Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Holy Spirit


The holy spirit is the belief that's inside you.  I have it, you MIGHT have it and we all need it.  If a church fails, as many do, it's because God is not there and probably has SOMETHING to do with money and people turning on each other.

Jesus said, "wherever 2 or more are gathered in my name, there am I."

Jesus is God and God is Jesus.  Jesus had the holy spirit and if you believe and together with his belief, you two have created God.  God exists for you.  Prayers make sense to you and communication has occurred.  You have expressed your devotion to sanity and your desire for the future as a request... along those lines.

This doesn't work if there is a oddball crazy lady greeting you at the entrance.  You remember that logic graph you learned so long ago, maybe you also studied it in Biology in 10th grade(Genetics), like I did.  If you mix truth with truth you get the truth; if you mix false with false, you get false; if you mix truth ANY OTHER way, you get false... that's how logic works.

It's like this:


Logic is the BEGINNING of wisdom Valerus, not the end - Spock

To have truth make sense, ALL MEMBERS must be true.  This might make most churches false.  Maybe even JOEL'S church is false, lol.  You KNOW IT and I KNOW IT.  But heaven is not something to be achieved.  Heaven is a path. It's something like having peace of mind.  We strive for heaven and it is rare and even once achieved it is fleeting.  You will hear this many times in life that LIFE IS A STRUGGLE.  That's the reality.  It doesn't get easier it gets tighter and tighter with people noticing your weaknesses more and more... probably because YOUR weakness is THEIR weakness IF you are a community.  So struggle people.  Hitler's book before his rise to power, MEIN KAMPF, are the German words MY STRUGGLE.  Great leaders are wronged and then become stronger leaders, yes?  Try not to judge the country by it's leader.  If you want to detest something, detest the game not playa... er uh I mean detest the apocalypse not the stupid... I mean, detest that selfishness wins in the end.  Detest the logic and that evil must exist for that 25% of good people to come out of the total.

Always there will be evil but the choice MUST remain.  If we all stand for the anthem then there's no choice and then that means there is control.  Control is the absence of logic.

Do you see that?

Christian control is evil.  Being completely free without laws, you might think that is evil but it's the oppposite of evil, it is BLIND.  That sounds just wrong right?  Wrong, right, wrongright? (if you insult people or call them names you are damning them but that's for another blog) The only true evil is to be controlled and somewhere in between is people driving and getting ahead in life.  Free will is paramount.  God's will cannot exist without free will.  There is nothing good about freedom, except that you are FREE from a tyrant.

Do you see that now?

Ok, to be good journalists you need to be like a belief system for the country and unlike entertainment you are CRUCIAL to keeping people at ease with government, by telling the truth.  If you do things like we did at the bank, your leaders are your support system.  That makes journalists simply carriers of information.  Information that serves to keep you doing what you are doing.  At some point you get promoted and then promoted and then promoted again and soon you find yourself in a nice little box getting called at all hours of the day and your job has become your life.  Rest easy pastors, rest easy military leaders, rest easy doctors, rest easy Erin, because you have achieved heaven(it was probably easier for Erin... what?).  You ARE your job.  You ARE free will.  You ARE God.  Now, what will you DO with this power?  Will you promote free will or will you ABUSE?  You remember the old saying with great power comes great responsibility?  Well, another way of saying it is ...


Ok, that's enough of that.  Denying the holy spirit is the ultimate sin.  This lends itself to suicide.  You have denied yourself a reason to live despite there being MANY reasons to live.  It is BACKWARDS thinking but it will happen to many of us if we let ILLEGALS surround us, and they will and they will feel justified like an amoeba surrounding a paramecium, it happens slowly at first and AS SURE AS "A FUDGEPACK", the paramecium will dissolve.  This should play out in your head as you choose your friends and rub elbows with people... who am I with?  If you are thinking suicidal thoughts run... DON'T WALK... to a place of whatever OTHER PEOPLE and rest assured that regular people don't feed on others.  If it helps you can refer to that logic square up there, 25% good people, 25% vampire, and 50% I don't know things so sometimes I suck... people... those are your odds of who you meet next.  Why?  Because well, go check out a stadium sometime.  Look at all those people.  That's why.  Because it's too many people for all of them to be the same and because free will... people are attracted to free will and if there were no free will the place would be... empty.


My final lesson today is to tell you about God.  He is your father, he is here and I will SHOW him to you... (in your reflection)

Ok so my FINAL final lesson(comedy=battery) is to tell you that journalism is like riding a bike... you get hit from the left and you SWERVE to the left and write a story and then, you get news from the right and you SWERVE to the right.  Only if you react, only if you respond in kind can you keep the bike standing and afloat.  This is how you keep the nation going is by keeping them watching.  Your first goal is to respond IN KIND and not overdo it.  WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU OVERDO IT?!  Exactly.  So don't be a "side".  There is news you are bringing it and if you "DO IT LIKE JOEL DID", you add a little comedy... a little "battery", to make the thing go and now you've got a great show ahead.  It's like Jeannie Moos for Erin.  What a wonderful way to end the show to see Erin smile after a tiny bit of comedy... 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Racism is ok


It's one thing to have the gift of foresight and... it's a whole 'nother or nether thing to have the gift of foreskin.

I have told you before that some people think it's ok to have their foreskin removed and that these people call themselves Jewish.  Well, today we are going to talk about racism and I'm going to keep it short because I'm also cooking and helping the world is becoming less and less pleasant" if you get me.

