Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Do you know a Unicorn

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The city is one of the most advanced creations of the modern age. Only with a city do people work together and do we see a cycle begin to take hold. A cycle of construction and obsolescence.

I am playing Civilization: Revolution and in it the game lauds the city as mankinds last hope for world domination... for good. And it teaches a great many useful things that as an intellectual, as someone who needs to understand HOW things are put together, YOU NEED TO KNOW.

For example, it teaches simple things about styles of government. In feudalism, the advantage is +1 to combat troops while losing any culture points. In democracy, you get +50% gold production and science but you can't start a war unless attacked first. In communism, you get +50% production, but it costs you science and gold. So you might think what a neat theory that game if it were true, right?

Yeah, well answer me why these things happened. Did communism fall due to lack of trade? As the world super-power do our businesses seek to trade with everyone while at the same time NOT being able to attack the people we want to? In the game if your city is really high on culture output, you get GREAT people to show up and they can change your city lickety split, JUST as though you had researched a new technology, which takes years. And if your culture is high enough, cities nearby JOIN your nation and leave the others without you even having to send troops over there.

Is that what happened in the Ukraine? Did people there want to join the EU and leave Russia simply on the basis of culture? And was Russia a democracy when it walked into Crimea or was it a FEUDAL state at that point?

So while you might think I am doing nothing, fact is I am always learning and saving my examples to teach people. Why? Because people don't respond well to "because I said so".

Cities are the first step of organization that comes after a family. A family is very hard to separate and surely, there are differences within. I told one of my cousins recently, they were visiting me from Honduras, about how you could tell someone was family. I told her it's because "that's why you can tell we are family because we are so DIFFERENT". You see friends tend to be of the same cuff as you. If you are an intellectual, you're friends are intellectuals, if you are a shill, your friends are shills, if you use nicknames, your friends use nicknames, if you are police, other police are your friends.

But not in a family. In a family you have spent so much time together with your siblings confined together that when you finally break out you will almost always CHOOSE a personality decidedly different from your brothers. And the odd things is that as an exception, your brothers will be the ONLY ONES you can suffer to be around that have that different personality.

Unless you TRY to be different, TRY to be like them, which is perhaps a mistake.

Now, getting back to explaining families, families are NOT cyclical. They can be made to self-destruct but they don't do it of their own volition. Parents can usually define what we are all about and if they are strong, can keep the family together by suffering the change that happens, by BEING the center of divergent forces. They should not stay together for the sake of children if sex has gone out of the room but usually, everyone will agree that children, even grown up and self-sustaining, are plenty of reason to stay with your mate.

Now I don't like talking down to people like I am doing now but what's obvious is not always obvious to people, especially when they are stressed or "loyal" to other forces they don't understand. Families are difficult enough to maintain without taking into account that your mates figure into this somehow. I see the downside of having mates and upside to keeping your family. Mates ALWAYS spell trouble for the family. The tried and true tradition of the mother-in-law is not just a legend. People that haven't spent time with you won't love you like their own family. Everytime there has been family problems somewhere in my OTHER family, a mate is always somehow mentioned in there and I KNOW that they are the ones lying or gossiping or bastardizing something serene.

But I have said this before, sex is job one for you on this Earth. If you ain't having sex, there's a problem. If your mate is not giving it to you, there's a problem. If there is ever any doubt as to where to rank your father and your mother and your dog and your children and your mate... your mate is RANK 1.

It's not hard.

Everything in life is like math. Just imagine attraction and repulsion and give people nothingness and then relativity and you begin to realize how important you are and how important others are to you. Use Nodes theory. Imagine being a part of a collective but that some people are more important to you and some are important in society, that should create for you a bright little network in your head. And that is useful because a bright network attracts others. Your BRIGHT FAMILY, as mine was, attracts others. My bright family was good for business because it attracted others. That's why it's so important to network so that the city becomes charged with information and highways that lead to more interaction.

At the center of each family is a node and a nice cluster of nodes makes a small city. And as you begin to understand cities you understand what causes it's downfall and what helps bolster it further.

Ok I am about to go off on a tangent but I might forget to mention this later so here it goes. Cities are NOT natural. As soon as a city goes up, the trees get chopped down, the soil gets used up, the water gets dirty, and the animals get chased away. Soon people in the city get sick and soon the food has to be delivered to continue to support the people. This means what? Well it means cities were meant to move. Just like the Indians moved across the country in herds, people should move in herds. It's no small wonder that gypsies tend to be the happiest people as they come down on a city already sick with laxity and prey on them and then leave before people know what happened to the Police Department's Pension. And the entire behavior might seem evil but you cannot ignore that it works, you must just struggle to UNDERSTAND WHY and then make adjustments.

Cities can be self-sustaining but the only people that will honestly care about that will be people that don't intend to move. Now you might think OH that means we need to keep our rich people right where they are, and let them get richer. Not exactly, as cities we need to have the good people in charge and by good people I mean trusting people. Leaders with a lack of trust tend to take power away from the populace, for example through gun laws, through disease, through harassment. If there is any way to harass the public and not go to jail for it, TRUST ME, they are doing it and paying for it to happen.

If you feel this happening to you, take out your camera and start building a case because they aren't thinking about doing it to you, which takes years of planning, they are already ACTING against you, and that means it's like duck season and you can't figure out why you like to quack and waddle all of a sudden.

Ok I could go into it more but you get the fact that cities should move because they are using up resources and if they don't move they must keep different people in charge that don't feed off of their own populace. I could go on but I want you to start there.

Now back to cities as a node. Cities, even if they move, should be the LAST level of involvement for you. If you think you can influence government at the federal level, you are mistaken. Your BEST source of influence, AFTER you are done with your town hall meeting and talking to your local leader is to take a close look at the products you are buying. All of these corporations are like hidden little cities with their scoop down next to you. Every time you walk into a Wal-Mart instead of Ma and Pa, that money goes OUT of the city. Every time you buy foreign, jobs go OUT of the country. If you want to be the BEST citizen, FORGET climate change, forget football, forget church, the single most important thing you can do is to WATCH where you spend your money because that is what is going to keep YOU and your local job, healthy and perpetually well off.

I have said this before, working for the public good or for public service is good until the public starts to feed off itself. If that happens, selfish is better.

