Priest yourself
Overmuch. A word used to describe the opposite of not so much. I'm forcing myself to write today because it feels like pulling hairs when I try to make a point that isn't just flowing like crazy out of my head.
Oh ok, yeah, yesterday... here we go. Yesterday was a big news day. Darrell Issa, Harry Reid, and Chris Christie and other possible villains and truly powerful people had to take a back seat to the world's worst threat to humanity... corrupt cops.
That's right. Chock full of fear and money, these Dark Knights were stomping all over the neighborhoods of Ferguson, Missouri two days ago. But you have to ask yourself HOW they became that way right? What caused this break from Paladinhood to a becoming a hand of evil.
You might worry that Dark Knights are everywhere but no, they are VERY expensive and so only a few Dark Knights can ever really be afforded. But are they worth every penny? They can cast impressive and huge Fireballs/lies. I used to wonder about that before I knew fireballs REALLY existed. How does a warrior cast fireballs? It sounds stupid. But after my experiences, all things come into understanding at old age. You see a Paladin that has lost his light, that has been caught doing evil, loses his powers forever, but it's possible for a Paladin to be SO VENGEFUL, that a different society picks up on his need to be what he was and by paying him enough money, he becomes just as powerful as his fellow Paladins, except that he, instead of being fueled by goodwill and trust and a patriarchal nature and truth, is fueled by the need for MONEY.
In his mind, the strongest survive, the one with the most wins, whoever can afford his fees, which by the way are astronomical now because after all everything he was, happy, trusted, merciful, mama's little man... all that crap is over. And it's really all about being the best for him right? He got the most out of his life... if you measure it in dollars and compare him to others. He SACRIFICED himself in a way.
Obviously, we are talking about an incredible evil... not a temporary one like passion play or fraud, things that play themselves out temporarily after revenge is achieved or after the heist is scored and safely stashed away. No this is evil of EPIC proportions. This is NECROMANCY. People willing to do a JOB perpetually that siphons money and power from others. Corrupt doctors might do this and if they do they are going to need corrupt cops. And they are going to need them over and over again. That's why when you read Dante's Poem he reserves the lowest plane of Hell for these people.
Ok scared yet? Well now is a good time to mention how these people are caused. I watched an excellent show once but I forgot the name now. A girl working in an office mercifully decides to sleep with her stodgy looking boss. It was semi fun but she is SO good looking and her boss is SO nice and sweet that he pays her a bunch of money and she takes it. Nothing wrong with that right? I mean she wasn't doing it to get him off, she did it for herself, and if he doesn't want to see her again or if maybe he DOES, this might help her want to. And sure enough she does.
So the movie continues on. She uses her money for good things and looks innocent enough. Her office is bright with flowers and decoration, her boss is happy, she's happy. So she starts to expand. More people, more money, and all good feelings, what could happen? Then one day an outsider hears about her. Without this movie I would have NO IDEA this could happen, but he sets her up with a violent man. Obviously it makes for a good reel right? Woman getting violently handled, man smacking her around even though she has already agreed to have sex with him. Why did this have to happen?
Next day, all bruised and beaten, she goes back to work. Everyone asks about it and here comes the part that will blow your mind...
she says nothing.
It's the ole SWITCHEROO, you see?
Since she can't talk about her illegal activity, now it's ok to do evil on her and she can't accuse anyone. That's not the worst part. The man who paid the other guy to rough her up, now wants to become her PIMP, to protect her from these STRANGE people that show up out of nowhere...
So sexy women that let their control slip out of the realm of legality INVITE evil to be done to them and what do you think happens next?
"Burn through the bitches and slam down the switches and move to the ridges of my Dragula! "
Yeah she becomes evil, now it's ok to steal their wallets, keep their secrets, call them to blackmail them, even sell their license plate information all because this EVIL showed up... out of nowhere.
And at the root of it all... money.
That's why you have to watch it as an atheist. Be VERY conscious of the void inside. Noone is telling you good job if you don't have a priest. If you want to be a good atheist, you have to BE the priest; you have to priest yourself.
Alternately, you could visit a church and practice faith understanding that you share in the goodwill that these people have, even if you don't define it the same way. Always you should remember that your void is filled but in your own way, with a need to grow society simply, without complication so that as few people as possible are victimized by evil.
Again, evil is the need to attack others. You only need to eat and maybe have sex so if you don't have work or if you see people without opportunity like say IMMIGRANTS or homeless people, you'd better steer clear. Their need to eat can easily be manipulated or SWITCHEROO'd into a need to attack others... for money. That's why feeding the world is so important. People can veg out in front of a $50 video game forever and not be a threat to the world but homeless people... illegal immigrants... that's scary. Not really but philosophically.
