Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Friday, October 24, 2014

For cars


You should be very careful when dealing with cops.  They are the law, not just in reality but in their heads.  You are also dealing with a bit of reality in your own head when you speak to them because his job when he talks to you is going to be unpleasant, he knows it and you know it, and the only thing that you can do is to either keep it as unpleasant as he has already decided it's going to be or you can make the interaction MORE unpleasant.  

Of course the natural response of any person is to think that this a time to cut jokes or to smile or to maybe compliment the officer but no.  This lesson today is to REALIZE what it means to deal with the law.  It's serious, it's public, and he don't care who you are, you are going to conform to his predisposed plan whether that be a warning or a ticket or even a harsh grilling about your manners on the road, what he has planned is the LEAST of what's going to happen.  

Trust me on this.  

How do I know?  Because I am exactly like that.  I am a judge.  I decide.  If I have to say some things, the LEAST of what is going to happen is that we will have that discussion.  I need you to understand me.   

That's what it was like for the President.  People probably think it's ok to cut jokes with him because he's SO SERIOUS.  It's not him.  It's the job.  As you can probably tell from all of the media fare, it's SERIOUS thing to cut jokes with the President.  That's what I want you to take away from dealing with police officers.  It's not fun time.  It's "how is this gonna look on paper" time.  It's "how is this gonna look on police video time."  

I am dismayed at what I saw yesterday.  The world is coming apart.  People with hatred against their own government.  You are probably wondering if I know where all of this comes from.  

Where do these "home-grown" terrorists come from? 

Well I will tell you.  It comes from secrets.  Assassins are sent to keep secrets.  And if "people" aren't willing to risk an assassination then mercenaries are sent to "explain" things to you.  This means harassment.  It means coughing when you are talking, it means a flat tire, a keyed car, a refused late fee adjustment, even perhaps a bit of SODA WATER when what you ordered was a scotch and TONIC WATER.  

This lady in front of me, my neighbor, has stopped waking me up with her car alarm now.  But I guarantee you she was doing it on purpose, and I assure you I have never seen her before in my life before she moved into the house in front of me.  

That's demons.  Demons that pursue you but you don't know why.  Now it bears mentioning again that secrets are how these people are borne.  People with 100 times the salary of a regular worker, like drug dealers that sell 50 cents worth of cocaine for 50 dollars, can afford several full time jobs as a luxury.  And now that you can afford plenty of battleships, it's time to send out an aircraft carrier to decide what's what out there.  

And once you've USED your aircraft carrier, well... you're probably going to LIKE it.  And hey you know you have to keep those chains greased up and the water clean and what not so maybe we need to CREATE some conflict, just for the sake of maintenance.  

Yeah, you're probably thinking "IMAGINED enemies" at this point but no... PLENTY of enemies.  But you know what as soon as I pull my camera out, whoosh, gone.  

A camera is a beautiful thing.  It takes your good side and your bad side.  One of the worst things an actor can do is take a picture of themselves with a mean face because once out in public, THAT'S the image that stays in people's mind.  It's the werewolf mentality.  Once someone has lost it in public, and shown their war face, EVERYONE knows your face, and that you were violent.  

So be careful with taking your own enraged face.  But this works FOR you too.  If you take someone ELSE's enraged face, when they are provoking you or harassing you or even coughing while looking at you.  POOF, they become a werewolf or maybe just 50% werewolf or someone that deals with werewolves which of course makes them almost as scary as you because .0001% violent is still violent.  

How does this apply to me?  Well I am not violent and it's because of this that I can feel such a HUGE onslaught of emotion when people act against me.  Without warning people out of nowhere giving me wrong information, like this one girl at the theater that gave me the wrong time the movie ended so that my ride got there early then left.  

It's not imagined and now I am taking pictures of it.   

So a warning to people that darkness comes from bars.  People want to keep their secrets and it's not just me, it's you.  It's not just Florida, it's everywhere.  And as sure as there are people, like drug-dealers and whores and pimps and their clients, willing to keep and defend secrets here in Florida, there are people like that in your state.  It's 50/50.  All you gotta do is go to your local bar and there are people like that willing to defend their secrets there... gambling with people's lives.  

