have money like that.
In TOO HUMAN, the video game that does a GOOD JOB of explaining things, it explains how Hod is made into a criminal and persecuted when only later we find out if was Loki that planted poison into his vision device.
"his flight is his confession..."
It's really a good video game and if you are not religious it explains things in a way that is faithful to Norse mythology... or supposed mythology. You know, once you see different religions you start to see the patterns. They are all trying to teach you JUST HOW the world is albeit with their own style. And if you watch movies it becomes even MORE clear how the world is. A monster here, a bear there, a haunting, a psycho... all of it has a pattern that becomes clear once you see many many movies. Even the zombie movies explain things about people right next to you that MAY start to want to BITE you.
The solution... who knows. You can see what is happening but you can't influence people that won't listen. That is my situation now, all this knowledge and no one wants to listen.
But it helps to write it down to complain to "God". Once everyone knows they can see how it works and take measure to correct for "zombies".
I hope they do a good job.