Ok so way back there I was going to relate this to Dark Knights. One evil act. One evil act that someone can use as blackmail, is all it takes to ruin a Paladin. It's not hard. Once people know your string, ALL of them want to pull it. It's like having a white zit on your nose and trying to talk to someone. It won't be long before they mention it. But you might REALLY REALLY LIKE your job yeah? Well, I'm here to tell ya, it's not all that important. And besides banishment usually serves you well as people from a new community usually don't know anything about someone that's not from there.
But the day MIGHT COME right? I just like this little whore found out... evil shows up someday. That's why I don't talk about others and that's how you can tell someone is evil and bound to money, they ASK about others. You should write this down, take my word, you don't wanna forget it...
people that ASK about others are bound to money. They are agents WORKING for someone.
Unless they are journalist, they get a pass. They would NEVER sell their information, am I right? They don't engage in underhanded DEALS with pimps and what have you, am I right? Pffft.
It's like I say often "50/50". My mother doesn't believe me, as if ALL doctors have given their life to help others or ALL cops are risking their lives every day or ALL journalist are shining a light on evil... (pause) while accidentally coughing and interrupting Rachel during her show... am I right? Pffft.
50/50. People are 50/50 and don't you forget it. And the higher up they are the more TRUST they have attained but that doesn't mean a thing. A crafty, a WITCHCRAFTY, person can build trust just like a House of Cards, despite having inside them, a minion of money.
As you might guess you are probably wondering if I'm done. Am I finished bashing the cops that drive around all day facing danger while I sit here typing cereal points for the sake of my own fame cuz I got a black girl I want to introduce ya to!
Well, I don't want to discount the cops TOO much. You might think oh some cops were careless and did evil and now the whole department is evil and the whole department needs to be replaced.
No. Good people work together. Bad people look for others that don't like them and try to eliminate them. People knowing their secret is like a FIRE that consumes them. There will always be someone else that FINDS OUT their secret and the whole cycle of evil starts over and he becomes a creature of vengeance without realizing that his righteousness, to preserve the peace, is really like a pool boy in a leafy pool that's draining. Eventually he's going to hit bottom and realize all of his efforts at removing leaves, was a waste.
Umm, ok so I'm still trying to make the point about that whore. You see, late last night in the final moments of Chris Hayes' interview with some black people, I was flummoxed to see people willing to come to the camera and be "mystical". One girl was on the phone and had obviously wanted to tell her story and then changed her mind "cuz she was still on the phone".
See that's the new symbol of "I work for a gang" now is someone looking at you purposefully, while talking on a phone.
Later, another girl starts talking about HER people and how she is just happy that we all standing up for something (she doesn't even know what it is) and her girlfriends think this is a good time to start laughing and singing together and chanting. I could have standed to see MORE of that. It was truly scary. It was like a horror movie. Later I see, white officers unarmored, in regular clothes like 4 of them get out of their car while Chris films it all and the END of the WORLD flashes before my eyes as they are surrounded by like 60 black people... but it was nothing. It was a person that "fell".
You see this is how magic is done, with a a whole lot of homeless people working the strings, perpetrating accidents that COST society. And the cops, you might call them cowards for being scared yeah? Yeah right up until you see that little face talk about HER people. There are witches there. COPS might be confused and they might be liars but they are not evil. They don't attack people first unless someone like these little witches PROVOKE them and then they are forced to respond.
Do you see how that works? Witches provoke the COPS, disappear, then cops respond(as good people do), and attack the wrong people in response.
So my lesson for you is, be prejudiced, only for a moment, feel it then follow your instincts. Be middle. There is a REASON for everything. And most especially, don't take others' word for things or for people, without trying to take a FULL SCAN of the situation. Think like a lawyer. People have their reasons. COPS have their reasons.
Does anyone think that black kid was that cop's informant? First order of betrayal/assassination, betray the betrayers. That kid probably had a bunch of secrets yeah? Big people are most all the time drunk on themselves. If they aren't drug dealers, they might work for them but always they command respect and that's useful, maybe to the COPS, maybe to a corrupt cop. So yeah it's a little prejudiced but it might also be true right? I have had a long life, I might know what I'm talking about.
Well it's time to end this babble. Do you really... want to know? (from the XFiles song)
ps. You guys are probably wondering if I have done this evil, this ONE act, arentcha? hahaha, you know that's one I haven't figured out, because I know ex-Paladins atoning themselves can laugh, and I know Paladins can laugh, but do Paladins +1 laugh? What's a Paladin +1? Well, a cursed Paladin can atone and become his old self again. A terribly cursed Paladin, a Paladin -1, that's much more rare. But should he ever be sanctified, should he ever successfully atone his TERRIBLE curse, he becomes a Paladin +1. Don't you guys play FFXI? Check Cursed Items in the Auction House. It's there. The TRUTH is out there.