Meaning we should BE selfish with where our money goes. Maybe instead of McDonald's, today you buy a Subway or maybe even just get a hot dog from a vendor. I used to go to a local Food Court and one time I noticed one of the businesses go out of business. Nothing is as obvious as a closed business sitting right there in front of you while you are eating. I resolved right then that since I had plenty of money, I would make the effort to change around where I ate so as to spread around the money. I used to always eat at Taco Bell because I knew what to expect but if I can just TRUST that all food is good if I try it, I can keep all the diversity of the food court alive and my excitement at eating out, at a maximum.

Ok so where was I? Yeah, so the purpose of writing this today was to discuss cities but more importantly it was to discuss belief. You can be loyal to your family right? I mean, people say that all the time that "you can say what you want about me but don't talk about my mother!" That's belief working there. You are willing to act because of simple words. You might think hey that's not right people should NOT act because of words. Well, my friend, then you are NOT a fan of belief.

And fact is in this country we are NOT a fan of belief.

I mean it is the most natural thing to want to feed your spirit and feeding your spirit IS exactly what it means to BELIEVE in something. People involved with football, don't realize that they are BELIEVING in the Jaguars for example, until the day someone comes along and insults them. And in the bar, that sort of thing happens a lot, especially when you have a band leader for a brother-in-law. He doesn't believe in nothing. In fact to get as many people singing along to his music as possible, he is going to BEAT DOWN your beliefs. He is going to make the culture of being in the bar as banal as possible. When you go to complain about bad service, it's time to make fun of you for being emo. If you start to clap too loud, it's time to start the next set without a break. If you love this one song, it's time to not play it for a while. People in a band will insult the crap out of each other in an effort to get an emotional reaction, like that's a bad thing. All of this is meant to keep belief as far away from the bar as possible. It's kind of a good idea right? I mean, only if there is belief do people react physically and yet people without belief have no purpose and are easily led about.

People without belief TRY things, yeah?

It's easy to see how someone in that environment would begin to talk to drug-dealers and whores without caring too much that it's illegal because "no one cares". Yeah, noone cares until you get arrested and you can't figure out who turned you in. It's great fun until it isn't, and then it's never going to be fun again.

Ok sidetracked again, to end this I want to bring to light the necessity of having a belief. A full spirit is the very definition of confidence. Someone full of confidence has is full measure of belief. He believes he is all that like band leaders do, he believes he is the smartest like accomplished people do, he believes he could poison the crap out of people like bartenders do, or they could choose to believe that all people want to trust each other like philosophers do.

That is our belief in this country. We believe NOT in a book of laws that say there is ONE MAN we owe our existence to, we have a book of laws that says we owe our existence to the collective, to democracy. Our non-belief IS our belief. And that is what we must strive for, to make including everyone a part of our nation's belief.

Inevitably, some people will get lazy. And because some are lazy, others become tired of having to see that so they become restless. And restless people without belief, like I said before start to FEED off our own people. They are without goodness right? They are acting against us and yet they figure we ought to keep them safe while they do that right? So once they have slopped their face full of an old lady's pension or have finished their third shot talking about that one guy in the drive-thru that CERTAINLY got what was coming to him, it's time to wonder if anybody else is doing this... so I can KEEP ON acting selfishly against others! And once this happens, all belief in those people has been lost. They don't BELIEVE what they are doing is right, they are controlled by their fear of getting caught and yet are fed by the temporary rush of feeding over and over. They don't feed their spirit off of the node at the center of their collective. They can FEED right now off of others.

This is what people mean when they talk of someone as godless. This is what a vampire is.

But what do you call SECUPP? What about Bill Maher and SarahK? What do we call Rachel and others that hold a higher standard when it comes to worshipping?  What if I want to worship the Constitution but there is no mention of God there? What if I am godless and an atheist but I'm a good person?

You my friend, are a Unicorn.

ps. A democracy is unnatural, being godless is unnatural, a unicorn is not a regular animal, it is rare and quite sophisticated; and if you are like a unicorn, you are unnatural, and it's DIFFICULT to stay that way.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Unsure about it

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I don't do segues.

So for some reason I now have access to Fox news which is good because all this time I have been looking for Hannity so I could catch Ann Coulter some of the time, and never once found it.

It's like I was too stupid, in a way.

i'm watching this commercial about Rosland gold and the guy from Payback is the spokesperson which makes me laugh. I can imagine someone somewhere asking to have GOLD shipped to THIS ADDRESS, with the location kept in strict confidence.

There is no confidence nowadays just make sure to pay the insurance ontime.

I totally disagree with sending youngsters to cover a war. OLD PEOPLE should be sent. They were never good enough to be anchor and if anyone is going to get accidentally bombed, and this is hard to say, the old groggy news reporters should be first ones to go. Besides everyone knows that a white man with gray hair and a news camera = millions in randsom.

(somewhere two young guys are high fiving in a break room)

It's funny because when people do insane stuff right on TV it doesn't sound insane but WHEN I SAY IT, it's scary.

Someone just mentioned that the New York Times recommended keeping your money in the stock market. WHEN would a newspaper go against Wall Street? The story right before that was a story about a woman that was sentenced to death for being Christian. Odd coincidence.

I keep going back to this old theme. I don't want anyone trying to be Christian because people willing to betray them simply do it and then convert a Christian to a betrayer. So it's better not to have Christians and relegate that to like children or foreign countries. Same goes for people in the stock market. People starting out ALWAYS lose their money or realize too late how ridiculous it is. But to have a lack of trust is to have a lack of a country. We can't even deliver the mail if there is no trust. So I remain odd about it.


The whole Republican party is based on that. I mean all of those people believe we should trust one another while at the same time voting into office people that reduce regulation and make deals with Wall Street to repeal Glass-Steagall. It's like a joke. My first day working for them would like "ok who's the biggest idiot in the room cuz me and him need to talk about stuff"

And that would be my LAST day working for them. I would say "God bless you all" and they would probably end up cursing me out cuz, cuz, "cuz you can't HANDLE the truth!"

It's an odd thing to like Bill Maher and Sarah Silverman. They seem to be the same type. They are people like me. They ain't buying your non-sensical jive-talk about what WE need when what I need is what makes sense. I don't mind listening to a good sermon until something in the back of my mind goes, "that's not right". Then it's time to never go back there. I am trusting and fearless enough that I will try ANYONE'S religion because I need to understand what it means to lead so that I can do it right when my time comes.

My time will come, or it won't but NOONE knows that yet.

I feel like my life has been one LONG peace corps mission to "educate the natives" or "doing the lord's work" as I used to call it. Hurting people is not the lord's work. Betrayal is not the lord's work. Ugliness is not the lord's work.

