Cool Thoughts 2

I like to write so I am writing. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, May 28, 2012


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To be Christian, or moreover religious, is to be prejudiced.

EDIT: Actually Christ came to remove prejudice from the people who follow the Bible, imo.

Old Testament = useful but prejudice evoking as in respect God or else. New Testament = Let's respect God and each other at the same time.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Moonraker what?

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If you find yourself walking down the road wondering why people don't hitchhike anymore, you can blame society. Or, you can blame Republicans. Or you can stop reading this and blame Cheerios, cuz the British are too happy for all of this to be coincidence.

I believe, though this has nothing to do with people putting their shit on me, that monsters are created by the Republicans. Obviously if some people are better than others then the ones "rated worst by consumers" are the ones that catch hell from all the rest. These become monsters in society... the "skin of evil" as one Star Trek episode put it.

So small wonder then that whoring, hitchhiking, even giving each other a jump, is now getting more and more rare. In a society that loses trust, we have more criminals. You ever wonder why Las Vegas doesn't allow brothels in the city. It's perfectly legal but for some reason, not in the city. Well it's because the business runs more effectively with secrets, with power. And let's not forget that it's probably one big monopoly over there cuz if it was open like people think it is, every Jack and Jill would open up shop in their trailer; one providing the service, the other providing collections.

The hardest part of any business is collections... unless you're a bank.

If society were more trusting, more peaceful, children would walk the streets from one house to another, to the store, to the mall even.

I was thinking the other day, cuz I'm a democrat, that what happened to policy of jumping one another? The other day we were out of a battery and we asked everyone for a jump noone had cables. But this used to be a common problem. Now it's all forbidden and possible this and that could mess up your engine. In fact, I bet there are a couple of people out there, monster types, that would like to mess up your car if gave them a chance. You see, a democrat is innocent of violence, and harassment is violence.

He believes with more people, more information available, more scrutiny, all of this bad behavior can be corrected and good behavior can be fueled. He believes "that which you do unto the least of these, you do unto me". He believes the community is a body, and correctly that a wounded body bleeds and bleeds until the wound is healed.

Take one democrat, add violence, trap him, in a little cage, shake, and poof you have a Republican. Yeah. Cuz you really can't let yourself be beaten down to nothing without changing. You ask wait a minute, I thought we were all intellectuals and instead I'm getting violence, well ok then forget intellect, who's winning monkeys?! Which side?

Cuz there's always two sides and then come the Democrats. The Joker was a Democrat hahaha.

There is a lot to be learned from suicides. The greatest sacrifice one can give is yourself. You have to know that groups of people, all Republican, are causing this behavior. You have to know that noone would rather off themselves than eat a bowl of cheerios unless there was some "violence" constantly, periodically visited. Maybe some shame like the video of gay behavior which is not so bad, the knowing it's out there, as the people who now get free hits reminding the shamed individual. Remind him of what? That he has nothing on them in return and it's gonna be free hits to kingdom come unless he joins a gay gang and whew whattadaya know, another group of Republicans!

Peaceful gays are democrats. Militant gays are Republicans. I capitalize Republicans because they are so mean, democrats don't care and why should they if they're happy. Let's make fun of em...

...and here we go again.

Would you do this? Have yourself a free laugh because someone is gay? More importantly, it's one thing to laugh at a group of people or at someone when they aren't around, and another to say I saw YOU do THIS and it's bad and I'm gonna tell everyone to hate you and you can't hit me hahaha and where's your mother cuz she needs to know...

If you can't name someone as your maker and then off yourself and still not get any respect, well then we really haven't watched Moonraker lately have we, or Superman II, or Lara Croft II.

I am assuming that someone young is reading this because all of you old people already know through years of not really thinking about it, what type you are. You are either leaded or unleaded. You either have a selfish nature and an addiction to money, or you don't.

It's not evil.