And it's people like that that cause terrorists.  They overheat someone.  They attack them with hit and run tactics so that it all SEEMS imagined.  The bars usually tell the police who these "beleaguered" people are like they are doing the public a service but what they are doing is just sacrificing people for the sake of their own existence.  

BARS need to fade out of existence.

PS. You guys know that there are PARKING LOTS next to bars right?  For CARS? 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

I have seen your father




Espantosos los restregados.


Without time there can be no forgiveness.  Father Time rules us all almost as sure as Mother Nature does.  After my previous blog, those symbols should seem clear to you yes? Time being Jesus?  Nature being God? 

Look into the pool of water.  I have seen your father and I will show him to you.  See?  

He lives in you. (Lion King)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Life of the party


I am going to blow your minds today.  

I am going to talk about that black guy that threatened the president on TV, the fool.  I am going to talk about Jesus.  I am going to talk about what it means to be an immortal.  I am going to talk about gang members and ISIS.  It's going to sound like I am a little out of my loop until you read this all the way to the end and at the end you will have to decide what you believe in your own heart, if you believe in maintaining your innocence, in hoarding it.  

I hoard my innocence.  When a girl rejects me, I want it to hurt.  When you insult me, I want it to matter.  When I am attacked, I want to understand who you are, and why you did it.  None of this can happen to old people or to the undead.  

The undead are people still alive that feel nothing but instinct.  They were civilized but they deemed it inferior.  They've LOST their capacity to feel connected to a productive society.  

When you watch movies with assassins justifying themselves like Collateral(Tom Cruise) one recurring theme plays throughout... that we are all insignificant.  "What does it matter?"  But that is an old man talking.  Someone used up.  A person that is devoid of pain and of heart(innocence) and of understanding.  In Jerry McGuire Tom is talking to his man Cuba and trying to get him to play with heart and Cuba in good form yet without understanding says to him "I'm ALL heart!"  But he didn't get it at that point.  He was all about SHOW ME THE MONEY.  He had desensitized himself to being an example for others.  He had withdrawn to looking good and earning respect.  He had withdrawn to earning respect by winning money.  In his mind, the big dealers like Reebok and Nike were the ones that made him the example he wanted to be and yet he was never going to be anyone of TRUE magnitude of true greatness because he was living for money not for the sake of the his viewers or his admirers.  

In the bible, Jesus often talked about living for the sake of others.  Of being that which was not normal.  He was talking about civility.  The natural order doesn't respect civility.  The calmer people are the more someone wants to be the "life" of the party.  

In the beginning, the word was with God and the word was God.  This is meant to say that Jesus was with God even from the start.  But there's one more thing, Jesus was the devil.  

In order, in the natural order, there is only darkness.  Everything is enacted by instinct.  People are blind in a perfectly ordered world like the undead but the if they were never civil then they at least respect their own family through instinct.  You could even say that the dictator of a country is a DARK individual because of his mindless attempt to take all freedom out of everyone's life ala the Emperor and Darth Vader.  

Is it though?  Is it dark or evil?  Darkness can mean secrets where the truth is hidden or in shadow but it can also mean blindness where doing the right thing... is simply not possible.  In the beginning there was darkness and then there was light.  You see the Bible talks about Lucifer and how he was cast out of heaven.  Because that is the nature of order and that is the nature of civility.  Jesus is Lucifer.  He is civility.  Only by denying the natural order can we be more like Jesus, be more civil.  And that is the extent of goodness... to be like God or to be like Jesus.  If there is an evil, it's to misunderstand what righteousness is and to intentionally pervert it and convince others to follow you.  

Acting against others is evil as best I can understand it.  

I used to describe decicions by using Loki and Thor and Odin.  Those gods are a trinity much like the holy trinity of God Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  But the Bible's trinity doesn't work like that.  In that Norse paradigm we can either act in a disorderly fashion(Loki) or you can act to correct disorder(Thor) and then to not act is be like Odin.  Taking your time is useful because many abherrant things usually correct themselves in time or are better corrected when you understand where the disorder was birthed.  It's like logic or binary except that instead of just 1s and 0s there is the choice of not making one.  An ABSENCE of zero or some kind of math that someone needs to invent and then credit ME for discovering it.  A binary or an understanding of 1s and of 0s and of -1s.  