And you might think that I went into this with my Master's or something but no I was a simple man with religious upbringing, trusting and doleful at the prospect of leading.

In the end though, it's important to remember that I am from this side of the Veil. The veil is what separates secrecy from regular society. I have told you before that you should seek to do something illegal and to do a good job of getting away with it. Well, people from THAT side of the veil do that. Their battery is to do good things while mostly doing illegal things. People like me that don't take risks make their life irritating. And it's natural, I see now, that they make MY life irritating as a countermeasure. Still, it should be clear to you all that being centrist means taking MORE risks than normal so though I am more interesting than ANY regular people, people from THAT side prefer people of their own. And by the same token, people that would NEVER find themselves in a bar and have NO IDEA how many people drive drunk, would rather crucify the first person they hear was doing this, rather than deal with the reality of what IS REALLY out there.

It's people like me that you need in office btw. Though I have enemies on both sides, it's me that will stop them from fighting. I have told you before that revolutions happen as a course of nature and without ODIN-people like me that simply stick to people and do nothing, there would be MANY MANY more revolutions.

That's why professors like Rachel and Warren and Obama, (what?) are the best leaders because they are SLOW to act. People that WIN for the sake of winning act quickly, risk it all, hit the foot in the door with a hammer not realizing what they just did to someone on their property. SLOW is better. WE all know the rich are there to stay and history says there will be a mass-apocolypse before the people that have money lose it, but we CAN slow the process down so that WE don't experience it. ANd if we slow it down enough maybe bridges can be built before we get to the turn and then the river.

ON THE OTHER HAND, what about Bill Maher for President. Hah! We can legalize pot and mistresses and we all know he knows about a mistress's betrayal right? One of Maher's exes gave him the reality check not too many years ago. It reminds me of an old quote on one of my post-its.

Only a wounded physician can hope to heal.

It might seem that we aren't just the sum of our experiences but I have told you before that I could solve EVERYTHING at 19 but you know what, people stopped believing me and I started to make errors. The fact is it's very hard to make predictions well. People will ask you "how come you think so" and if you can't provide examples, people will think you are just trying to SHOW them that you are smarter.

And I really used to try this. Imagine not being me and having me just think of what you should do, like basically TELLING you what to do.

Ok, a math example. In differential equations, there are things we study called the Matrix. Yeah, like the movie. The matrix is a huge block of numbers and after you solve it it gives you the solution, if that's possible. Using a matrix is one of the ways of solving the earth's problems. Let's take a line. 8y=6x +5, now put that on a graph. Now take another equation and put that up on a graph. It's only two equations of lines so there is no solution possible yet. But if you add a third line, or if the 2nd equation is a quadratic, now you have a bubbled in space you can color. THAT is your solution. This system when you first study it is called simultaneous equations. When you get more advanced you simplify the equations and then use the coefficients(the numbers next to the letters) as placeholders in a MATRIX.

And the way to solve problems is simply to take these matrices and keep adding equations to it making the matrix bigger and bigger but making the solution more and more possible or tangible maybe.

But THIS is why global warming is so hard to explain. You have INFINITE equations at play when it comes to the earth and one scientist from COREXIT or another from SOLARPANELS-R-US will probably CLAIM to know the solution but as I just explained... it's time to kick them in the booty for trying it.

Nevertheless, the warming can possibly be explained through philosophy because we know about the carbon cycle. People can be given examples and then asked to compile(think about it) and then vote what they think. Here go some examples of why global warming exists.

1. We have been told from time immemorial NOT to mess with the burial sites. Dead things tend to produce FLESH-eating things that don't know this FLESH from that and soon infect the whole colony of people just because some Frankenstein types didn't heed warnings. (Remember in The Painted Veil(great movie) where bodies were being buried close to the river?) So it's with this time-honored warning that messing with fossil fuels should stoke that same fire of "unclear" energies that might be meant to turn dead flesh into fertilizer but instead cause CANCER.

2. Indians were the first to realize, no I take that back, ancient man was the first to realize that overkilling the mammoth herd, by running it off the cliff, caused a cessation of food. Indians who ran with herds also believed this as we all saw in Dances with Wolves(who me?). And in books in American Culture it is often talked about that over-plowing the land clearing it of trees, caused disease. Trees serve as filters for the air. It's small wonder the most deadly diseases come from Africa or maybe people from that area are so bereft of defenses, that people in a forest would have, that they die faster. In either case, from example we know that people in a lush environment, like rain forests, are much more resistant to disease than people from deserts or from cities.

I once went to Costa Rica and got bit by these really exotic mosquitoes. The sores were strange. They itched ever so slightly and once I realized it was itching the bite had already begun to boil up to what looked like a tiny volcano on my skin. And the sores got almost everywhere so that eventually I started to just swat myself just for the sake of swatting possible mosquitoes. But those sores lasted for weeks. When they started to heal, huge little bubbles of plasma would ooze out of them. It was spooky but for some reason my whole family just knew I would be ok. And sure enough, I was and the sores healed. I wonder back at it now if they were tricking me. I realize now with all this time on my hands that even though they were lucky to have me around, maybe THEY didn't think so. Maybe they took me into that forest on purpose, hmmf. But I can't afford to second guess myself. Dealing in the past brings you to one outcome... debt.

Anyways so over-harvesting wood or mammoths or oil is likely another cause for warming and we can just use philosophy to make that apparent to a regular person. Is it obvious that we have been over-harvesting the oil?

3. The earth corrects itself. We should take a moment and try to imagine what it was like in the ice age. Maybe there was no huge meteor that destroyed all life? Maybe once there is too much life, the ice caps melt and take everything away into the ocean. Maybe there were too many dinosaurs or too many dead dinosaurs or too much feces such that the ice caps melted. What a load of shit I been shovelin', right? There was a documentary that postulated, that huge cracks at the bottom of the ocean basically melted away life from the water such that over time, all the water in the ocean was cleaned of impurities. And this made so much sense to me and filled me with such hope that I realized that I had been lied to. There was never going to be an apocolypse. The only thing the CHURCH was selling was fear. As usual the EXPERTS at the top of any field of knowledge are just bastardizing their field with stupidness about what we should fear, when in reality there is nothing JAGGED about the world at all. People don't die of cancer, there is no extinction event foretold in legends, there is no apocolypse or world consuming polarity shift, all we have are each other to fear and if everyone gets a gun, well then we have PLENTY to fear without worrying about nukes from godknowswhere.