Addiction to money is what keeps everyone moving when the girls aren't coming your way, or men for that matter. Women are no different than men and I say that with humility. In their brains they are this and that chemicals blah blah bullshit. We have an outee and they have inee and that's all. If they try hard enough they can be as smart as us, I have seen it. Hahahaha. But it's rare. Same goes for black people and mexicans. But you can't confuse me for someone prejudiced. I don't admire retards, that's all. You know that people used to say that black people had bad night vision and some people say that it's impossible to learn English once you learn Spanish. Hah. Except me I guess. So keep thinking that we are all different and you will find yourself unable to find a jump, unable to hitchhike, and maybe... unable to even pay for sex in Las Vegas or even to get there!

The point I am making is you choose, but just KNOW which way you are going. When you are doing something Republican you are putting in a day's work, when you are doing something Democrat you are having a day off from working.

One is not better than the other. But we shouldn't do one of these for too long. On second thought... I think I'll have another day off.

Monday, May 21, 2012


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Btw, I am good at English but most of these are just first drafts so please forgive the roughness and if you feel like complaining, complain away to whoever, trust me it helps.

Sadness is kindness. Kindness is weakness. Happiness is being allowed to be weak.

EXtreme politics

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To understand where we want to go we have to look at absolutes. People all want to be a one but rather have a world that is a zero at the same time. It's called comfort level.

Extreme views show us what we all are thinking deep in the back of our minds so today I thought I would share some things.

An extreme Democrat would shut itself off from the world. It would pass money out to everybody and pretty soon there would be no crime.

In Citibank, people would get angry and protest about having their lunch taken from the fridge in the breakroom. Thieves! they would say. But after working there for 18 years to me it had become commonplace. It was always when new people would be hired that snacks would be taken, but little by little, because we were paid so much, as people were able to afford reliable transportation, as they moved into the apartment in a gated community, as they felt safer from theft, the snacks ceased to disappear. People would eventually leave their Dorito bags out on their desks and bring in pictures and treasures to store there, knowing, TRUSTING that noone needed them. And it was true, they would look at me with puzzled looks as if to say OH, you are prejudiced against poor people, but then they would realize the truth was there for all to see. People just love to make me out as the bad guy just because I speak out.

So it would be in the country. With more money for the poor, with more programs and public works, with more playgrounds and public movie theaters and parks, with more public health care and money for approved drugs, there is less crime. Do you really think people would sneak marijuana here and there and grow it and watch out for others so much if they could just walk into a place and buy a PROZAC instead? But people don't know what PROZAC is. Truth is legal drugs, like drinking and pills, is probably counterproductive to the illegal drug trade.

An extreme Democrat would chop off 50% of people's money, fix Social Security in a year, provide public housing at half rates and manage it through public elections and buy the buildings with public money. People would ride buses everywhere and all the police force woudl instead be bus drivers merely phoning in their concerns to drone planes or a dispatcher. People would get arrested at their homes with photos as proof and would spend maybe a week in jail for serious crimes and thefts that were really just more an impulse to do something wrong, rather than a need to steal. As a people, we woudl become avid voters with elections once every 6 months and max term limits of 1 because how hard can running things be if you got hundreds of thousands of people out there. Credit bureaus woudl be public as well as criminal records and information would be everywhere with nary a secret kept. Privacy would be a thing of the past because only rich people need secrets. If God is watching then how can having people watch you be any worse? Cameras would catch you doing everything from jacking off in the restroom to taking extra sweet and sour packets and things you say in your car are recorded and studied should you become a threat or even talk about running a red light. Society woudl be safer and guns would become unnecessary as most of what you would want... women, drugs, food, water, and even entertainment would be provided by the work you put in. Noone would be likely to even swear because the demerits you receive would cost you the time involved in signing off on the accusation and the information would be made public for all to see.

It's kind of amazing that someone would care enough to have all of this happen but it would happen logically as people started to care more about the country and each other and less about the outside world.