Ok that's a lot to grasp and it would probably take you a whole week to chew on that.  Fact is I know I am going to run out of steam before I can finish this, probably because there are faults to my logic.  

You see Satan is not evil.  Jesus is not evil.  The only evil is to pervert the understanding of what righteousness is for the sake of dominating others.  Ok, I know I said that but it bears repeating.  Jesus wants us to be merciful, to be caring, to be innocent.  He wants the Pain, he NEEDS his pain like Capt. Kirk said on his pursuit of God to the center of the galaxy(Star Trek V).  But that is also a LACK of order.  Charity and forgiveness is a LACK of order.  It is foreign to God and BASIC to JESUS.  God is the natural order and Jesus is what fights against that.  And you can't mistake this in your heart.  Think about it for yourself.  You know that sometimes you should NOT be merciful.  You know that you should NOT always turn the other cheek.  You know that dying for others is something HOLY that only Jesus could do but that God would abhor.  There is no evil there, in death, there is only understanding it.  

Ok so dying for others is what makes you an immortal. Everytime I think about immortality I remember the touch of God to make Adam.  The painting on the roof of the Sistine Chapel by MichaelAngelo.  God only barely touches Adam to bring him to life.  

But there is another way to look at the painting because it describes how Man makes God.  Adam, because he is willing to die for God, makes him immortal.  Because they share a common purpose, the same spirit cannot be damned or destroyed because the purpose lives on no matter which of them dies.  It's a depiction of the ultimate sacrifice.  That's immortality.  

That reminds me of the song by George Michael,  Mother's Pride.  Soldiers make us powerful, they make us Gods but only if we share in that purpose.  In the purpose of LIVING for our country, in living for each other, here.  

Back to the point, dying for others is what makes you civil.  It is the most civil thing you can do is to put your life in front of another's for the sake of the group's purpose.  For the sake of the group's SPIRIT.  See that, I just brought the Holy Spirit into the mix.  You see the Holy Spirit is your reason for living.  It doesn't have to be God or your wife or your children, you can CHOOSE your holy spirit and usually that conforms to some GROUP mentality like say... your country.  

Yup, your country(did you forget about us?), we are all that keeps the people with different laws from locking you up and chopping things off for playing with your anus, so you better start BELIEVING in your country.  Which by the way is what the Holy Spirit is all about.  It's about belief.  That's why denying your belief or slandering the Holy Spirit is the ultimate sin.  It's unforgivable.  It's like a suicide.  A death without a purpose.  A death without spirit.  A waste.   

One of the basic things you will hear throughout your life Kal-El is that you have to earn respect. (Yes, I know, this blog isn't for you thugs out there, it's for my son.) This is part of the lesson today is to understand what that means.  People will try to make little countries, little spirit centers that exist at least on PAPER to serve the interests of the country by serving the interests of the group.  That is what corporations are.  Little countries that are SUPPOSED to be a concentric circle inside what is included by the country.  Gangs can be like that.  They want you to earn street credibility by sacrificing yourself in some way.  A good idea in my opinion.  Because only by testing what it means to be a leader can you ever conform to doing what others tell you.  Once people BELIEVE you will act on behalf of the gang, you've EARNED your respect so to speak.  

Yes, quite precious.  We keep them safe and secure with well-paved roads while they act against others... pffft. 

At work, I was always late for work.  I would hurry and drive 70 and go to the bathroom real quick or get some coffee but NEVER would I just sit there and wait for my shift to start.  It was like a seed in me wanting to be productive but not understanding what that was, but wanting to grow.  That was until the day someone put me in charge.  I was never late again.  I even started to tell others not to be late and started to organize a way of allowing people to arrive late and just work after their shift the time they arrived late.  One day it hit me, here I am being so huff with late people when IT WAS ME that used to be late all the time when I wasn't in charge.  

A good lesson for you.  

You will never care about the group AT ALL until the day you are put in charge and see for yourself what that means.  So even though you despise your parents or your government or even the media, try to keep in mind that EVERYONE eventually will be put in charge of others and on that day, a LIGHT will come on like LUCIFER out of the darkness... and you will finally understand civility.  