4. The British are coming... and it was Leonidas who provoked it. Yeah, that's a french amalgamation for wedoneit.  Maybe we should not even worry about global warming or it's such a small problem that it isn't worthy of mention.  If there is anyone coming to kill us, we caused it and it's we that have to pay for it. And know this,  we don't have a morality problem in our government, we have a too many rich people problem living right next door. The best things in life are simple. So fixing our crime problem doesn't mean let's get all the blacks to start smoking crack so we can put them in jail, fixing crime starts by stopping rich peole from BEING the examples that lead people to betray each other. 

Betrayal doesn't happen in a good society.

People don't agree they should have a bunch of money unless those few keep that fact HIDDEN. Just like I get looks for being opinionated and blunt in public, rich people should have LINES OF CARS driving by their house with amazed looks of wonder as to how that was all possible.

Anything worth doing, is worth doing in public.

That's why I had sex with my girlfriend in a bush one time cuz we couldn't wait that long and it's nice to lose your mind with someone nearby that can appreciate it.

It's funny I used to want Ann and Bill to get together but SarahK seems a better fit for him. Still, I might get jealous if too many more people find happiness and leave me behind.

Ok, let's see, told the world how to save itself, gave rich people a wake up call, gave a smirch-con-ish compliment to two worthy comedians, ahhh, now I have to save Obama and Democrats from giving in to the pull of BIG MONEY.

Wish me luck.

PS. By the way I have hope that Rs like SE and Ann are going to be able to find their voice somewhere this side of "we don't need regulation" but it's not a lot of hope

Friday, May 23, 2014

A somebody, cares

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I have made mention before that threatening a whistle blower was bad but maybe I didn't explain.  Snowden is a whistle blower.  He plainly saw that people in charge were abusing their power.  

People not accused of a crime were being surveilled.  And even though surveillance is an everyday occurrence at the NSA, that data accumulated is always valuable to SOMEBODY.   Who is somebody?

A somebody is the opposite of a nobody.  OH you GET IT now.  

Remember in Hollywood Cop where Harrison Ford is banging the Bruce Greenwood's ex-wife and there he is having Ford arrested all because of surveillance done PURELY for the cause of tripping him up.  

What was especially funny was seeing Harrison hump the glass wall as a repudiation. 

But that's an example of a WHOLE BUNCH of people doing surveillance and (chin-chin, let's have a toast) having the higher ups do a bunch of trades, while we all lower types have jobs to do and do NONE of the trading or even know that whole LIVES are being lost as we speak.   

You should watch Wreck it-Ralph.  If not for the charming display of charisma Sarah Silverman puts into the leading character, then at least to get the message that it lends.

At the start she is a glitch.  A character meant to be an avatar of a game but one that has turned faulty.  After several run-ins with authority, Ralph gets told that she must be captured and taken away because people will stop wanting to play video games because of her glitch.  

Sound logic.  Sacrifice works.  

The disturbing truth, as it becomes apparent, is that the original glitch was caused by someone in charge, a leader.  That Sarah (I forgot the character's name) was infected with one of the glitches BECAUSE of the leader's antics.  The leader in fact became leader because of HIS glitch.  

We later find Ralph and Sarah making the leader own up to his OWN glitch, which suggests that if we want to have a more "attractive" society without glitches, perhaps our glitchy leaders should be the FIRST ones in the bowl.  

And this theme was resounded again today in the news about this guy Mr. Cuban, an NBA owner that mentioned on an interview that if he was scared, he was going to walk away from what scared him.  Only problem was, his words were "black guy in a hoodie" which is racist.   

Being scared of people is not racist but being scared of Oprah ... that's another thing ENTIRELY, right Jenn? 

But that doesn't mean oh hey there goes another glitch/racist let's throw him overboard because our video game needs to be TOP NOTCH to attract players.  And last night on CNN, I was glad they talked it out and BLACK people were acting their age and not immediately calling everything racist.  

ps. VA? what's the VA? That ain't news. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Guide to Memento

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Guide to Memento
...and why it's about me... sort of.

Well for starters, the opening scene where he is in bed with some chick(Carrie Anne Moss, fine btw) and totally explains how it feels to have that one person that slept on your chest for so long be absent and put that to music... that's one reason that I loved this movie. It's in the top ten for me. Sometimes I would miss my second girlfriend so much that I would just put the opening credits from the DVD and not even watch the movie just to hear his words...

"I lie here not knowing how long she has been gone and if I can't feel the passage of time... how can I heal?" (paraphrase)

I know, I used to be a basket case for her or maybe just the image of her. As with other girls, I love the image of her being this amazingly good-looking girl that won't take me back... but if I saw her I would probably have bitched her out or something because I'm weird that way.

I gotta stomp around your heart just to know your serious about me staying there.

Because this movie came out only like a short while after me and her broke up, it was like a godsend for my misery-loving personality I must have. I would tell everyone how I missed her and amazing tales about me taking the trash out and moving couches and TVs for her and my astonishment at how small her clothes were. The visions he had of his wife reminded me all the more of my ex, good memories that I probably shouldn't talk about but hey this is a journal right and I don't think I mentioned it before.

I remember me coming in to see her naked scrubbing in the tub. When she smiled and I realized that baths were her thing... I started to take baths just to try that out. When you really like someone, you copy their stuff.

Another time I remember her after coming out of the movie Ghost Ship and thinking what an awfully gory movie to take her to and I apologized and then in the parking lot under some lights she smiled at me and she made me forget all about the movie because I realized, in that light, how beautiful she was.

And another time it came to me the image of asking her if she wanted another cup of coffee, across from the coffee table to my right. The complete bliss of drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, and playing Halo splitscreen with a girl that truly loves to play at your side... I think most men have not experienced. When Angelina asks her husband "hey why do I get the girl gun?" it reminds of an argument we had over the shotgun which is sort of the best gun in the game and even though I handed it over often, any single time I didn't, and if she didn't have one, I would be expected to hand it over because she didn't want the "girl" gun.

That's something special.

So anyways, back to the movie. I haven't watched it in years and that's good because for years I thought of only my ex and noone else and now I realize it was very difficult to make sense of the movie. I have seen the movie at least 50 times though so I'm gonna give you a few pointers to those of you that have seen it once and want some solutions.

First off, the color scenes play backwards to the middle. The first scene is in color and that scene is in essence the end of the story but the movie is going to use that to bring you backwards to the climax of the story.

Alternately, the black and white scenes are ones from before the climax. Those are in order and work from forwards from the first to the climax.

