Children decide?
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Well, today it's time to discuss what minors role in our society is. First we have to define what a minor is. The law states that contracts with minors are void. Yeah, college was good for something wasn't it?
Citibank doesn't think so, they signed up minors left and right but that's another story.
So when you say this about minors what you are saying is that they can't decide things. They can't say yes or no. So by this token, they can't go into an agreement because they are not yet of sound judgement. It's sort of like having an intellect or to be civil. The age of a civilian is 18. So it is then that minors can enter into contracts.
Now it should be noted that a child should not be able to lie. Because they are not yet of sound mind. I can tell you from experience that children will try things, much like I would, just to find out what it does. My friend once told me that his sister, as a child, put her hand on the stove flame and later after pulling it away and being restrained, she pulled free and put her hand in the stove again. Why? Well because she was a child. So to take a statement from a child, allows for them to damn someone else if they are being used to testify to a crime, but what if they false-testify? Nothing special right? No harm done? Just being childish?
Well remember the example of Salem's witchhunt. A group of children had a whole town of people from the "upper-middle" class charged with crimes while at the same time the entire lower class side of town had NOONE charged. And what happened when they were found out after umteen hangings for witchcraft were done? Nothing. Children. Their parents will "discipline" them apporpriately for having had people killed. (sarcasm)
In spanish culture, women celebrate their "quincenera". This is basically the age of decision for women. Quince is Spanish for 15. At this age most all of them have boobs and are ready to marry. If it was me, I was ready to marry at that age too. I was watching porn, checking out ladies and changing my voice in class getting embarassed and even messing with girls in my neighborhood wondering WTH am I gonna do until I am 18.
My solution, to skip my senior year, concurrent enrollment at 16 and start dating while living on campus at a Baptist University. But the BIG problem was that I didn't want to have to get married to an average girl but I wanted to have the sex because porn made it seem like everybody was having sex with everyone.
Now I am not going to sit here and tell you BOO HOO I watched too much porn. I loved it. But the fact is, had I got a girl pregnant that I wanted to marry, I probably would still be married to the same girl.
All of that tells me TWO things, first is that the age of decision should be lower. I believe there is a reason girls get pregnant and drop out of school at 16 a whole bunch. Because WHO can resist sex? I couldn't move out of my mother's house when I was 16 but I ws having sex. And what if a baby came out of that? And what if I was rolling all over the place trying to figure out how to date, have sex, be in love, ask a girl out without implying sex even though that is what I wanted and NO WAY was I getting married without having sex even though I was a Baptist. Yeah, it was very complicated for me. My solution eventually was to drop out of college and eventually end up in Jacksonville shacking up with a service industry chick who was able to afford her own apartment, mostly due to the fact she was already married. Yeah, I loved it. Like I loved porn. And everyone I came into contact with was happy as a kite around me because finally life was making sense... now that I was having sex.
But in hindsight I wouldn't wish that on MY children. I would have them out of the house at 14. High School, if my children even go, is going to get done in the form of a GED and they are getting pre-arranged to get married at 15. No reason to spend all of that time wallowing in freedom when all that happens is that darkness overtakes them. And I was plenty smart at 15. I could read, I could do a checkbook. I was doing Geometry and Algebra and writing book reports. That's all you need to be able to read and enter into contracts and do business and understand prices and costs with others. We should allow children to be on their own sooner but only if they are married. All this extra education is nice but, in the future, all this extra "stuff" and DEBT that people are saddled with is really going to be a moot point as educated people are asked to do more menial and simpler things.
When I was hired at Citibank, then AT&T UCS, I was in a roomful of people trying to pass a test. 10 people were picked that day. Everyone else in my group had college degrees and were true to form upper middle class people. Down the street, people from other telemarketing areas wanted to work in our area because we were the ones working on credit cards. It was a great honor to work there. Immediately everyone was taught about the 7 values and about mutual respect both for each other and for the customer. And this job became more and more difficult as we were given a great array of powers to solve customer concerns based on our decisions. We could change interest rates, remove late fees, change addresses, correct names, remove past dues and even add another person to the account. It was so empowering that almost every call was a learning experience. We were using an old database that simply organized blocks of info. It wasn't an application that asked you questions or tracked customer's info, it merely had clumps of information and you had to know where to look. If you knew everything, like I did. Your call lasted less than 3 minutes. If not, you eventually learned or just asked ppl like me to "give" you the answer which was mutual respect on my part right? But eventually, the people with the lower talk times, that "cheated" by asking me for the answer or "shortened" their calls, got the better raises. Too bad for me but I didn't sacrifice my understanding of doing a good job. I was the guy that was forever looking stuff up for other people since I was very good at explaining stuff. I have always been good at explaining stuff. And to it's credit, the business realized that people like me, needed more time to look stuff up, so they started up a group called the Subject Matter Experts(SME). This is not a new term but it and the teams associated with it were created while I was employed there.
Ok sidetracked, but my point was that over time my job got easier and easier. Workers now have scripts to read. They can't change a single thing on an account. Anything official has to be requested in writing and the education level needed is menial. A 14 could do that job and make the same 40k that I was earning. The sad fact is that because just about anybody could do the job, those people were actually hired, trash people, and then recognizing my level of respect and dominance proceeded to harass the crap out of me to the point that I could no longer function well at my job. In the end, I was removed from my job because of poor quality but that is not the truth. My dad, thinks it was due to being too close to retirement. Trash people. Only people from a jail cell would know how to harass another person on the phone, yet there they were doing it, hired full-time, earning medical insurance, and... committing crimes at work while management allowed it.
Most education is like that, just a whole bunch of repetition that is not very practical. All entry level positions are basically secretarial work: answer the phones, know the product, direct calls, keep track of your progress. A 14 year old with a child and a spouse would do that VERY well, most especially if the spouse was not working. The college they need should be PAID FOR and it should be related to the job they are in. So IDEA have the company provide housing and hire these younglings to one day be top management. Make the whole city flow from these workers.
So change the legal age to 15. It makes marriages easier. Well it's an idea. I know I would have rather started working sooner and even if not married, I would be married soon after collecting my first couple of paychecks.
I'm tired now so no summary this time.
Oh ok, one more thing. Little children being used as entertainment really needs to be stopped. Children are supposed to be free of power until they can decide things but if they are on stage, they learn too soon about leading people and they are not old enough to do that responsibly. It should not be allowed.
Child in the news today speeching against Republicans, "I am not a prop!"
My answer: "Until what you do has consequences, yes you are. "