Now, let's talk about extreme Republicans. I can see how you probably are already fed up with Democrats but hold on as I make what being an extreme Republican would mean. And it's not so bad.

First, everyone would have a gun. Murder would be just an argument away from being legal and over with. Police would be there more to tell people who won the fight than to protect and serve. In fact, police would be the best way of becoming someone valuable to the best gang. Yeah cuz gangs would and the best gang woudl get the most payoff. People would walk around swearing and spitting and if you didn't like it, it's time to load up your bullets. Privacy would be everywhere. People would mind their own business and they better! There would be no taxes but there would be frequent visits from who knows but you. You would have no bills but you also wouldn't have any credit. Bankers and farmers and educators would all belong to the biggest gang and would get attacked often cuz that's what you do to those wishy washy types that don't get it.

Our military would be attacking Mexico, and why not they are sitting there not protecting their own borders and they know we are pissed about it and they do nothing. Anyone born black, blue, or japanese would become part of their own gang and voting would be accomplished in battles and the strongest would win, which would be like voting but without all the pesky re-counts that occur in elections. Your children would be like 1 or 2 cuz the weak ones would just bring shame to the family and there is always 1 or 2 of them like that in every familty. Unfortunate accidents would be everywhere and cancer would have like a single heading in the dictionary. Doctors would be militant and expert as would their expertise in poison and destruction. Doctors would probably be more idiotic though cuz how did they make it through school studying and not pissing someone off?

Yelling in public woudl be like a sure sign that some REAL entertainment was underway and most actors and actresses would be ugly as fuck cuz good-looking people would just get stoned or kidnapped for god knows what.

Trees, oceans, education, and even the air would be polluted and in danger of corruption. But we wouldn't need to worry about that cuz Mexico has trees. Plenty of em. And their water is not so dirty.

Your mother and father would be gang leaders and people would walk around happy as a kite in spring to brag and boast about the many people they killed and noone would need TV since stories and good times are just a human sacrifice away from a party. Noone would do drugs since being out of your mind was a surefire way to get into an argument that you would not be surviving. In fact weakness of any kind would be something to be weeded out of the main battle group. Women would give up sex like it was yesterdays Sunday paper and might even use that to wipe your ass with if you let em. There would be no diseases cuz sick people would just die unexpectedly for who knows what, and btw maybe he shouldn't have said those things about the doctor.

Pets would be a sure fire way to show people you got a chip on your shoulder so there would be like one or two pets at the top but usually not for long. Secrets and magic would be everywhere. Whole days woudl change. Suddenly it would be Sunday and then it woudl be Wednesday. Tomorrow would be New Year's and then comes Christmas. Religion would be there for the kids who like to read about what happens to stupid guys who challenge the people in charge, including Jesus and Ramses and Cain and Abel to name a few. WAY over there you would hear about a new gang having a lot of babies and suddenly you might get a little feeling of society like they might have an interesting leader or they might have some nice women for a change, and then your need to eradicate them woudl take over and your buddies would be next to you saying what are you doing? THINKING about it?

Lazy people would get pushed around and somewhere there would might be a fat chick strapped to a cross having food fed to her before her performance at the sacrifice. Everyone woudl be in good shape. All sex would be doggy style and there would be no marriage. Gay people would get kicked out or maybe just told quietly to leave, hah! no im just joking, they would get strapped up next to the fat chick, probably like while they were in high school.

Wait school? There would be no school, unless you call learning how to make bullets school. Infiltration would be commonplace. People woudl bullshit you all day long and you wouldn't have friends just people that would fight on your side. If you ever said I love you, to anyone, people would talk and soon you would be like hah I was just bullshitting you, Ma.