As you can tell he starts off in jeans and a plaid brown shirt and a truck. He is in a hotel at the start of it all. I can tell now that this is the SECOND room that he was rented that is basically empty of all the stuff that was in his first room.

The color scenes move backwards from the time he betrays his handler to the climax where decides to end his life so to speak.

He shoots Teddy, then the movie backtracks to him driving up there, then to meeting Teddy at the motel, and pointing to his picture so that his calls are accepted. Meanwhile the gray scenes move forward basically laying the foundation for how he ends up changing his clothes (hat) from cheap guy to gangsta and goes from being boring black and white guy to colorful guy that sleeps with gangstas girlfriends and does them favors.

The thing I JUST figured out today was that there wasn't a second assailant in the bathroom. The gun he was hit with was a Sap(semi-auto pistol) and the story and his files all have a bunch of stuff lined out and redacted. So I just realized that it was the corrupt cop that CREATED that second guy and all of the second guys after that. The picture of him getting the guy, was in fact ALSO just a made up villain by the cop that wanted his own personal assassin that noone would suspect did the crime. Those blinking eyes that he sees thought the shower curtain, tell us all that his wife LIVED through the rape and that the real story was that he shot the guy that got him after being hit in the head with the SAP which gave him brain damage.

His whole story about Sammy Jankis is really HIS story. After the crime, the wife took care of him but one day stopped believing he was sick and thought he was faking and tested him and caused herself to go into a coma. It's probably because she thought of him as a faker that he started disassociating himself from the faker, Sammy Jankis.

Sammy Jankis is HIS name.

I think when he took out Dodd with the bottle, I realized how useful a bottle was and where it needed to land to be effective. This guy Paul was once afraid of another guy that was giving him eyes too long at the bar and I wanted him to be at peace with me next to him so I told him...

"Ain't nobody a badass after two hits with a bottle."

You see Christ said to turn the other cheek right? Well that's why ... TWO hits.

Anyways if you listen to me interpret for too long you learn stuff all backwards, which would be great for you but you wouldn't KNOW it was great.

There are all sorts of clues I notice now that this was a movie about me. First the whole speech about missing your wife which was about me missing my girlfriend. Second was the Jaguar because Jacksonville Jaguars right? Third because of my friend that was put into a coma that I spoke of in my previous blog, made me wonder if this is how he felt because he also had a tough time with learning new things and had NO MEMORY of the actual incident where they kicked him in the head.

It was from this movie that I started to write myself notes on Post-Its to keep my motivation up and no, I never thought that a tattoo might work.

I remember the somber bonfire scene. He burns everything of hers that he can and then utters one of my favorite lines of the movie,

"I can't remember to forget you."

So close to the end you are left wondering WTH is going on but when Teddy tosses his cup on the sidewalk you SORT OF figure out he is the corrupt cop that's been calling him and handling him the whole time.

When Jimmy says "Sammy" just for a moment you wonder if maybe the girl and the drug-dealer and Sammy will all survive all of this knowing the corrupt cop got what he had coming.

Well, I just listened to the ending again where Teddy explains it all and it sure SOUNDS like there was a 2nd guy but who knows. The rest of it makes sense but the 2nd guy theory makes it confusing again.

"We all need mirrors to remind us of who we are."

A reminder to all of you choosing to find a bar to drink your woes to oblivion is this... if you have no purpose in life... people at the bar, or like in this case, a corrupt cop, can GIVE you a purpose by wronging you and escaping before you figure out who it is.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Thugs get the CIA

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The reason that I look back on the 2000 wars with disdain is because it was so cheap to instigate, that it MUST have been preconceived. People were just waiting to ship off thousands of people at the drop of the hat. We didn't need to investigate to MAKE SURE we got the right people. We KNEW we were after the right people. So BILLIONS of dollars of military spending were spent as a result of what some 2 dozens men did to us.

I was watching Bill Maher tonight and it was a great show. The part about sugar reminded me of how much more unhappy I am when I drink coffee and coke all day, and then other times when I ween myself off of that and drink just plain water all day. It has a real effect even on my happiness level and my intelligence. When I am caffeine-riddled, I seem to have more energy but less ability to think up stuff to write.

Oh so that reminds me, (yes I am currently on caffeine kick) that what I was wanting to compare the 2000 war was to Benghazi. I think it was FAR more correct to have our President take a poll and decide against the war in Libya than to have us do ANOTHER full blown retaliation against what would turn into an anti-Muslim movement all over the antics of a local gang that could have been forseen but that should not warrant a BILLION dollars of spending in that entire region. We learned that lesson. We fight wars from NATIONS not from thugs.

Thugs get drones and spies, not Aircraft Carriers and Tanks and Billions of dollars of cash inflow.

And moreover it should be obvious also now that a great many people PROFIT from wars, none of whom fight in them. The great thing about Obama in the Benghazi(it's in Libya so why not say Libya) "scandal" is not so hard to figure out. Some THUGS bombed the embassy and naturally our CIA wanted to address it appropriately. My belief is that the WARMONGERS that want to perpetuate global warfare(aka spend billions) are the ones who AGAIN want to retaliate against WHOLE COUNTRIES instead of letting our gang(CIA) take out theirs.

Ok so my final point is that in watching VICE I learned or was reminded about the COREX IT being sprayed in the Gulf and the damage that it caused the populace. It doesn't seem likely that some chemical could clean up the oil or dissipate it or even do anything to it besides move it around. If it was me I would just let the oil lie.

The fact is that oil is used up carbon. It's a fossil fuel. It is so high in energy that it easily burns and as such makes probably great fertilizer for plant material, but not after getting sprayed with stuff that makes it poisonous. And I saw on a show that algae turns out to be the great consumer of oil. Doesn't that make sense? We know full well how the carbon cycle works and the best thing we could have done was just left it alone to settle on the sea floor and perhaps revive plant life there.

Now there is no good answer to how to handle an oil spill. I was racking my prodigious brain at a solution that the whole world at the time was racking their heads to solve. It's really a disgrace that we didn't have a contingency plan for a HUGE breach in drilling when that is like the ONLY THING that could go wrong.

Now while I was watching the show they mentioned that the dispersant was used in the Exxon spill. So it occurs to me that having an oil spill is this great opportunity to give this chemical some use.

It's like it was in Cloud Atlas, they WANT the disaster, so they could use this dispersant and then justify moving regular money to people that had invested in the dispersant company as a kind of a, what do I call it... A SLUSH FUND.