To be an immortal you have be willing to die.  I was SO proud of GW when he flew on that 2 man jet willing to sacrifice his life, not really, but at least to some extent.  It was like saying to the country "I am like you".  We need more examples like that, never mind what he allowed to happen for the next splatter of years; on that day, we were a proud country.  But I started this out saying that didn't I, that once there is order, there had got to be a "life" of the party.  A Jesus.  A Satan.  And he doesn't have to be evil and usually is NOT evil.  The world is a balance of thoughts and of acts.  There will never be true darkness anymore than there is true darkness in space or at night.  And darkness isn't so bad, our bodies and our country needs the darkness to heal and decide what to do next.  Order before the chaos.  Cruel to be kind.  

Oh you get it now? 

That is what ISIL is doing you see.  They are appealing to your most basic instincts to die for them, to become immortal, to join in a truly righteous cause.  And why not.  If the world were truly corrupt THEY would be the hand of God bringing order to the chaos.  If our leaders are bent with greed and corruption then we really ARE serving not God, not Jesus, not Satan, but a perversion.  A group of people that create laws but don't follow them... that is a perversion.  

Perversion is the act of pleasing yourself by abnormal means.  

Now in general I don't believe in perversions because, like porn, it's all up to how you look at things or culture.  Porn is legal(thoughtchu knew).  But one of the things I DO NOT believe in is making another person your slave.  God doesn't believe in that, Jesus doesn't believe in that, Satan doesn't believe in that.  Hahaha, actually Satan does.  You see, Satan is a perversion of Jesus.  The Bible talks about Satan and Jesus often, but they are the same.  You are the one.  YOU are Satan/Jesus.  Each of us can choose to be civil and cruel and canonised all at a whim.  That's freedom right?  And while I may argue you are free to do what you will there is NO reason what you do should interfere with me... unless there is no room.  

Elbow room, ELBOW ROOM, you know you got to getcha some elbow room~

Cities are the only way to understand hell.  Hell, oh boy this is gonna be long, is civility in a closed off space.  People organize in a "different" way when there is competition for space.  You might think there is no such thing as hell but the reality is that hell is here.  Hell is being attacked by others while noone does anything.  Hell happens.  Those movies that talk about people all suddenly watching you or about crossing the veil like in Dragon Age or about crossing dimensions and finding something HUGE and accidentally letting that into our world.  THAT is hell.  

Hell happens.  

People being civil and organized about dominating others are members of hell.  They are Angels to their own people but they are Devils to the ones in their midst that don't belong.  Try to imagine being Japanese here in America(I hate calling our country US when our name is America, I hate names that are unclear) after they bombed Hawaii.  That's hell.  Nobody wants you and people are against you and you didn't do anything wrong.  That's hell.  People are free to attack you and whip you and even call the police on you for no reason if you are in hell.  

And the devils are the ones that rule hell.  And this only happens in cities because of a lack of space, because there is not enough room to live free.  

I could say more but just GET that.  Jesus is the devil but he's not evil, he's all of us.  And we become like him the more we organize and work together.  Once we start to dominate others instead of just working together, we become "Republican Jesus".  We become Lucifer who was cast out of heaven.  We speak in tongues of DIVIDE and prejudice... but that's ok cuz we would rather RULE in hell than serve in heaven.  See any us/theming going on?  People like that are convinced that there will always be two sides.  People like that have LOST their innocence.  They can be rescued from hell, but they would rather rule than be dominated and because they have fear, it's VERY HARD to rescue someone from that state of mind.   It's like innocence lost.  Once you see that there are devils and they see you, you're never going to be able to FORGET that they are there.  It's also quite likely that they won't forget about YOU, hahahaha.  