Mothers would have like no protection and churn out a kid once a year. Children would have no fathers but would have many father figures. Heroes woudl be everywhere. You could actually look up to people as a Republican and it woudl not be bullshit. The person in charge would not have to lie to get there cuz everyone would know who was dead and that would be all that mattered. Honor would be like something there used to be and the only good person was a dead person. Anger would be constant and to be suddenly without anger would be to be alone.

So somewhere between these two is where you fit in. Some of these things exist now, some not so much. It's important, especially if you are young to get this cuz there is no training on politics in school and mostly all of you 20 or below or even 30 have no idea what the rest of us are saying or doing unless the people you trust are telling you.

I don't care either way, I would dare say that people that do stuff cuz they CAN CAN CAN are Republican and people that do stuff for the sake of happiness and comfort are Democrat.

For my part, I used to be quite the Republican in my 20s, heh, well maybe it's not that funny. In fact I would dare say (again a dare what am I doing? no don't kill me) most young people are Republican, and most of those people need to be stopped.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Cure for cancer

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My cure for cancer.

I believe most diseases are like crabs. It's an overwhelming experience to live with pests but, if you go through it, you can use regular medicine instead of magic medicine to solve it.

Regular medicine is to look at what you did and undo what you did,.

Magic medicine is to take the Rubik's cube apart and reassemble it.

First you have to get rid of all the clothes you used. For some reason the little buggers don't die off in the laundry or even in bleach and hot water, but it does help.

Your pillows and your entire matress should be the next things to go. Now I'm not talking about how to cure cancer yet just how to purify your body of pests.

Next you should take hot baths. Like the theory of the frog that let's itself boil in water into oblivion, you should expect the pests to be able to withstand heat by simply becoming accustomed to it.

You can fight this by scrubbing your skin and letting soap linger on your skin for a while before rinsing. Just like good cop bad cop, using hot and cold can rinse the truth out of a liar. So it is with pests, they can get used to changing temperatures but they cannot get used to shock.

My cure for cancer, without breaking the Rubik's cube, is to take yourself out of the situation you are in. You have to get rid of the mattress. You have to move to a colder environment but one with hot water. You have to isolate your body from outside influence so that it can purge itself of the pests. An air purifier and a fan are a must. The fan must be used full blast to push old air out of the house once a month or so. The purifier should be one when you aren't sleeping. Agitated air just kicks up dust so nothing should be on as your body sleeps.

You need sleep to heal. The more energy you spend during the day, the more your sleep will help regenerate you at night. The effects are cumulative so complete isolation is preferable if you want to undo.

The final thing is sex. You need it. I don't know how but you have to get some to have your inner workings functioning well. It doesn't hurt to have some purpose or faith. This whole thing won't work if you don't want to live.

Think of curing yourself as a way of killing someone. In the movies, if you convince someone that they aren't gonna leave then they let it go, and they die easier, but if they fight or if someone else is their charge, if they are protecting somone, then they are much harder to kill, it's much harder for them to let themselves die.

You have to decide this when you are curing yourself.

I used to work in a restaurant and they have grades for QVC. Quality Value and Cleanliness. YOu could even apply those values to yourself in some ways heh. Honor Hardwork and Pestfree would be other ways to judge yourself in life.

Now this only applies to people leading a life of charm. There are other ways to make you way. Now you think that charm is an evil thing, that it's deceitful but charm is hard work and though just being a great person that people will follow seems to be just plain honest, the work behind being a great person is not effortless, it is something more... so it must be called charm.

Anyway getting back to the restaurant, there is a point in preparing for the big inspection that you have to decide if you want AAA, or if that one fry at the back of the fryer on the floor is really all that important. Because you will have to decide in your cure for cancer if you mind having some in your body that you can live with, or if you want it ALL GONE.

I got rid of my skin spots long ago by spending long hours in hot water that I would fill up over and over again. I then rinsed with cold and repeated the process but usually only on my days off.

After a couple of months I was spot free.