Now to end this on a good note, I am looking forward to having the CIA do what they do best, which is to get back at thugs that think their little gangs and movements have gone unnoticed. The part I like is that our BEST OF THE BEST are in the CIA, the downside is their excellent leaders didn't realize torture was bad or that universal surveillance was bad or that threatening a whistle-blower was bad. Hopefully, especially under Obama, they have recanted their descent into darkness and come back up to periscope level, where people live together understanding that we all TOGETHER have jobs to do.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Huge postcript about leaders

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You need to have PERFECT people represent you in government. 

Not rich people, because after you reach a certain maximum, the only way to increase value is to eat off your own.  And then you have to find protection from the vampire-killers by finding other vampires. 

And not poor people, because people without autonomy, people working 40+ hours a week, don't have time to contemplate the overtures of the elite.  When you're starving, you get USED to stealing, much like when you're rich. 

Oddly, poor people don't need protection from other people... makes you wonder who the police are FOR. 

Professors seem to me to be the best source for leaders.  They haven't been corrupted by magic/mind games that infest the non-Ph'd type.  And they have a lot of time on their hands to contemplate stuff once they max out their class schedules and get their lectures all memorized. 

And they tend not to be rich or want to get there.  They tend to be incredibly happy with being well-thought-of which is an admirable trait in a leader. 

I have said this before that value grows and then tapers off or levels out.  You begin to work twice as hard for half the improvement.  Then 3 times as hard for a third more improvement. 

The law of diminishing returns or the law of the rope on a pole.  (code for some of you)

In statistics, there is a norm of pursuing the tri-theta or tri-delta goal since achieving value of 100% of market share is ridiculous.  This tri sigma is best explained by taking three standard deviations to a sample. 

You could liken(lycan?) this to taking 3 scoops of ice cream with your scoop out of a cup sized to fit your scoop. 

After you take the first standard deviation, you get like 66%. The next takes you to 90% and the next to 96%.  So in business, you set these as your goals and realize that successively, each goal will be twice as hard to achieve but what a badge of honor IF you can achieve the third one. 

At any rate, this practice is slightly disconnected from reality because value once it tapers off should never be pursued again.  That's my rule.  When you start a business, demand will become overwhelming.  Once this starts happening you must find ways to make products finish faster and get delivered faster.  Efficiency. 

This is like what a comic does for society.  Let's talk about what is WRONG in the world and now let's shave shave shave some of that PUBIC hair. 

Ok, so now your country or your business is running fairly well, so you have a new problem, turning away customers.  That's not a problem really. The bottom of that ice cream never really gets empty.  Losing customers is one of the first things they will teach you about but it's one of the LAST things you should learn.  People SHOULD be turned away as long as your operation remains efficient.  In my opinion, it's better to take regular scoops of 50%, and you can call it my theory of "the perpetual hand" if you like. 

Do I win a Ph'D?

Ok, so now you re like this highly regarded person that works full-time and suddenly someone comes along with this GREAT IDEA for making more money.  Once you have your business running efficiently all you should think about is perfection. 

Perfection is achieved NOT by great ideas or by investment opportunities or by expanding your business by going public.  Perfection is achieved by doing your job just so.  So-so.

That used to be a nickname of mine hah, if only they realized WHAT they were calling me. 

So in the pursuit of perfection, NOT excellence, you have to stop yourself once your production has stopped increasing in  value.  Once you have a stable amount of cash inflow, now it's time to open a second business and give MORE people jobs and maybe promote some of your own people that get the value of what you are trying to do, which is to get people into jobs.

See that, that's what you ALL should be trying to do is get people INTO jobs...  to GROW our body politic. 

But you can't do that if you have a money problem.  People that want more and more money, especially gypsies that won't be here in a couple of weeks, want you to sell your GREAT IDEA quickly and instead of growing your business like I just described, in a farmer-like fashion, they want you to seek the third delta and to achieve this you will have to borrow a bunch of money which can happen if you sell your ownership of the company to the public.  And what happens after you figure out the magic of what these "gypsy" companies were doing or when the government wants to fine them or you win your civil lawsuit? 

They're money gets moved offshore. 

If your firm is running smoothly, you can start to sacrifice your own people to improve your efficiency further.  And sadly, you can't even stop this, if you don't start to sacrifice people, and you have chosen let's say one or two foreigners to work for you(aka not calm) then you start to have problems in your office that you wouldn't have if you started to sacrifice people.  Indeed it may be that once you START to sacrifice people and scare them into working harder, because of those pesky foreign people, you might LIKE scaring people as a practice.  You see and that is what you call Venture Capital as a practice. 

You are nothing but a farmer, but these reapers will do the work you are unwilling to do like fire some people, here goes your bribe.  But this is all dark practices.  The money isn't from goods anymore, it's us/them mentality going on.  Instead of selling the business for the real value, and keeping the employees on board making slow money, they can DIP into your mentality and GIVE YOU HALF while they burn the company to people that are "less sharp" than they are.  it's nothing but a plunder you see?  A betrayal.  The company because it's being destroyed, gets it's employees removed and the only people who could possibly profit from the burning of the company, had people on the outside betting against it.

The Stock Market is nothing but an avenue for secrets.  People in the know profit and the ONLY thing that can happen is that people not in the know, pay for their wealth. 

Ok so after all of that, I am tired and rather depressed.  But I have more hope than I did some few months ago.  I believe good people can prevail and for some reason I feel, that is likely that professors WILL become the new normal for leaders and although, especially after Reagan,  I don't believe actors or comics were EVER going to be any good at leading, I have the mentality now that even they can be effective as leaders

At least that's my hope. 

Car mechanics untie

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So today I fear will be another day for the dogs. I have lent my car to my brother and he is taking longer than usual to have the car fixed. Two days ago I spent the day with him to give him a ride to the dealership, later I lent him the car to get to work the day after and today the third day, the mechanic STILL has not looked at the car. I guess car dealerships in Jacksonville don't have to worry too much about going bankrupt huh? As I imagine how it is at dealerships I now wonder if ALL businesses are somehow connected in a DARK way, where they all pass secrets along about who might have a bunch of money and who doesn't. You might think I am just paranoid about this sort of behavior but it's been mentioned by other industries, like say the movie industry.

George Lucas was doing an interview and mentioned that when he started filming anywhere in the USA, he had to try to keep the whole thing a secret for as long as possible, because the minute anyone realized STAR WARS was in town, all the prices in town shot up for everything, just BECAUSE... well because ALL businesses are connected somehow in a DARK way; they all pass along secrets about who might have a bunch of money and who doesn't.

