Quality has gone downhill
BLM:75 WHM:72 SMN:44 THF:75 WAR:61 RNG:44
Well, I got sent home again. I got more quality hits that are so incidental, you wonder that people haven't just straight up asked the Operations Manager if this is the FIRST time they have run a corrupt operation.
The procedures are the problem. The OM just pays for stuff but if the procedures are SO ambiguous that you can't tell if the rules are being followed, and if the decision as to whether the rules were followed or not lie with your manager, and if your manager doesn't like you, well on second thought I guess all that other stuff has nothing to do with it after all...
I'm on the last boat this time and trust me that there is no way, with all the little nitpicky stuff that is possible to hit me on during a call, that I can avoid it this time.
On a positive note though, I decided to go on a road trip and when I got sent home Friday I took the rest of the week to drive up to Niagara Falls and pay a visit. I was really quite proud of myself for doing it too. I almost turned around so many times before reaching the end, you have no idea. But that's my way, quit first, try it again later maybe... much later.
This has nothing to do with my job of course. My job is so ridiculously easy for someone with my experience and my wisdom that the only conclusion anyone of any intelligence could have about my situation is that they are TAKING my job away from me. I mean sure I have an attitude problem and maybe I am not the most positive of people when it comes to Mexicans getting money lent to them for stealing identities and trying to get me to just ignore it as they TALK to me and LIE to me and pretend my spanish isn't good enough and crap like that, but I AM able to do it.
Perhaps I am also a little too angry sometimes... that's possibly why people wanna throw stones at me too, who knows. I do know that I don't pick out people and attack them like they do me.