But now the spots are back, even a small amount eventually repopulate and then you have to start over. But it's a lot of work and for the most part if I just put extra covers on the pillows and wash every day and replace sheets often, the spots go down to some degree which, now that I understand the spots, doesn't both me so much.

I am less attractive however but meh it's not like I have an interview soon.

So for you the cure is in there somewhere. Breaking apart the Rubik's Cube is usually the course of action in many cases where it's an emergency and someone is about to die and I applaud medicine in those cases, but it's dark magic. White magic is to regenerate the body not to open it fix it and close it up again.

When it come to my kids though, to my people, I will choose dark magic heh, cuz why not.... hahahahaha or not.

OMG I just saw Charlize Theron on TV and I just gotta say it once... I wanna have your children!

Ok back to reality. Wait what were we talking about?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What do those religions types want?

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I was wrong to say things about Reagan. When more than 50% of the country elects someone as their leader, they can't be wrong. So even though it sounds and feels good to say "to hell with God", what you are doing, even in your own mind, is saying that YOU don't belong. So I will have to choose to abet my scorn or choose to simply say that I don't like the world, which would be stupid.

People talking that the world is wrong are letting others know that they are a bad influence to others. Many times this can be said to imply that a person has a chip on their shoulder. But what it means is that they are simply bringing others down, so you have to realize it's you and then resist the urge when you feel the need to speak out. Of course you should not resist it for too long and certainly not resist repeated attacks from one person.

I don't wish to say people have done things wrong as our leaders but when you choose to respect our leaders, you show others that you have self-respect as well.

I am watching a Jimmy Carter special and my friend used to talk about how Carter ruined the economy etc and was the worst president. He was talking about Israel and even though there are real problems out there, I am often apalled when people simply assume that to be Jewish is to revere Israel. As though the country was holy and that it was the same country the Bible speaks as as god's people.


And also it's annoying to discuss anti-semitism. I grew up and for 15 years I didn't know the first thing about a Jewish person(Jews). I remember the first thing I learned was this girl Robyn in class that was really good looking but odd and she was Jewish and found out that she could only marry another Jewish person. It made her more interesting than the other girls and I remember just looking over to her and wondering what being this "special" person was like. It was tantalizing.

Even now, I find the religion interesting. I watch the Jewish network and find out what it would be like to be Jewish. It's strange to have a religion in your country that is all about being a part of another country.

It's treason.

Well, it would be treason if this were not a free country and so because of that, my argument is that there can be no treason here. If we attack a soldier, that is just straight out assault. But you can't be against our country unless you are from another country with the intention of instilling your government into power.

So even terrorism is actually just criminal activity, outside the scope of the military. Strange huh.

So who are we afraid of when it comes to treason? Well, let me tellya. We are afraid of people who will use their influence to instill their people in power for the purpose of changing policy to accomodate foreign interests.

So what can we do? We have to decide if we are going to have a national belief system that defines what our God is and what it means to believe in him, or we are going to have to do away with God.

Of course the option of defining God is what is going to happen but how and for who's benefit is an age old question. If we leave God's will vague, then in the end, we will have to take a vote.

Since religion is inherently Republican as I said in the last post, then what will happen is there will be a battle of religions that end as you might have guessed with the two most popular religions eventually acting like monkeys. Small wonder that noone intellectual will be discussing the greater good or the public welfare or the love your neighbor clause of the bible when this battle gets brought. It will be us and them and the loudest person will be the leader and I guarantee you that he won't be good looking or be a female. It MIGHT be Oprah...

Btw, do you know what happens when monkeys don't like one another? They provoke each other, you know how? They shit themselves in front of each other. So if I ever tell you not to shit yourself, you've been properly insulted.

So it's not a stretch to see people trying to bring religion to the US and to make their religion the ONE. Meh, you have to watch AGORA to really see the direction the country will take. It was a great movie.