So fame has its cost as I am finding out. Everytime I go into a car repair shop for one reason or another the movie SCARFACE comes up in conversation. Apparently that was a really good movie to these people and somehow one of the characters in it remind them of me and my family.

Moreover, fame CAN be a very detrimental thing. I was watching Alec Baldwin in the Jim Carrey movie Fun with Dick and Jane. He played a bossy heavy type in the movie. He also played one in the Closer. And he also played the same thing in Along came Polly and again in that one with Sarah Michelle Geller but I forgot the name. He comes across as charming and yet if he ever looked at me funny, I would probably instantly dislike everything he had ever done.

But it's prejudiced to treat his real persona as his character. I reminds me of Brent Spiner again. I loved his character, so lovable and childlike but start patronizing his REAL person and you are bound to get blocked from his twitter.

Same goes for Kirk er uh I mean William Shatner. I guess these people don't realize that people that don't believe in reading the Bible over and over again until you get the meaning of the words... has been replaced today with great movies that you watch over and over again. And the more futuristic the vision of the movie, like say exploring the wild unknown, the more people incorporate parts of the movie and the characters into their daily lives.

So Alec Baldwin gets pulled over on his bike. Yerp, it probably was just a stop & frisk or whatever but seems to me we gotta stop this DUI business from becoming a part of our everyday lives. Always, the cops, the dirty ones that like to deal in gossip, always find a way to co-incidentally be drinking at the same cafe as a famous drunk guy. Or OR or maybe they DEAL with witches who DEAL in secrets/gossip.

Anyways, sad day for Alec who now has a record for being on his bike causing danger to the public... OOH, like someone couldn't afford to take him to court or something.

I like to think of myself as Kirk. And I wonder if part of that is in William Shatner because if it isn't then I'm done with him but at the same time what about Alec Baldwin? You can't say "I like being like Alec Baldwin" because being like his characters is like being a Bossy ASS Huckster. Noone would say that. So it's tough for me, but think how hard it is for William Shatner. He has all this FAKE love from people who really admire not him but his character(Kirk) and at the same time Alec has all these people with FAKE hate from people who actually hate his characters.


And now we come to SarahK, (or maybe she comes to you), and I have to wonder about the "am I talking to Miranda now" (Serenity) moment that I find myself in sometimes. A comic, as she puts it, plays a character while on stage. This makes her able to say anything and get you to feel this and that emotion and thus feel entertained. Steven Colbert went through this description when he was appointed to replace David Letterman. Since he played a character on his comedy and now he had to play himself being funny while interviewing others, it lends a REAL MYSTERY as to what person has he actually become while on The Late Show. He is on stage so his natural reflex will be to play his character and yet his interaction with his guest will have to be somewhat grounded in reality.

It's like if I ever met SarahK. Would I be speaking to the comic or the person? And, because comics get heckled so often, would she be fierce or gentle with my feelings.

And this all goes back to that one interview with Tom Cruise. I will never forget him talking to a fan and then getting sprayed with water. Revulsion. I would be so lucky to be talking to him and this fan just ruined it for me because now Tom's guard will always be up, expecting to get sprayed.

And that's what it is like for most famous people I guess, they were all SO LOVING, once.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Entrapment of life

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Why do we become corrupt? Aren't most people just following orders? If you do what you're told, doesn't your example of good show others that this is the way to go? I think it's because we get outnumbered. 

Imagine first, that you own a business. Here go your costs, and after charging TWICE the cost to you, here goes what the consumer pays.

Ancient chinese secret.

But that's fair. I didn't realize that was fair until I studied business and recognized that as a norm because the textbook said it was so. Small wonder then that people running a gas station earn close to $100k. You wouldn't think so right? Stupid people there, sometimes don't give you change so you can use the phone, sometimes they turn the gas pumps on and off just to run you around like a fool, sometimes they won't serve you alcohol at 1:50am even though you speeded up there with a much foxy lady with a face like Bridget Fonda. All of these things REALLY happened.

How much education you think you need to run a gas station?

Merchants have a great deal of power, not the least of which is that stale old right to "refuse service to anyone". This is almost like the no driving under impairment law. It's ridiculous right? You can't just UP and refuse service to whoever you don't like. You can't just arrest people for impairment. Impairment includes medicine and cigarettes and chewing and eating. A distraction like music could be impairment.

That's not a law, that's a middle finger to the smart people.

The law needs work. It needs refinement like say "this much is too much." Just say NO to drugs, remember that? How'd that zero tolerance policy work out in our lives for the past 20 years? Ok, now how about you BLACK PEOPLE, did it work out for you?

That's a Republican ideology for you, let's ban it but what really happens is the laws are in the hands of the merchants. Adn it's a rich person's or merchants us/them mentality at play here, why? Because I promise you if any of US poor people had a business to run, there is no chance we have problems with drinking too much or using drugs when we are at the store 24/7. and how about that right to refuse service? Shouldn't there be guidelines?

We have a right to trial by jury in this country and this is because... we don't want our police making "gentleman's agreements" with merchants. Obviously this is good for business, but when the police start to lie, CHAOS. When merchants lie to the police and the police just take them at their word, CHAOS. Obviously, merchants have a great deal of exposure in dealing with the public, but that danger is easily reversed into predatory behavior.

Three times in my life now, police have shown up to TRAP me. Once as a speed trap on the way to primary school, after a school patrol obviously told him I liked to speed(because that time she didn't wave at me to slow me down she just looked directly at the cop), the second time out in the middle of nowhere at 2:35am, after I had just closed the bar, someone decides to tailgate me and it turns out to be a police car. And the third time, after I stopped closing all bars in general as a practice, I got turned in by a drive-thru person that mocked my request for food, and then did it again and then yelled at me and then POOF a cop steps out from behind the drive-thru sign, after what was a COMPLETE provocation. Then the manager LIES to the cop so that he will have probable cause.

The first two times, I was too busy having a job to make a fuss about it, but now after several years of contemplating, it's obvious that merchants have WAY TOO MUCH power in our everyday lives. I mean I have a bunch of public records for nothing, for doing what people do everyday. If I was sneaky I promise you I wouldn't have a record, and a great many people would be wondering what was WRONG with the world, why?

Because people follow my example, TRUST ME on this.