But fact is whole groups of people can be converted.  If there is anything Jesus/Bill Maher/Obama(lol) is known for is his ability to enchant people.  I am like him.  I am an enchanter.  Am I enchanting you yet, hmm?  Wait what? WHATDA YA MEAN?(Contact) 

Well, by enchanting I mean I want to bring undertanding to you.  I want you to understand reality.  Once you understand hell, there can be a heaven.  You can attain divinity.  Only devils can be angels.  Heaven doesn't have angels btw... God rules alone.  Heaven is a state of mind.  When you get a good nights sleep, that's heaven.  When you are at peace, knowing that you serve the Holy Spirit and that if you die you die for a righteous cause, that's heaven.  You work diligently knowing that what you do is right.  People in hell are not like that.  When they sleep they dream of what they fear.  They attack others before they are attacked and their license to act comes from fear and ALL fear is unjustified.  People are supposed to die, police are supposed to die, children are supposed to die for the sake the group and if it happens, for whatever reason, then the group learns from their sacrifice.  The perversion comes when people try to FAKE that.  When doctors/necromancers FAKE accidental death, when politicians/arch-devils FAKE an existential threat like ISIL or Ebola, when wives/succubus FAKE their orgasm because they're saving it for their lover!  


Lol, trite, I know trite. 

People... have two sides.  An intellectual side and an existential side.  When you have learned all you can, you have to trust others to tell you what you don't have the time to learn.  It's too much.  There's too much to know out there for you to be safe so you have to trust others.  At the top of this intellectual side there are doctors.  At the top of the existential side there is the military run by politicians and the public.  We have to trust them and that trust is not always justified.  That's why you have to have faith if you want to be a good person.  FAITH that people will help you because your life is important to THEIR future.  An impossible faith, after you have been attacked or had your child taken from you or have been wronged by the police that are supposed to be acting on YOUR behalf, but with God (you) nothing is impossible... for he is the mighty I am~ (as you might have guessed I have like a soundtrack playing in my head at times from the "millions" of songs I have sung)  If you will but believe in me I will show you a way to God is what Jesus said.  That's because only by understanding that we live to keep each other alive can we find peace and immortality and Heaven and be able to achieve being a God.  

Once you are willing to die for others ALL women can be yours.  See that?  I mean if I am acting for the sake of the world, Sarah Silverman is not too good for me, Rachel Maddow is not too good for me, Alex Wagner is not too good for me, Angelina is not too good for me, especially if they are NOT acting for the sake of the country.

And if they AREN'T then maybe they need a spanking... now be quiet and try to finish singing the preamble with me before we finish.  

Wow, that was BEST... new thing... in the... ok back to writing. 

Those women are inferior humans if they don't care about others, LESS than worthy in my mind.  But they all do care and they SHOW it publicly, and that is what is divine about them.  

I feel everything.  If you intend to hurt my feelings, they hurt.  Many people like to say often just ignore attacks.  No.  Wrong.  We were not meant to ignore anything.  We were not put on this Earth to score touchdowns, Kal-el.  I don't know what Holy Spirit you will follow but when you grow up and find that missing thing that we ALL need as a country, I hope you will do it with the understanding that I have, that I want YOU to have.  

"One thing I do know son is that you are here for a REASON." (Superman the Movie)

Obama didn't like that guy telling him what to do did he?  That's why there is discord in our country.  Instead of achieving a common purpose, we have all partially enlisted on the SHOW ME DA MONEY bandwagon, as if MONEY was our holy spirit.  Money is currency even for our spirit. It's not 100% evil but probably close to 50%. It's supposed to be used to make fluid our affairs with each other.  I haven't thought about it too much so I will leave it there.  Money is a dark thing, the very essence of switcheroo.  

Republicans like people who are willing to attack others for the sake of the group.  To me there is no reason to attack others in this country.  To do it publicly is to demonstrate mental illness.  You are perverting what you know to be justified.  Returning attacks is certainly allowed and "if there is a misunderstanding of why I touched your girlfriend then certainly I apologize for my unintentional "call" to make sure you never work again..."  

Can I call you Ms. Lerner?(Deep Impact)

Republicans and just people in general understand attacking others but that is a perversion.  You know in your heart, as sure as you see that light in your child's eyes, as sure that you are innocent of bad intentions, that attacking others is unnatural and that it doesn't even feel good.  God nor Jesus would condone attacking others.  It's unholy.  

Hmm, somewhere around here I was gonna talk about the President but I forgot what it was I wanted to say.  Oh.  So you start to see what I meant by Eric Holder losing things yeah?  Now it's ok to take a shot at the President.  He comes down to your little neck of the woods, makes a public appearance when he could have mailed in his ballot, he makes an example of himself so that others will follow and for that he gets a "don't touch my girlfriend" jab on TV.  That's MORE reason Eric Holder needs to stay where he is.  I can only IMAGINE what coked up money fiend congress will approve for the President next but he probably won't have the heart of Eric Holder.  