But like it says in the bible, the world is not without hope. It's surprising that in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah you find an example of how religion didn't work. The cities became completely independent of the rest of the world. They achieved all that they desired and eventually they fell into the desert. The bible says that God destroyed the cities and if the rest of the world had religion then that very well may be what happened because people without religion are on what Ben Stiller sed to Jennifer Aniston in Along Came Polly. She sed she had no plan for life and he sed sure you do. "You are on the non-plan plan."

That what it means to be democrat. But in the end everyone is happy you see? And with happiness comes a lack of reliance on others. If we asa country were completely happy there would be no war no hunger no suffering and we would want the rest of the world to join us but that would never happen because the rest of the world would have religion. They would have fear. They would attack us and we would take drugs to make it hurt less. We would pretend that they are going to stop once they get past their jealousy, but what they will want is not to feel right again they will want OUR BLOOD!

Whew, betcha wished you hadn't read that.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Third party perspective

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We don't need a third party that attacks the other parties, we need one that doesn't attack. The druggies - drinkers - orgy - we agree to let you rich people live for now... party. Rock Paper Scissors. Cuz hitting people with a rock could hurt them and doing it with scissors may do it even moreso, but maybe letting them hit you while under the influence is not so bad. The world begins with you and ends with you so why not add a little splash to your cogent thinking. It sounds like I do a lot of reefer but, nah, I don't even like it... not even a little.

BTW this is a picture from the actress in "The American". Great movie!

Vampire or BORG

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You don't really know who to vote for when you're stupid. You especially don't know what you want when you're an idiot. Stupid means you can't comprehend what your options are, idiot means you don't know all of your options. Such is the case for many people that claim to be Republicans.

In an extreme case, all of society will be either ruled by love or fear. Fear is what you get when you have a dictator. Love is what you get when you have an elected queen bee. So people that think they are part of the BORG or whatever sound stupid when they say stuff like "resistance is futile" and turn around and claim to be Republican. Democrats want less freedom to be bad and Republicans want TO HAVE freedom to be bad.

Everything that is happening in these years like legalizing gay marriage, legalizing higher drugs, legalizing abortion, these are all against the bible. These things are fundamentally democrat or achieved through MORE government. But where that takes us is to Sodom and Gomorrah. I believe in the stories of the bible and even though they are fancied up to stick in your hearts as a magical tale of God's power, the truth is there for you to figure out. People with completely controlled lives become the slaves of those in power. All happiness is removed from society because desire itself is something that can be provided... which makes having it less exciting. I struggle with not having had sex in a while and I would love to go down to Vegas and get myself a whore and just start scheduling my visits, But then sex would make me less happy. I would not feel that rush of nervousness in the face of a possible mate. That is what innocence is. The overwhelming sense of something new. It is a good thing and once it's lost... as it was said in Interview with a Vampire, "I cannot give it vital breath again. It's needs must wither." So though I understand the belief of religion and what it's for, a cannot say it is wrong. People must have their journey and I can't take them through it. It is also wrong for me to. But there is money to be had by predicting these journeys. If you know where the roulette ball is going to land, you can make a wager that doesn't put you in the wrong, like guessing if someone is going to lose their license. But to affect the wager, is deeply wrong. To use people to do this is dark magic. That is incredibly wrong and I think most people agree on this.

Don't even ask how wrong it would be to use policemen and public officials.

To hold someone captive through the use of public officials or to coerce someone through blackmail, is blood magic. Basically someone is getting served with violence no matter what the outcome. Obviously only the most righteously born of hell are capable of this. And the good news is that they are on their way back probably before the rest of us.