Plain and simple this is hunter/prey tactics going on. And if you want me to be prey, I could be REALLY good at it. Blinks are infinite. Once I frame one person, because it was ME someone was trying to frame, there is no limit to who gets framed next. And after 2 or 3 victims legitimize my cause and people start to FEEL GOOD about victimizing others, it's RAPTURE time.

The end of civility.

You can't use evil as a platform. You can't secretly tape someone, and then use that as platform to catch evil. You can't TRAP me, and then say I was breaking the law, when you are guilty of breaking the law FIRST.

Now you might think I should go sue some people but it occurs to me that they might actually fight it by doing MORE illegal things, so before that sort of escalation that involves corrupt cops and a bar and a drive-thru business all VS. ME, I choose to rest my case.

And you might call it fear, and if you want to, you go ahead and call it that.

Those basketball players all indignant about being called what amounts to "stupid", that took off their shirts, proved they were just that by getting indignant at something that was in effect a double-negative. Next time why don't they just walk over to Sterling and grab him by the balls and then see if he says what they want.

If only we could justify betraying someone by calling it whistleblowing. Whistleblowing occurs with evidence, not with words that spout how someone feels. ACTS are cause for concern, NOT opinions.

The reason I am writing today is because we just got news that some people that bought tickets to FUZZFEST, were denied entry. Because the place was at capacity, security stopped allowing entrance due to fire standards. One lady having spent more than $160 for four tickets for her family was just not allowed to enter.

And now what, should she sue for her tickets? Overkill starting to sound good about now yeah? Some of the people denied entry were from Tampa they said and other towns. They drove here to an irresponsible government is what happened. At best they should get a refund on the spot, or future people deserve to have that happen next time. At worst, a class action lawsuit that costs that festival their entire event or at least ALL of their autonomy should be put through. How does something carry the name of Jacksonville and then have such a bunch of THUDS(thuds are stupid, thugs are trying to be stupid). Well this is why, because they are all IN ON IT with the police. Once the police have your back, now you can stand there on your platform of evil and start directing traffic like you write the laws yourself.

Let's think of other examples. If I have access to Sandy relief and you need it for your town, it's kind of a platform for evil. Now you do what I want, even though this here platform where all of the money falls into my hands, should never have happened.

Or let's take derivatives. You know what a derivative is right? Well you take what everyone knows about stock, a percentage ownership of a public company, and instead of having "full" rights, you have partial or derivative rights to ownership. Now this is the perfect example of a platform for evil, because you don't exactly have the rights but this "posssible" right is still sellable based on daily reports of how the company is doing. This is like the looping of the rope around a pole, the first time around halves the movement, and the second time around almost stops it. Derivatives are like that but in reverse, the stock of a big company doesn't change value hardly at all but a derivative of it changes much more often and because of the huge size, the movement is very predicable... to some.

So let's take what I just told you and now ask yourself, should THIS industry be regulated? For many years it wasn't and the LEADERS of the industry, argued against regulation. I mean it's like a casino saying TRUST US our games are fair. Or like an oil company saying it doesn't need waste management. It's rid-DICK! And that's what happened in the mortgage industry with puts and calls that were en masse allowed to influence lending habits for the sake of ramping up and making more popular (and attracting more money to) this "gambling" industry.

But I should have been one of them. I am a Finance Major after all. I was all set to go and my professor was recommending people and I was looking forward to my move to New York one day where I would stake my claim to some of this "imaginary money" that people were making.

He would lecture us at JU on the seriousness of inspiring trust. Of always dressing impeccably, with regular haircuts and shoe polish. He made mention of the power of having a set of good-looking shoes. He told all of US guys, that we would be expected to get a manicure done, regularly and after a good laugh and all of us calming down and then wondering about what he said, he said "I'm serious". It was his highest duty (and ours) to inspire trust in the people that were giving you the dignity of managing their money.

Sadly, it's obvious to me now, that all this money comes from YEARS of people paying on mortgages or paying into pensions, and then having WALL STREET hula-hoop their butts into the fund and then explode it in a disaster made to allow several investors and NONE of the farmers, access to it.

This is NOT an industry of the highest trust, this is an insurance company mentality of stiff the customer when possible and then GET PROMOTED when you do.

Well, the sad thing is you might think wow HEY man they need someone righteous in WALL STREET like you man that understands all of this crap, but no. It's just as I explained it here. Once you realize that they are trying to make it complicated, and that it doesn't need to be, and that the people in charge want the industry more and more complicated just to insure their good practice of PROMOTING the RIGHT KIND of banker, it's time to smoke a cigarette and wonder what it's all for and how did you end up here.

And then you hope some young person like Snowden is reading, someone unafraid or just too dang young to be afraid and maybe their just a little hungry with the need to hunter/prey some illegal people into jail or onto the street. And you hope they make it into the FBI and make IT into a better place if it isn't already.

Arachnophobia is just a fear of spiders. Arachnids are just another word for spiders. Gastroenterologists are just stomach doctors, psychotherapists are just preachers without the faith part, political consultants are just people that watch the news.

It's not hard.

In math, simplification does not change the value of a number and neither do any of these things, making the numbers big and huge are just a way of getting you to quit trying to solve the problem.

What we need are some thunderheads like Sen. Warren or I dunno Rachel maybe or SarahK, someone "courageable" and not incorrigible; preferably NOT a governor, to thunder through some financial reform. Someone unafraid of a BILLION dollars staring them in the face. And hopefully NOT a lawyer cuz those guys are TOO not righteous to make good leaders.

You know what the worst thing about Christie is? I was all set to explain in a blog that the government was run better by people from law enforcement or soldiers and that senators and governors should not be allowed to run for President, until I realized that Christie WAS a police officer, and that MOST of his "crew" are fellow officers, and that probably MOST lawyers have no problem changing sides exculpating themselves of any wrongdoing when it comes to abusing their privilege.

Now, I have no idea WHO would make a good president.

I am happy with Obama but he can't really sound the bell when it comes to taking out the trash and I fear that Warren would have that problem too. But what alternative then? Rubio and Cruz and even McCain come across as callous towards the poor. They come across very much like the us/them mentality that rich people WANT them to have. And without the mindset of professors like Obama and Warren, I fear our leaders.

I honestly think they would rather NOT understand everything they are in charge of.

PS. the worst part of not suing people is that the secret of it, allows evil people to influence all of those people BECAUSE it is secret much like people have used secrets to influence me. So maybe the right thing to do is to go ahead with the lawsuit for the sake of society and for justice. btw, I earned my degree almost 20 years ago and never spent a day in the Finance Dept so my BIG degree doesn't necessarily earn me a job