I hope you all can see that Congress is becoming a rich members only club? It's not just me is it?  Am not like the only Paladin in hell? 

You know I love being an enchanter, sometimes it makes me feel like the President.  After he is out of office, we probably aren't gonna get too many more like him.  If Elizabeth Warren doesn't run, we are SURE to have some puppet doing what Microsoft and about 4 other corporations want.  A country's purpose driven by money.  And we are sure to have, after that,  a rapture of some sort.  So you all had better get used to this feel good President that at least seems to be acting for the sake of the public because it won't seem that way for long.  Soon people like Mitch(Mitch? I love people in public office using nicknames) McConnell won't even hide the fact that they do what the corporations want and then you can expect a wide range of corporations dominating the public and not in an equal rights sort of way.  

Oh yeah, the President, well I was saying earlier that we have two halves, an intellectual and an existential.  Most people out there, in the la-la land I like to call somewhere outside of cities they believe what they want and study little to nothing about righteousness or philosophy and just believe what their preacher tells them and they think they know what righteousness is.  People can't know what righteousness is unless they have been to the city... unless they have had fear and learned to suppress it... unless they have LIVED next to black people... unless they have touched their booty button and pushed and pulled and found out all there is to know about their butt.  Only with true understanding of addiction and perversion and fire and flame and denial and oppression, can you come to true understanding.  

Now you can come to the city and experience that for yourself or you can just take my word for it and start to live a better life by being the example and by living without fear.  And just know that by doing that, one day people will put you in charge and you won't have the "freedom" to do what you want, but that because you CARE about others, for a change, you won't want to.  

I want to say another thing about gangs but I can't organize my thoughts enough.  People from the boonies don't have a lot of education so they can ONLY respect others if they are willing to die for them or simply attack for them.  That is why attacking others seems normal to them because in the natural order that is the only way to determine things is by who will respect your strength and who will deny your dominance and fight the losing fight until death.  Again, sounds evil, but it is a natural act.  It's of God.  You have to understand it and forgive it to be civil.  YOU can't make others civil, they have to choose that.  YOU must remain peaceful and organized in your thoughts.  Remember that RETURNING attacks is certainly civil and people that say "Jesus said to turn the other cheek" are PERVERTING what he meant.  Jesus meant for us to allow accidents.  To take the first hit and offer another.  He didn't intend for us to be dominated.  That's Satan.  That's people telling you or you misunderstanding what Jesus meant.    

The President is like me.  He won't attack others but some people are just uncivil without knowing they are.  They are kind of natural order/good people but that don't understand civility and because of that they remain innocent and good but doing attacks to others, not with the intention of dominating and making someone their slave but to "test" to see where they lie in the national scheme of things...  like that fool.  

I love that word, fool.  Because a fool can still be a decent person and attack the President.  If he attacked him twice, he is no longer foolish, and I will stake money on the fact that huge swaths of people are investigating his background to see if that guy works for someone now because hurting people's feelings comes with a price and that guy didn't hurt just the President's feelings... he hurt MY feelings, and probably a whole lot of other people's feelings that don't believe people should have FEAR of the President touching their girlfriend.  Did I mention FEAR?  We get that whole FEAR thing yet?  Ok good.  

Well, I think I covered it all.  You guys can take me to the cross now.  (En la cruz en la cruz you primero vi la luz y las manchas de mi alma you lave... fue alli for Fe you primero vi Jesus, y el siempre fiel con mi sere~) 

I'm not sure if I like any of you, but I am sure I act for the sake of the country in most things I do.  If I die, will I scream? If I scream that means I am a devil so, I honestly don't know if I would scream.  If one of my own people betrayed me, yes, I probably would scream and even cry.

One last cry(Brian McKnight). (told ya... soundtrack!) My broken heart... and broken dreams... are mending on the shelf... ~

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Holder on to your horses


There's a reason that I want Eric Holder to stay in office and why I think he is going to have things taken from him.  First, it's happened to me.  When I was an up and coming karaoke singer I was awful at singing.  In fact, they turned down the mike every time I sang Dream On because I positively could NOT hit that high note.  