When we insult another country we are NOT racists.  They do things differently right?  This means they are CRIMINALS.  Yeah.  They have their own laws and whoops they broke our law, whoops there they go again, and there they go again and again and again.  That's because bribing is not illegal, prostitutes are not illegal, trafficking drugs is not illegal.  Over and over they do CRAZY stuff and in THEIR country they don't go to jail.

I have spelled it out before that if you do something over and over, you are addicted.  You do it because it's fun and because it makes you "better" to do it and get away with it.  It's "neat".  Well, that's what makes it insane also... the fact that it's "neat".

Do people from other countries need us?  Yes, they need us to be powerful and huge and unfair because only in THIS country would someone like me be born.  In another country, I would driving a bus or working at a bank or farming for my children.  Only in this MESS that I am in, this cocoon, would I be able to write this and have SO MANY people listen.  And this is useful because the whole world is run by us so if I can fix US, then the rest of the world will follow suit because they have no choice.

I am in so many places right now in my head but I have to keep this short or I will lose focus.  Power doesn't allow choices.  Keep that in mind that this luxury of wanting freedom and righteousness ASSUMES that you are safe.  SAFE ok?  This means all these nice revolutionary thoughts come AFTER you have established your safety.

Ok, so that said I am going back to racism.  We need to start wanting the wall.  Mexico is not terrible.  If it were, we would invade and FIX them.  We are getting CLUES though yes?  Clues that they are terrible.  The first step in knowing there is a problem is when journalists die.  They are the connection.  The holy spirit of the country.  Ok I could SO go off on a tangent now but I will stay focused.  Once journalists die there is no connection from the people to government.  The people don't know if the government is getting palettes of cash or accepting bribes, the government doesn't know if the militia just received rocket launchers... lol see so it's necessary to keep that connection active so that a "pulse" of the country is active.  Information going to the capital and information going out.  And by this I like to say that Trump makes the country more healthy.  He is like a HUGE heart at the center.  We may not know everything but we WANT to know.  Unlike Obama where some of his press conferences were not covered, Trump makes news and that keeps us up to date with the things he has done... hopefully, if it's not a smoke screen right?

Ok, so back to racism.  We are going to have to start to dislike our neighbors enough to keep the borders up.  That's not just because their language "crowds" out ours, or their culture, of their immigrants makes MONEY the focus because they CAN'T believe in our country, it's because we dislike them.  Yep, that's not racism.  That's keeping up the border.

Now to keep this short, in the not to distant future, in that vast land filled with desert or whatever there will be nukes.  You know it and I know it.  It's happened already right?  Ok, so we had better get our "dislike" hats on and keep up the borders and remember one last thing.

A country is not a race, and if it is well then, that makes racism ok.  

PS. Me not liking Jews has nothing to do with my missing foreskin, that girls might prefer, that might have something to do with my lack of aggressiveness... NOPE, I simply don't like other countries that say WEIRD shit.  Me, no I'm not weird... say it with me... I'm not weird.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Fishermen of men


In case y'all don't know this by now, I am crowded around in this city by people that don't like the fact that I no longer frequent the bar.  You might call this demon-possession, I call it putting up with it. 

Because of this I have a unique perspective when it comes to living in hell.  Hell is a place where you can't leave and people don't like you.  It's because of this that I know that there IS no hell and that this whole IDEA of heaven and hell was made up to describe what is ACTUALLY happening all around us.  Now, if I were to postulate as to what purgatory is, it's something CREATED by people who KNEW FULL WELL that there was no heaven or hell, and that that's all there was is this life and the ever closer END that life presumes it can avoid. 

Good luck with that, all.  Keep in mind that doctors, pastors, and military leaders WANT you to believe there is no end (Appointments- Julien Baker) that after death you will just keep going... so that IT'S OK IF YOU DIE... but there IS an end.  The fact that there is should want you to STOP this from happening to anyone and in that VEIN, there should be no violence, no confusion, and no "altered states" that exist in the world.  People should not be allowed to drink, or smoke, or even take pain medicine.  ALL unpleasantness... cursing... making faces... stomping... spitting... even sniffing... should be PROFANE.  The world SHOULD BE a place where we can all grow and build relationships and children and can grow old... and it should be as easy to do as possible. 

But the world is NOT this.  This is an idea and the idea is NOT the reality, so keep that in mind when you start to BELIEVE in something, it's a belief.  It's the OPPOSITE of reality.  It's its falseness that makes it a battery to your being.  The world is binary, you see that?

Now go out and fish you sloppy silly smelly people (this is JESUS talking right?) and try to pretend you haven't wronged me for as long as you can, try to BELIEVE that.  

Jesus came to make fishermen of men yeah?  Well, he left out the part where if you are a fish, you CAN be fished! See that?  That's because there's always a bigger fish(Qui-Gon).  So... be careful what you wish for. 

One last thing, wishing is wrong right?  Y'all see that right?  You should have a goal, a purpose, a future, but you shouldn't WISH for it... right?  You should grow your life... not steal it!

PS. I have been getting harassed MUCH more than normal in the past couple of months, I guess since I spent a year with noone harassing me after my father died the "powers that be" decided they had some catching up to do so they moved people right across the street and now I get harassed all the time with loud noises and even calls and such.  So if my "tone" is different, it probably has something to do with recent events and not because of anything else.  Also, I might be in love, yeah, I know, it's stupid but it's also wonderful because the only way that could happen is if everything that led up to this point happened, right? So Trump is a good thing, right?  Well, expect that to wear off like with what happened with Sarah.  I got a whole letter I haven't posted because it's too stupid.