It can be said that to be religious and pursue faith is to have a belief that with good examples good things will happen because others will follow it. I'm a little off track here. Having faith is like believing all people will do good and then taking away their freedom when they do bad. This is how a dictator rules. Basically you steal yourself a gum and suddenly you don't belong with the rest of us. Yeah. Despite what a preacher will tell you and despite JESUS!, religious people are much less forgiving than a hive. Republicans would see everyone in jail who ever did anything wrong and maybe even some that didn't rather than sit next to a lazy good for nothing mexican that stole his way in here. And I believe that is wrong too, but it doesn't mean it's time to get the whip out and who am I talking to and I knew it he's a Jew! Republicans are the ones that have no problems with name calling and singling out people. They believe in might is right. They have in inferior sense of philosophy but hey if we are getting attacked, the time for philosophy has left the building, it's time for Reaganomics, hahahaha. I love Reagan, he was a fool, but a good looking one. And like many other puppets, your favorite puppet get's to go with Suri all over the world, rest have to stay in their boxes.

Puppets are what we get when we go to war. That is the reason for the Executioner's hood. Noone wants to know who killed Osama Bin Laden but they sure want him dead. And if Castro knows who killed Kennedy then meh, we don't need him dead so much. Besides every good society needs fuel.

You ever notice people playing darts. I was playing darts once with my brother-in-law and I noticed, because I'm good at everything that the more I beat him the angrier he got. I am always angry at myself but that's why I am so good at stuff. But it occurred to me that if I won more and more that he would get more and more angry. So I resolved to just let him be alpha. I am like a Picard in a cubicle. Remember that episode of conundrum where Worf is presumed to be captain because he is the most aggressive, that's what it's like to have the Republicans in power. They may not be the best choice, but they certainly aren't about to start playing video games or go out drinking when there is conquest to be had! It occurs to me just now that Republicans, though less civilized, probably get laid more.

It should be obvious to you now how my mind thinks. Less government is good when you wanna slap that banana-gay-drunk-never-gonna-have-kids-cuz-nigh-nah-wanna guy. And more government is good when that guy is YOU.

When the whole world is run by one government, then we can start to philosophize about how we get everyone into the game and turn the bible on and get it to work. But until people stop attacking us, we must attack them. So for Republicans to win, they gotta never stop attacking cuz people getting attacked can't think, they gotta stop being gay cuz no way is a Republican gonna find himself getting belittled by even his mother, they gotta ban abortion and drugs and even Sundays if they can get away with it cuz HAHAHAHA wouldn't that be funny to see people trying to vote for stuff and STILL not have it happen! And you have got to agree that THE MAN is king, or GOD, or king, or whatever as long as he gets it and I get my cut.

I imagine a world where one great whore is queen. Jezebel. Yeah sounded ridiculous when you first heard about it huh. But now it seems that if there were this great woman, willing to sleep with only the most successful men, who inspired others to also become there great men, and who with love and inspiration was able to power the world and get them to outshine one another that this would make it the perfect world. This is what it would mean to have a world ruled by love. It would be the BORG. But whattadaya know this is exactly backwards from the bible. It says that the world will end when the BORG or Jezebel reveals herself. This is perhaps why Jesus showed up and said love was good. Truth is love is stupid and inferior and that is why the Jews are in charge

I world ruled by fear is much more calm and had more freedom and all we need is the occassional sacrifice or two and hmmf even God agrees it can't be all bad. The old testament is so full of fear that I wonder if fear and death and slavery and suffering weren't introduced by God to get us to survive the rest of the world. Haven't you noticed that people that take advantage of others have less disease. Vampires are immune to disease, heh. Predators in preying on others are far more likely to complain than a fat chick. (Although fat chicks might have had enough of it to become experts at complaining). It may be God's wish that we not be happy. He may want us to struggle. People following God's wish may coincidentally want you lose some money as well. This is something I never understood being brought up in a Baptist community is why some people just didn't get it that belittling others is wrong. Weren't these people like me? Would they like it if I tried to belittle them? But then this must mean that as a religious person, I am supposed to take advantage of others. I am supposed to treat them as inferior beings devoid of enlightenment and following a "godless" path of self-indulgement and drugs. I am supposed to become Mitt Romney!

So dictators... hmm... well... as long as I get my cut.