But I kept trying.  I knew that in time I could do it because I had done so with other songs from Journey.  And eventually I did but it's one of those songs that if I am not out singing often, I lose the ability to do it.  

In time I was able to sing very well and also in time I became an esteemed member of the night crew.  This doesn't mean I ever actually WORKED the karaoke but it was nice to know that I was expected and appreciated.  So appreciated in fact that eventually I had people wanting me to sit at their table of which I had to CHOOSE which table I would sit at which made it difficult to please everybody.  

This reminds me of SarahK for some reason.  

As I moved from place to place, after moving or just getting tired of the people or maybe tired of the karaoke guy, (ROGER this means YOU), I ended up at this place that didn't have karaoke.  

People already knew a lot about me and some even hinted at knowing where I was last night when I was at a different bar, which meant they were keeping track of me.  

Big deal.  

But it became a big deal because one time I was subject to an act that I was not ready for.  One guy told me that this lady was a drug dealer.  I didn't appreciate that.  I was VERY disturbed.  If I was loyal to the guy I was keeping a secret from the lady.  If I was loyal to the lady I was plain out betraying that guy.  I mean WHY did I need to know this stuff... I don't do drugs!

Well, I decided not to keep it to myself because it would wear on me so I relayed to the lady what I was told.  SHOCK and AWE ensued.  I suddenly was ignored by people that had always wished me well and I felt wronged somehow so I decided to leave.  

At that point, several terrible things happened to me the first of which was a lady yelling at me for no reason in a drive-thru which got me angry.  The cops were already there like with EXCELLENT RESPONSE TIME(Jack Reacher) and I was arrested.  

Not only had I lost what semblance of closeness I had with the bar but the police now ALL agreed I was in the wrong as well.  

So this gets me to Eric Holder.  You're probably wondering HOW this relates to him at all?  Well he was supporting the black people of Ferguson right?  He heard their cries and resolved to help them.  At the same time, James Woods, after noting that several black people took this as an opportunity to LOOT some stores, called him out personally to make a stand for the business owners just like he had just done for the protesters.  

He and I were both trying to do the right thing... right?  Go right to the source and explain things the way he thinks everyone saw it.  Except that it WASN'T the way everyone saw it. 

Now he has not only a full town full of white people, including James Woods asking him to be "a non-bias authority"(not in a nice way) for a change, he is about to let down all of the black people that, in my mind, need him to stay and BE just who he is.  

Instead, he has agreed to resign.  

In like fashion I resolved not to go back to bars.  I was sure they didn't want me there and still don't want me there.  

Fact is, a whole lot of people that DON'T harass you and talk like an electric eel(aka Woods), haven't had a chance to make their say.  

A guy down the street from me drives by once in a while and asks how I'm doing and talks to my father once in a while.  He saw us at the bar usually on Fridays and said Hi. My sister divorced her husband that often played in the bar so that's one more reason for me not to go, but what about me and my sister's friends?  Are we to GIVE UP terriTORY despite the years we spent there playing darts with whoever wished to play?  

It's kind of a moot point since there is NO WAY my sister's going back there and she lives CLEAR across town now.  

But the right thing to do was to get right back in there and explain what happened, what my side of it was, and to go on poking around like I was a normal part of life.  

Instead, I now have people following me around town with their brights on.  I'm getting calls at odd hours probably a way of letting me know they haven't FORGOTTEN about me.  I have not just a few bits of harassment come through online by VIRTUAL people that act like they know me(which they probably do) like I just said that are practically death threats but that are mostly just people responding to their own fear of the unknown.  

They have taken things.  They have taken my peace of mind.  I never regarded that as precious before now but I see what they mean by peace of mind now.  

Eric Holder has basically shown his face in Ferguson and has let down all of those people that expected him to "order up" that society through example and through diligence but by resigning, like I did, he can expect... 
well, he can expect to be unhappy.  

A better move would be to stay.

PS.  What I'm saying is, he should stay and everyone should consider themselves LUCKY he is still there... maybe.  On the other hand, maybe nobody misses me... (EDIT: I'm doing this now on my TINY 13" LCD using like VGA mode so it's going to be lower quality stuff from now on, sorry guys.